Chapter 19-The Twist

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Lyra's POV
"Wait wait, we kill Victoria?" I asked confused and he sighed, his breath fanning on my neck

"I mean we already have shit on Marco, I don't think we need her" Arthur reasoned

"And knowing that she went straight to Marco instead of Andrew is a dangerous sign, it means-"

"She might also get to us soon" i completed his sentence, connecting the dots

"Yes" he said and i thought

"But do you think killing her so suddenly would keep Marco calm? I'm sure he would try and dig through it too" i said

"Yes but we have a card up our sleeve against him, and knowing these mafia bosses- they will deal with their own problems first and then care about others" Arthur said

"Even you?" I turned around to face him, a small smile on my face

"What do you mean" he said softly

"If i was in trouble and you also had your problems going on, would you help me first or solve your own problems first?" I asked him, straightening his collar simultaneously

"Thats a pretty easy answer" he said almost a whisper

Even though he didn't say his answer, my eyes lit up

He shifted closer to me, placing his arms on either side of me- blocking me in from any escape

"I would obviously solve my own problems first" he said and i blinked


"What" i muttered and he chuckled, lowering his head

"You're a cunning woman Lyra, I believe if you're ever in trouble- you would have better and faster solutions than me" he said

"But if you really really needed my help while i was dealing with my own shit, i would in a blink leave everything to help you" he said truthfully and i smiled

"I feel like thats a lie" i said jokingly and he suddenly took my hand and placed it over his heart

"You'll know if I'm lying or no" he said and i observed his heart beat, which for some reason was normal

"If i was lying, it wouldn't be" he said

"You can't tell that without using equipment" i rolled my eyes at him, and tried to walk away

He pulled me to him, locking me in once again but this time- his face got closer

"I don't lie love" he said, his lips inches from mine

His warm breath was fanning my nose and sending goosebumps all over my body, the tension was unreal and i struggled to breath

He observed me for a second, and then a smile broke through him

He moved back and i blinked furiously to calm myself

What the hell does this guy do to me, its scary

"Well back to the idea, i think we should kill her" he said again and i tried everything in me to avoid that feeling again

I pulled myself together and met his eyes

"Lets just keep her hostage for starters" i said and Arthur nodded

"Okay good reasoning, that way we can use her to our advantage against Marco and Gabriel" he said

"But how do we even kidnap THE Victoria Todorov?" I asked him and he smiled

"Leave that to the mafia boss love, just settle down and have a nice drink with me right now"

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