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The morning came and went

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The morning came and went. Waking up to a good morning text from Jungwon was cute but then you were bombarded by about 50 texts in the group chat. Most making fun of said leader for being cheesy, some random gifs and one about the time the driver was coming to get you. Before you knew it, your ride was already there. You said a final goodbye to your parents, packed your life into the trunk, and set off to the airport.

You were arriving earlier than the boys to avoid paparazzi. Although you might be able to pass as staff, it was better that no one paid any attention to you. That was part of the "don't say anything" section in the contract.

Signer must not draw any attention or post anything regarding the contractor(s).

The words flashed in your head. You didn't plan on it anyway. Why would you want haters to shit on your boys? Plus you had to get your precious kitty checked in, it was a long flight and your baby was going to be by your side the whole time. It was a little scary taking him on the plane but he was super chill and loved car rides in his cat carrier.

Security was a breeze, although you did get patted down for wearing a jacket with a hood. It's been a while since you last flew but you remembered to dress comfy. Airport fashion was cool and all but you never understood the need to dress up just to fly on a plane. It's not like you owned anything expensive enough anyways.

You waited a while by your gate then finally they arrived and damn did they know how to make an entrance. The atmosphere even felt different as they came into your space. Each man was dressed impressively, you could almost smell the money. Although you had been around them before they were so serious now, almost angry.

As you sat there watching them wondering what was up, you decided to open your phone. You did a quick Tweeter check and of course Enhypen was the first thing to pop up. There were tweets flooding in of only one thing.

"Enhypen Ridiculed for Saying They Loved America and Wanting to Live There" the headline for an article everyone was reposting. You rolled your eyes before clicking on it. You started reading, "Netizens outraged by Enhypen praising American Engenes. So called fans flooded the South Korean Idols with hate on Weeversee, demanding they take down comments about wanting to live in America. No statements have been made by the band or their management but some of their posts have been deleted already. Luckily the outpour of Engenes defending the Idols seems to be outweighing the negative comments."

You stopped reading when you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Manager O, shaking his head. "Don't worry about that, the boys have thick skin. Once we return to Korea the comments will subside. It happens on every tour." He says, smiling with his eyes as his face was covered with a mask. Although he tried to reassure you, there clearly was pain in his words. That man was way too easy to read. You're glad the guys have someone like him to support them.

You reverted your attention to the men who were now seated facing you, across the aisle. They were looking at you but only one pulled his mask down to smile. Unexpectedly it was Sunoo. Although his personality was usually cheerful, you wouldn't have imagined he could smile in this situation. Maybe Jungwon but he was off in space, just staring into your eyes like the rest of them. Sunoo on the other hand wasn't staring through you, but at you. His smile was comforting, without a hint of fakeness.

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