"I'm looking forward to it. Once you're done cutting, let's put that in the marinade." He brought the subject back to the task at hand. You gave him an annoyed face before continuing to cut.

When you were finished, you turned to look over at him and it was quite a sight. His rolled up sleeves, hair falling over his eyes, and damn those veins in his arms were sticking out. You were trying your best not to drool but wow.

The two of you sat down at the table after you had finished prepping. You guys got to talking about food and before you realized, a lot of time had passed.

"Is that clock right? It's already 6? I didn't mean to talk your ear off about cooking when we actually need to cook right now." You said, looking over at the oven clock.

"No, you didn't and I enjoyed talking with you. We should probably start grilling though. Follow me." He stood up, grabbing the food and heading outside.

You hadn't realized before but there was a grill on the opposite wall of the bench Jungwon was once on. Boy were you right about it being beautiful at night though. The yard was illuminated by a few solar lights on the ground but the star of the show was the moon. It was full and brighter than ever. The light glistened off the pool, making you look forward to the day you'd get to take a swim.

"We'll need to have a pool day soon with the way you're gawking." Jay pulled you back to reality.

"It's been a while since I've been swimming. I'm looking forward to it already!" You excitedly announced. He just laughed and then went back to the grill. You watched as he showed you how to use it.

"Wow, it's easier than I thought." You said, placing a few skewers on the hot metal.

"It also helps that you have such an amazing teacher." He boasted, grabbing a large pair of tongs.

"So humble." You joked back. You both giggled and continued cooking. It wasn't long before the food was ready.

Jay yelled through the house, calling everyone for dinner. They each filed into the kitchen, taking a seat at the open table. You had set up plates and utensils, then finished by placing the skewers in the center.

After everyone had grabbed some food, Jungwon was the first to comment. "Thank you guys for cooking, this is really good." He said, taking another bite of chicken.

The rest nodded in agreement, causing a big smile to form on your face.

"You know, we still haven't found out who was the best blood sucker yet." The oldest brought up something you had almost forgotten about.

"Damn, can't even let her finish dinner before you ask that. Impatient much." Jay sighed at his friend's words.

"We were all dying to know, Hee was just the first to say something." Jake pointed out, making you a little nervous.

You weren't even sure who you were going to choose. The first to go was Heeseung, which was hot but short. Sunghoon was aggressive yet made you want more. Then Jungwon, who was extremely thoughtful and gentle. Sunoo had surprised you with his sexiness and overall was the least painful. Jay was rough but you felt closer to him afterwards. Jake's made you almost have a heart attack but in a good way. And lastly Ni-ki, who had been the cutest baby ever.

While you pondered, an intense silence from the others filled the room. The air felt thick for the boys who patiently waited for your announcement. Finally you came to a conclusion.

"Ok I thought hard about this and there is only one person who I could consider the best. Now, promise there will be no hard feelings ok?" You asked, interlocking your hands together in front of you.

They all looked a little reluctant but there was a resounding 'sure' from everyone. Seeing them practically squirm was doing something to you.

"Alright, the winner is... drum roll please." You paused a moment. "Sunoo." The name easily rolls off your tongue.

"What? How? Mine was the best." The youngest pouted.

"I'm just glad that kid didn't win." Heeseung said, although his face was stuck in a slight frown.

"If Ni-ki hadn't walked in my room I totally would have won." Jake said, looking like a sad puppy.

Ni-ki and Jake were now bickering. Jungwon was rolling his eyes and Jay looked like he expected nothing less. Heeseung seemed to be already over it. Now Sunghoon on the other hand was silent but his annoyance was evident by the face he was making.

Sunoo, who was the actual winner, just sat with a silly little grin on his face. You thought that was cute as his reaction was the opposite of how the others were acting. Knowing your answer would make the competitive members annoyed, gave you great joy.

"Of course I'm the winner. So... Do I get a prize?" Sunoo piped up, making the room go silent. Everyone looked at you, waiting for you to say something.

You thought quickly, coming up with a plan. "Of course there is a prize." You said, standing up to walk over to him. The gaze of everyone felt like it was burning through your skin as you moved. When you reached him you leaned over his shoulder, next to his face. "Now this is payback for earlier." You placed a kiss right on his cheek. Feeling satisfied you pranced right back over to your seat.

No one said anything for a minute. For being so bold in private, the fox-like boy was now a blushing mess just like he had once left you. It was very satisfying to see your effect.

"Ok, what the actual fuck? I didn't know there was a prize?" Jake finally broke the silence.

"I- did that actually just happen?" The second oldest looked red, like he had been the one you kissed.

"That is so not fair." Ni-ki chimed in.

"She's good, like really good." Heeseung smirked, making you feel all the more like the real winner.

"Ok settle down. I think it's only fair that we all get a kiss." The leader spoke for the first time in a while.

Oh shit. "Actually I don't think that's necessary-" You started but the words were cut off by said leader.

"The seven of us are a team. What's done to one is done to all, right guys?" He shrugged, asking the other members. You definitely weren't expecting something like this and the fact it was from Jungwon? You teased him once before, this must be his payback.

"He's right. We can't have only one person get special treatment. What effect would that have on our dynamic as a team? Nothing good." The oldest added on. Their once look of anger morphed into that of slyness. Even Sunghoon looked like you had just given him the greatest news ever. You were totally fucked.

"I was just teasing guys. Sunoo actually kissed me first." You admitted, trying to deflect their teasing to him instead.

"Oh really? Well that just means we all have to give you a kiss, right Sun?" Jake said words you never thought you'd hear.

"I think that's only fair." The sunshine boy agreed.

Oh god. Goodbye world. Your death was coming soon if all of them decided to kiss you. You stood up abruptly.

"Alright guys, that's real funny." You said bringing your now empty plate to the sink. "Now that you've had your fun, I think I'm just gonna go." Were the words you got out before running in the direction of your room. You could hear the sounds of clattering and footsteps behind you but you dare not turn around.

Just as you made it to the door, you felt two arms wrap all the way around you and lift you straight off the ground.

"You thought you could outrun me?" You heard a whisper next to your ear. Fuck fuck fuck. You were turned around to face six boys, realizing Ni-ki was the one who had grabbed you.

"Please go easy on me?" Was all you could utter out before their attack commenced. Goodbye world, today would be your last day on earth actually. If this is what living with seven guys was going to be like, you were going to have an exhausting but fun time.

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