Welcome to Beacon hills High

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"Hi dad." y/n said coming down the stairs. "You wanted to see me." Derek cleared his throat,"Yeah hon, it's about high school." Y/n looked surprised. She was never allowed to leave the apartment let alone go to public school.
Her dad always said it was too risky . If anyone found out she was a Hale let alone a Luna wolf she could be in grave danger. Y/n took a seat on the couch. Her eyes meeting  her father's."I've decided you can go to Beacon Hills High, BUT you can't tell anyone who you really are ... Ok ?" Y/n jumped up in excitement , "Thank you , thank you , thank you , I won't let you down I promise , when do I start." Derek smile ," In two days." Y/n jumped up and hugged him tightly, then ran up to her shutting the down behind her she jumped onto her bed a huge smile spreading across her face. This was it.

Two days later

Y/n's pov

My first day in High school. I was in junior year and  I was nervous by also excited. Walking up the steps and taking a deep breath then I opened the door and made my way to Miss Martin's office. She was a red haired woman with a bright smile on her face. She quickly checked me in and gave me my class schedule. I thanked her and headed toward my first class of the day, Algebra, I hate algebra.

The Vice principal  walked me over to the classroom and opened the door for me, I walked in and took an open seat behind a skinny, dark haired guy. Taking out my pen and book. As I opened my book my pen fell. I quitely cursed under my breath and bent down to pick it up, not realising that the guy sitting Infront of me also bent down and picked it up for me. When I realised it was too late I had already bumped my head into his. "Ouch!" he whispered. "Sorry " I frantically apologized. He handed me my pen."Thanks" I smiled taking the pen from him. "No problem I'm s..." he started saying. "Mister Stillinsk care to share your conversation with the class." The teacher yelled making everyone look our way. "I think I'll pass ", he said with a mischievous smile. Letting out a sigh she continued with her lesson. After the lesson was done I headed for the door and I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder turning around the Stillinsk guy look at me grinning ."I'm Stiles." He said holding out his hand. "Y/n." I said shaking it. "Well y/n, Welcome to Beacon Hills High."

I made my way to my locker when I saw a bunch of guys pick someone up by their shirt. If there was one thing I hated most it was bullies. "Hey, what's going on here, let them go." I said walking towards them. "Nothing mind you own business newbie." He scoffed. "First of all it's not nice to bully people, second of all I said let him go."
He took his hand off the guys shirt releasing him and started laughing. Then he suddenly punched me in the face. I was completely shocked, wiping the blood off my lip and facing him again. It took a lot of self control not to shift but I managed to control it. He came closer and that is when I took the opportunity to judo flip him. Knocking his breath out, I walked away.

Stiles pov

I was headed to the library when I saw
y/n getting punched by Jason. I went to help but by the time I arrived y/n had already judo flipped him and walked away. So I went to find Scott in the library. I found Malia, Scott and Lydia talking about something. "Hey guys watch ya talking about." I asked sitting down. "The new girl, did you see how she judo flipped that guy?" Malia replied.
"Yah, she totally went Annabeth chase style on him." I said thinking back. Scott looked confused not getting the reference at all. "Nevermind , I met her in algebra her name is y/n." I told them recalling my meeting with the new girl.
"I think we should keep an eye out." Lydia continued "just in case." I wanted to tell Lydia that not everyone is supernatural but I was cut off by the bell.

Isaac's pov

I went over to Biology class and when I went to sit down I noticed a girl in my seat."Hey that's my seat ...move." I said. " I'm sorry who are you?" She asked looking up at me. "Isaac ... Now move." I demanded. "Well Isaac,  First of all you could ask nicely and secondly I don't see your name on this seat." She replied sarcasticly pouting. I was absolutely speechless then the door flung open Mister Blake walked in. "Ok class today we'll be working in groups of three." He started saying names. "Malia, Y/n and Isaac." He called out. I knew Malia but I didn't know a Y/n and that could only mean one thing. "You can't be serious " I heard the girl yell. I assume that was y/n. "Is there a problem Miss Kings." Mister Blake asked confused. "No sir, I guess not." She sighed. "Good, now partner up." he says and everyone started forming into their groups.

Y/n's pov

I quickly moved towards Isaac and a girl how I assumed to be Malia. I greeted Malia and gave Isaac a glare then turned to the front as we where given our assessment. We had to come up with a solution to purify toxic gasses in the atmosphere. We all agreed to meet each other tomorrow in the library.
The day was over and I had to walk the long way home to make sure nobody followed me. After I finally got home I noticed a note on the table saying :

Dear Y/N I hope you had a good day at school. You can tell me about it when I come home. I'm not going to be there tonight, I have somethings to sort out with some friends but I left money for take out under the left couch cushion.
Love you. Dad.

This was normal. Sometime I don't see my dad for weeks. But I wasn't worried. I went up to my room and changed into my PJ's. I ordered chicken mayo pizza and got comfy on the couch.

Well I guess it looks like pizza and movies tonight.

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