SanjixReader „Butterflies"

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You turned around, smiling when you saw Sanji.

„Hey Sanji. What's up?"

He smiled a blush dusting his cheek. But he always acted that way around women, so you were used to it.

„Do you know what island we reach next?"
„No. Is it a special island?"

Sanji nodded, „It's an island full of butterflies. Also known as ‚Butterfly Island' and I was wondering, if you want to explore the island with me. Please?"

Your eyes started to sparkle.
You loved butterflies!
They were so pretty and elegant. So of course you want to explore an island full of those creatures.

„I'd love to!"

You gave the cook your best smile and he returned it.
„Great! As soon as we arrive, wait for me in the kitchen, okay?"

Sanji went back to screaming internally, while entering the kitchen.
He had asked you out!
Well, you didn't knew he did, but at least he got something like a date with you.
Now he just needed to prepare some things to finally confess.

Back on the deck, you were watching the ocean with a smile and a blush all over your face.
The man you liked asked you to spend time with him!
You wanted to jump around and giggle like a little girl, but Nami could see you and you really didn't want to explain it to her.

Speak of the devil...

„Hey (Y/N), can you help me?" Nami asked with a map in her hands.
„Of course Nami."

You looked at the map. „Is there a problem? Or does the log port malfunction?"
„No nothing like that, it's just that our route will take a little bit longer, because we lack wind right now."

„Oh! How long will take then?"

Nami sighed. „Depends on, how long the wind will be gone. It can take hours, but if we're unlucky then maybe a whole week."

„Oh man. Then I have to tell Sanji, that it'll  take longer to arrive at the Butterfly Island."

Only when you saw Namis smudged smirk, you realized. You had given yourself out.

„Soooo..." Nami grinned at you, „he finally asked you out?"
„Shut up, it's not a date! He just wants to explore the island with me, because he knows I like butterflies!"

„But he only asked you, didn't he? So that means he wants to spend time with you. Wich proves that he has a crush on you as well!"

„Psst Nami! Don't say it! What if he hears?!"

„Oh please, he's in the kitchen! There's no way he can hear me."

„Who can't hear who?"

You almost screamed when Luffy's voice was suddenly next to your ear.
"Luffy! Please don't sneak on like that! I almost had a heart attack."
„Sorry shishishishi."

He laughed rubbing the back of his neck.
„Who were you talking about? Sanji just kicked me out of the kitchen, because I tried to get some food. And then I heard you two talking about him, so I got curious."

Nami grinned evilly and you knew, this meant no good.
„Well (Y/N) has this tiny little crush on..."

You were quick enough to cover her mouth, looking embarrassed.

„Luffy, I think I heard Usopp calling you. Maybe you should check it out."

„Really?! Okay!!"

You sighed relieved, when he was gone, finally taking your hands from Namis mouth.

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