Chapter 40- Please Be Alive

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Lyra's POV
"Lyra dear" i felt someone's faint voice crawling up to me, my eyes still seeing darkness

"Huh" i muttered, trying to get up

Nothing worked. My body didn't move, my eyes didn't open- my vision didn't work

All i could hear was a familiar voice, coming closer and closer to me

"Lyra" she said again and my heart beat dropped a little

"Mom" i said, my eyes getting teary

I felt like they were, I don't know why.

"You're going to be okay bella" she said, her soft hands caressing my head

"Mamma" i said with my last strength as i felt like someone was strangling my neck

"Its going to be okay" she said again, her voice a little further this time

I struggled to open my eyes

"Mamma no, don't leave me" i said as my heart hurt a little, indicating my presence on earth

"You're doing great bella, I'm proud of you" she said almost a whisper and then i felt the temperature drop

"Mamma?" I said but no response was heard

"Please take me with you" i said a little uncomfortably, for all my heart was feeling right now was immense guilt and pain

"Mamma" i called her out again, but i was met with dead silence

Suddenly, i felt furious movement around me

"Ow" i whispered as a sharp object went through my neck

Someone was here, around me, trying to wake me up

"Lyra?" An unfamiliar voice called my name

"Lyra?" They called it again

Im alive

I tried hard to open my eyes, do something to indicate my awaking but nothing seemed to work

I forced my hand to move a little and after what felt like hours, i felt a finger twitch

"She's responding" a guy said and i realised they saw it

I tried once again, this time to open my eyes

One of my eye opened a little and i was immediately met with a faint light

I slowly opened the other one, and adjusted my vision

After a few seconds, my eyelids were open again and i was able to see

I saw an unfamiliar man standing by my side, his face worried

"Are you okay?" He said to me and i blinked

"Who are you?" I said and he stared blankly at me

"You don't recognize me?" He asked concerned and i shook my head in disapproval

"I'm Arthur" he said

Arthur's POV
As i got to the incident site, the ambulances were getting ready to leave and the space was getting cleaned

I got out of the car and ran through the crowd, to the front

"Lyra" i said but was immediately held back by two policemen

"You cant go ahead sir" they said and i gave him a look

One of them recognized me, and immediately let go

"Who is this?" I asked as i stepped closer to the stretcher, my eyes scanning the white sheet

"A woman" the policeman said and i closed my eyes, my breath shaky

"What happened?" I asked again

"She got hit by a truck" he said and i clenched my fingers

"Some truck hit her by the restaurant" Melissa's words echoed in the back of my head and i struggled to keep my calm

"The blood loss is immense, we have to leave immediately" the policeman told me, and then ran towards the ambulance

I stood there for a few seconds, looking at the guys as they led her into the ambulance

My brain went numb and I couldn't do anything

I heard her faint laugh from the corner of my ear, and her smile flashed through my eyes

"Lyra" i lowered my head, trying hard not to cry

This can't be happening right now

"What happened?" I heard someone run to me and i glanced up to see Andrew

He looked out of breath, and i stared at him blankly

"Accident" i said and he looked at me confused, until it hit him

"Lyra?" He said staring at the damaged car

The car was almost pressed into the ground, not trying to be negative but if i was in that car- I would've died ages ago

"Where are they taking her?" Andrew immediately panicked and ran to the ambulance

I walked to her car, and something shiny glimmered on the ground

I sat down a little and looked closely

It was her pendant

It was covered in blood, her blood.

Seeing her pendant and her blood made me realise what was the reality right now and everything in me wanted to burn this world down

"Think Arthur" i told myself as i grabbed her bloody pendant in my hand, watching it as it tainted my hands in red

"I will avenge you Lyra" i said, the sudden fire grazing through me like crazy

"I will fu-king find that bas-ard, and give him a de-th that is 100 times more painful" i said as i clenched the pendant towards my heart

I immediately dialed a number and after explaining everything, i walked back to my car

The ambulances were long gone and so was Andrew

As i finally made my way to the hospital, my heart was pounding in my chest and i was silently praying that she was okay.

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