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Woke up in a new atmosphere, a different land. No supplies or gadgets. What is this place? We did all the stars go? He said. Not knowing where he is, the lad panicked. A desert, no stars, just a big deserted landscape. Where am I? He wonders.

The atmosphere was cold, calm as a void, yet the lad felt warmth. He looked up to the sky and noticed a glint, a reflection, far away, a star! He said. Started moving towards it. The closer he gets, the warmer he feels. With no signs of life whatsoever, he reaches a hill. From there, he saw a civilization, a life.

It was a dawn for the lad as if he had been absent for ages, a civilization remains. The Great Purge destroyed everything. I can still remember how it happened as if it was yesterday, he said. Kept on moving toward the passage, leading him to an entrance where he was greeted by city guards. At least that's what he thought of people guarding the entrance. However, it wasn't much of a greeting as much as a capture. A human, a living being, a survivor wandering outside a city wall. That's mental, the guards said while reporting the incident to their higher-ups.

Held captive, no chains, just ropes. No darkness, just a room full of mirrors, the ceiling is groovy. Am I held at a tower? He said. A lot of noise, guards screaming and shouting. It turns out the guards were a part of a scout legion, and kept on reporting about certain incidents during the morning patrols. 150 members confirmed life loss, 300 wounded, 3 destroyed bases, no track of the first squadron, the legion is bleeding, the lad kept hearing, confused. A legion, battalion, squadron, wars among men even in times of crisis? He said.

A man entered the hall, the lad could see the guards addressing him as Lord Hand. He was old and from the looks of it, very popular. True, he was no king, but he was in charge. The guards' tone could tell. One of the guards explained the situation to him while the other guard was getting yelled at by the new man's companion, who looked a lot younger and cocky, Prince Chief they called him. 

Hand of a King? The lad said. A chief, wait, Indoria, survived, the system prevailed. The lad seems relieved, still a bit confused, but at least the loneliness disappeared.Suddenly the two men approached the door. It's open now. The lad, cuffed with ropes, faced two men. They asked for the guards to leave the tower and not speak of their whereabouts and let them break down the issue, the lad.

The two men approached, the elder stopped the young one before entering, asking him to go back downstairs and help set a plan to help regroup the squadrons, while he could talk to this anonymous person the guards just encountered. But he refused, said he wanted to take matters into his own hands. He said, "It's my father's kingdom, and it's my responsibility now to contribute in making it safe and livable as much as possible. See, you said it yourself, those shadows might be able to shape-shift. 

You can never know for all certainty if the outsider over there is real or not, and also you're old, you'll need all the hands you can need." Mocking the Hand willingly and being proud about it, the old one noticed, so he backed down to a chair at the entrance and said, "Well, honored Chief, after you, Go protect the kingdom."

The young one entered, took a seat, and locked eyes with the lad. "Word has it you bear no branding tattoo. None of the guards recognized you on your way here. It's unsettling to acknowledge the old geezer might be onto something about settlements beyond these walls. If that's the case, I need to know precisely where you came from."

The lad, a hint of defiance in his gaze, responded, "Since when is an Indorian's life so casually disregarded? Branding tattoos? Since when did slavery rear its head again?"

The chief chuckled, "Slavery? It seems you've been asleep for years, boy. The old ways are long gone. There's no one true realm, no society nor freedom left, and certainly no Indoria. The old land of Indoria turned to ashes. none but this Kingdom prevailed, Meliodon is the only one left." The lad remembered the old companion, telling him about a land so rich, the closest land to stars, the sky mines of Meliodone, he asked, "Meliodone? The sky mines?" The old man was taken aback; he knew about the old mines, a well-kept secret among the old-timers. The rest dismissed it as mere tales. He stood up, advancing towards the lad.

The young chief laughed. "So, you're into old people's tales, the kind old Caesar might entertain. Not me. You give the impression of talking to a child. I don't appreciate that. You're in a position of need, seeking refuge, and I'm your only hope. You know what? I might just send you out alone at night and let the shadows decide your fate. Yes, sir, that sounds like a solid plan for you, my friend." The lad retorted, "You don't strike me as the man in charge."

The arrogant chief, visibly agitated, almost losing his composure, sneered, "Well, we don't need to wait until night." The old Caesar shouted at him to stop, but he paid no heed. "It's just another useless human life, forfeit like a fly, like every other battalion leaving these walls," he whispered in the lad's ear, drawing his dagger. This triggered the lad, prompting him to swiftly strike the arrogance out of the young chief, breaking his nose in the process.

The old one starts laughing while the other one is on the ground moaning and looking confused. He tries to reach out for his dagger, but the old one stops him. He said, "Well, I'll tell you what, you're lucky he's the one who broke your nose. I was about to bash your skull with this chair. Back off now, will you?

 And Todd, next time listen to what I'm saying, and you might keep your face bright. Tell me something, just a minute ago you were giving the boy a hard time, giving threats and getting no information whatsoever, pretending to be an all-knowing man yet you moan and scream like a girl. Wait a second, that was an understatement; a girl is much more resilient. 

I think my daughter can do a much better job as a chief commander, and she does have a brain. I might just give the king a little whisper about this matter since his beloved spoiled son might be cockless or more like an actual ballsack of shit who tries to kill a cuffed man, and speaking of insults, I am certain I have the upper hand in what concerns the lad over there."Todd responded, "He is an outsider, and I will not tolerate being a laughing stock for an old geezer and an outsider." The old Caesar said, "Well, the joke's on you, little one. You know what, just piss off already.

 Talking to you is just a waste of time, and as you can see, the hand is busy now. You're bleeding all over and you look shameful. So try to sneak out of the place unnoticed." The arrogant Todd leaves, saying while speed-walking out of the hall, "It's only a matter of time, you rusty geezer. You won't live forever. I will dance at your funeral." The old one said, "Make sure to tell your father too. He's old enough to fit the description, ironically." The other replied, "You are fucking mad!"

"Sorry for the hustle, lad. I guess this is embarrassing enough, so excuse this weird shit show you had to endure," he stated. "Son, let's face it, You are a foreigner. I never saw you here, so I know that for a fact, yet I believe you are somehow familiar with this particular place, you mentioned it before, right? May I ask how? Oh, wait, excuse my manners, I never officially introduced myself. 

My name is Caesar. Once again, excuse the little runt's audition. King's blood and new recruits, unfortunately,  bad combination. May I ask about your name?"The lad stated, "My name is..." Suddenly, a guard interrupts the conversation, stating, "Sir, the table needs you at the palace." The lad responds, "I thought I was clear about not mentioning my whereabouts when I addressed you and Chad, son, what like now?" The guard stated, "Yes, sir. The king is in a very bad condition.""Well, I guess there is no escape then.

 Okay, look, ask Chad to look after this lad, make sure he's fed and well-rested. I still need to talk to you, so don't go anywhere, son. No lurking around while you're here, and stay where you can be spotted, I'm dead serious."The Hand left the stage. Another guy came by, the so-called Chad, addressed his colleague, "I just saw Chief bleeding. What's up?"

 Then he sees the lad's clothes have bloodstains, and he says, "That's what's up, huh? The outsider, got a name?" The lad responds, "Name's Nova." Chad stated, "Nova? So you are into old-timers' tales." The lad stated, "What?" Never mind, man. Let's get moving before the sunset, alright.", Chad said.

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