Chapter 30-The One That Got Away

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Lyra's POV
The next morning, i woke up to loud noises

I scrunched my nose in annoyance, opening my eyes slowly

My vision was first met with sunlight, which i had to block with my hand and sit up a little

I turned my head around and found myself in the empty unfamiliar house

Wait what?

It wasn't until a few seconds when the memories of the past night finally came to me and realization hit me

"Morning" Arthur's deep voice echoed across the house and i looked around to find him

Finally, i saw him leaning against the railing on the first floor, shirtless

I immediately lowered my eyes, flustered

I don't know why, but this sight bought an instant smile on my face- increasing my heart beat at the same time

Arthur let out a soft chuckle at my actions and i shrunk myself into the blanket

"Its okay, my body is breathtaking i know" he said and i narrowed my eyes at him

He was casually flexing his muscles and it hurt my ego to say this- but he did have a perfect body

It was leaned and toned, and it basically looked godly

"If you're done flexing your body, can you wear a shirt?" i said loud enough for him to hear and his laughter died down

I quickly got up as he made his way down the stairs- still shirtless if i may add

"Why" he said blocking me suddenly

"Do i make you nervous?" He said leveling himself to my height

"No" i said immediately, not blinking

"I do" he said, his eyes scanning my face like a robot

"You're nervous" he said lifting his hand up a little

His fingers traced along my jawline, and i felt cold sweats forming on my forehead for some reason

"I don't know what you're talking about" i pushed him away a little, and ran to the stairs

I went up the stairs, found a room, and ran towards it

"I'll wait for the answer" his words reached my ears as i closed the room door behind me, and leaned against it

"My heart" i kept a hand on my pounding chest, trying to calm it down

At this rate, i might have a heart attack because of this guy

I shoved his thoughts away, and made my way to the bathroom

I looked myself in the mirror- in actual horror

My hair was puffy and unbrushed, my face looked red for some reason and my outfit- lets not talk about that

In short- i looked like a mess

I quickly tackled my appearance, finding a new toothbrush to brush my teeth

I then washed my face and did all that boring morning stuff

Soon i looked presentable

Just the outfit needs a little bit more- i thought and looked around the bathroom

I found a walk in closet leading away from the bathroom and upon entering it, i realised it was filled with men's clothes/shoes/accessories

As i looked through them confused- it hit me

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