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A/n pov

She was about to fall when someone from behind hold her in his arms and pick her up in bridal style. He look at her face who was slowly loosing her consciousness. His grin wider seeing her almost unconscious in his arms and whisper.
??- "sleep well princess"
Yes it was Taehyung who mixed drugs in her drink so that he can spend some more time with her alone. Holding her in his arms securely he took her towards his room which is on upper floor while party was still going on hall but does he care hell no.
Putting her on bed gently he keep looking at her face which shining brightly under the moon light making her look ethereal. Creassing her face with his thumb he pecked on her forehead,eyes and cheeks then his eyes went to her lips which has a little pout. He wanted to kiss her so badly but controlled himself.
Tae- "u don't know princess how much I am controlling myself to kiss the hell out of u but I won't because I want our first kiss to be when you are conscious so that I can tell you how much I love you and how much I crave for you but don't worry soon u will hug me kiss me and tell me you love me too"

Kissing on her forehead one more time he went outside to call a maid and told her to change her dress and went towards another room to get fresh up.
Opening the door of his room he walked inside only in a sweatpants. Walking closer to bed he saw her sleeping peacefully in his shirt. Laying beside her he pulled her closer to him and snuggle on her neck sniffing her sweet scent which is very addictive to him he kissed her there before sucking on it  lightly he closed his eyes in satisfaction. Opening his eyes he look at the art which is little red now. He doesn't want to make it more deep or she will be freak out, hugging her tightly he closed his eyes and soon drifted to sleep.

(Time skip)
Next morning

Sunlight peek through the curtains making whole room shine brightly. She squint her eyes when it hit her face. She groan and turn around snuggling more into the soft yet hard pillow. Her eyes flutter open when a manly scent hit her nose. Looking up she found Taehyung sleeping peacefully. Her eyes widened in shock when she realised in what position they are in. Her head was on his naked chest and his one hand on her waist pulling her closer and another one under her head and her both hand around his waist hugging him while both of there legs were tangled with eachother. She was staring at him with widened eyes but came back in her sense when he snuggle more into her. Pushing him off from her she scream out loud sitting on bed while he groan in pain because of her sudden push which cause him to directly land on floor.

She scream while he just get up from floor rubbing his butt and sat on the bed facing her all clam.
Tae- "It's not your room it's my room"
She look around the room that's when she realised she is not in her mansion but in Taehyung mansion and in his room too. But her eyes widened when she realised that she is only in a shirt quickly pulling the duvet over her she cover herself fully and look at Taehyung who was looking at her every action.
"Aww till when u are gonna hide urself from me princess"
He thinks and chuckled internally.
He tightly closed his eyes because of her loud screaming.
Tae- " yah! Stop shouting will you? And about ur clothes what do you think princess"
He said with a smirk but in return he got smacked by pillow on his face which was thrown by her. He look at who was now glaring at him but for him she was looking cute.
Y/n- "Stop playing around and tell me everything clearly"
Tae- "ok ok so yesterday night u got fainted so I took u here and maid was the one who changed your dress"
Y/n- "u could have sent me to my house too"
Tae- "yeah but I didn't know your address"
Y/n- "Then why didn't you call my secretary"
Tae- "I tried to find her but she was no where to be seen that's why I took u here"

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