11. W.T.F.

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1957 Words

I was woken up form a sound sleep by my annoying phone. I didn't have to see the caller id to know who it was or what it was about. This ringtone only sounded when there was a problem. I sat up quickly and answered the phone. I didn't even get a chance to say anything before I heard the person from the other end. "We have a problem." Even in my tired state I still rolled my eyes at him. The only reason anyone would be calling me from that line was if there was a problem. "There are six that we know about. They're on the north side. I'll have someone pick you up in 5."

He waited for me to talk now that I had some information to proses. I already knew that I would get the rest of the info in route, but there was something I had to make sure of first. "Babysitter" I said and he asked me what I was talking about. "I have a little kid I'm taking care of. I need somebody to keep an eye on him while I deal with this. Send a babysitter." I heard snickering from the phone. "We don't have time for your shit right now. I need someone here to watch my kid while I'm gone. That, or you can take care of your problems on your own. Your call." That shut him up quick. He said he would sent someone and they would be here in 10 minutes. "Fine. He's sleeping so five minutes alone shouldn't be a problem. But if you fuck me on this, I'm coming for your head." He agreed and we hung up.

I quickly got dressed and looked in on my little guy. Two days together and I was already worrying about him this much. I did promise to protect him. And I am a man of my word. I went downstairs and got my boots on before heading out.


Three hours of chasing 8 not 6 rogue wolves down and I was exhausted. I just wanted to have a hot shower and crawl into bed. My clothes were hanging off me in shreds and there was somebodies blood on me. If it wasn't for the lack of sleep I would have said it was a fun night. But as the sun started coming up behind me, I walked into my house.

I took my boots off leaving them by the door. As I walked up my stairs I pulled the rest of my ripped shirt off. I mopped the sweet from my back and chest with the rag I was now holding. I went straight to my bathroom and finished stripping. The hot water felt great on my sore muscles. After getting all clean again I dried myself and stepped out of my bathroom. My bed was right in front of me and I was so looking forward to passing out on it.

But as I was looking at my bed, my covers moved on there own. As I was staring at the covers wondering what was going on, the head of a teddy bear poked out from under them. As I stood there stunned at the sight blond hair followed the bear. And then Kennith's head popped up and he was staring at me. His eyes went wide then he fell back and covered himself back up. I just stood there wondering what just happened. Why was he in my bed? And how did he get there in the first place? He peeked out from under thee covers then hid again. What was going on here? And where was the babysitter that was supposed to be here?

Then his bear came out from under the covers and it was thrown at me. It went low and I caught it. While looking down to catch the bear I noticed I had been standing there naked. That's why he kept hiding from me. "Oh. Umm... shit. Give me a second." I went to my dresser and grabbed some underwear then put them on. "Okay, I'm covered." I said and he peeked at me. He nodded, in approval I was hopping. "You ready to get up?" I asked and he shook his head. He still had that pacifier in his mouth. So when he patted my side of the bed and said sleep, it sounded more like sweep.

I was a little hesitant at first. But when he huffed and pulled the covers back for me, I got into bed. I laid there on my back looking at him. He reached over and covered me up. Then he laid halfway on top of me and said sweep again. My eyes started to close on there own and I did sleep.

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