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After Heeseung it couldn't get weirder, right? Wrong

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After Heeseung it couldn't get weirder, right? Wrong. Each boy came with their own way of taking your blood.

When you returned to the kitchen, after your short term blood sucking session with the eldest, the boys that remained at the table looked at you inquisitively. Jay and Sunoo were out of sight but the rest were still finishing up cleaning the table.

Jungwon was the first to break the ice, "So.. are you ok?" He asked shyly. You were about to answer when the man behind you responded in your place.

"I think she's more than fine." Heeseung said, sending you a wink as he moved in front of you. He casually took a seat at the table, leaving you standing there all embarrassed.

"I told you guys letting him go first was a bad idea." The youngest yelled out.

"I won fair and square." The older man replied, shrugging his arm in the air.

Ni-ki quickly made his way over to his friend, suddenly yelling out "rock paper scissors". The look on his face was priceless as Heeseung threw out rock, beating the younger's scissors.

"How in the balls? There is no way you can win every time, that's not fair." Ni-ki shouted, stomping his foot on the ground.

"I don't make the rules. Better luck next time." Heeseung stated like it was a fact. Ni-ki threw up the middle finger before waking away. These two definitely were family as they messed with each other just like siblings would.

You giggled at their stupidity before answering Jungwon, who was rolling his eyes at his fellow members. "I'm feeling fine physically, mentally on the other hand? It's hard to say." You tried to give him an honest answer. It was mostly because you almost died from Heeseungs flirting and also because it was just a strange thing to have happen. It's not every day that a vampire sucks your blood.

"I'm sure it's a lot to take in. The next person doesn't go for another hour so please relax while you wait. We want you to be as comfortable as possible." The leader assured you genuinly. You gave him a warm smile before walking up to him and giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"Thank you. That really means a lot to me. I'll try my best, promise." You say, looking up into his eyes. It was hard to look away, his eyes were so mesmerizing. They beamed at you with such sincerity, it was captivating.

You finally pulled away from your gaze after a couple seconds. A tiny tint of pink flushed the man's face, not unnoticed by you. Cutie.

You decided to relax on the couch so you made your way over to the large piece of furniture and plopped down on it. Only your second day here and this was definitely going in your collection of most comfortable places to put your butt on. Was this thing made out of memory foam or something? Damn, rich people have it amazing. You were going to take advantage of this new money filled life that's for sure.

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