SanjixReader „Butterflies"

Start from the beginning

„You'll have to pay me back for not telling him, you know that?" Nami smiled innocently.

„You sneaky little..."
You've been cut off by Nami again.
„I think the wind is coming soon! Hoist sails. Come on let's get you to your date meeting point, (Y/N)!"

„Don't be so loud!!"


After three days of sailing, you finally reached butterfly island.

You smiled joyfully and Sanji was also on cloud seven all day long. It made him quite fluttery to think about being alone with you.

He even prepared a sweet little picnic basket just for you two.

It was filled with (F/F) and some sweet romantic stuff to light up the mood. He really hoped, you would accept his feelings towards you.

„Hey Sanji, can we go now?"

„Yeah sure, my sweet little (Y/N)! I won't let you wait any longer."

He came out of the kitchen, smiling at you with a smile, wich made your heart go crazy.

„You look breathtaking."

You blushed a little adjusting the knee-length (F/C) dress. Nami insisted that you wear it and also applied a little make-up to you right away. Robin, who noticed your uncomfortable state, said all this would fit your (E/C) eyes and
(H/L) (H/C) hair.

You were sceptical at first, but when Nami dragged you in front of the mirror, you couldn't help but smile a little. It did indeed look breathtaking.

And you really hoped, it would take all of Sanjis attention, because he could easily fall for another women, he'd see in town.

„Th-Thanks... you don't look bad either."
Sanji blushed and held his hand out for you.
„L-Let's go (Y/N)..."

Once you two got of the ship, Sanji started to lead you into another direction, from what you expected.

„Uuh... Sanji? The town is the other way."
„I know."
You cocked an eyebrow. „Then why are we not going there?"

He looked back at you and smiled. Then he pulled out a blindfold.
You stared at the fabric in confusion.
„What is this about?"
You pulled back your hand and folded your arms with a suspicious look on your face.

„It's just for your eyes (Y/N)-Chan. I have a surprise for you. Please put it on."
He looked at you with puppy eyes.
„I will trust you, but if it's one of your perverted ideas, I'll rip out your balls." You took the blindfold from his hand and put it on.

You heard him chuckle and then you felt him taking your hand and a slight pull into a direction.

You didn't knew, how long you two were walking, but you eventually came to a stop.

„Can I take it off?"

„Not yet, my sweet."

You heard some shuffling and wondered what Sanii was up to.

„Can I take it off now?"

Sanji admired his work and turned back to you. You were so clueless and cute with this blindfold. He should make surprises  more often.
Well...  if you would continue dating him.


You loosed the knot on the back of your head and blinked against the light. When you got used to it you looked around in awe.

It was a beautiful field, full of flowers, butterflies flying around. Then your gaze landed on the beautifully arranged blanket. Some rose petals lying on it with a few candles, even though the sun was still shining. Your favorite food perfectly placed next to two wine glasses.
Your eyes sparkled. It was the most beautiful thing someone has ever done for you.
"Sanji, I..."

Fear came over him.
You didn't like it?
Or worst you weren't interested?!

"I love it!"
You smiled at him with teary eyes.
Sanji smiled back.

"Come on, let's eat. I prepared all your favorite dishes."
"I can see that. You are the best!"

It was probably your best date so far. Sanji treated you like a princess and even insisted on feeding you.
You two watched the butterflies flying around and he told you some funny stories about his time in the Baratie, while drinking the wine.
It was perfect.

Now you two were lying on the blanket and watching the sky slowly turn pink. Sanji, being the gentleman he is, put his arm under your head as a pillow.

„And that cloud over there looks like a fish." You pointed at said cloud.
„Really? I think it looks more like a heart."
„You're so cheesy, Sanji."
He giggled at your response.

„Hey (Y/N)?"
You looked up at him with curious eyes.
„Do you like this?"
You smiled. „Yes of course!"
„I mean do you like these kinds of dates? Or is it too much cliché for you? Because the last thing I want is for you to feel bored or uncomfortable."

You lifted yourself up and smiled at the cook, „I love it Sanji. Just like I love you and your romantic style."

Many girls weren't into romantic boys. They wanted a bad boy or a funny boy. They wanted someone like Zoro, Luffy or maybe even Usopp. But someone like Sanji was not a good lover in their eyes.
Like Nami always told you:
„He isn't made for relationships. Sooner or later, he will flirt with other women again."
But you liked all this cheesy stuff.
You liked it when Sanji called you Y/N-chan. You loved it when he made you your favorite food and brought you flowers.
And you loved his Gentleman attitude. How he would open the door for you and how he treats you like a princess.

That's why he was the boy, who could easily win your heart over.

You came closer to him till your lips hovered over his.
Sanji was blushing bright, clearly not expecting you to do the first move.

You pulled him up by his collar and smashed your lips onto his.
It was like in your dreams.
His soft lips on yours and the sweet breeze around you two.
You wished this moment would last forever.

„Oi Y/N!! Why you kissing swirly brows?"

Startled, you pulled away from each other, looking at Zoro who was standing not far away.

„Damn you Mosshead!!! What are you doing here?! Get lost!"

„I wasn't talking to you Ero-Cook! I asked Y/N not you!"

You snickered and got up.
"What are you doing here anyway?"
Zoro huffed and looked away, "I wanted to go into the town, but then I stumbled upon you two."
"So in other words, you got lost."
"I did not!! Also the sun goes down, so you better get ready or we'll leave you on this island!"

With that, he disappeared back into the woods.

"Should we maybe take him with us?"

Sanji who was putting the picnic stuff back into the basket looked up and shock his head. "Nah he's good. I'm pretty Usopp will get him back soon."
He took the basket into one hand and held yours with the other.

Walking back to the Sunny, you felt him peck your cheek and knuckles.
"We should do this more often."
You smiled up at him, "Yes. Yes we should."

Finally finished
Sorry it took so long
I'll be faster next time I promise
Byeeee 😘

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