Episode 4- "Cherokee Rose"

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You groan softly as the rising sun hits your eyes. "You up?" You look towards the second couch across the room where T-dog sat. "What it look like?" You reply while sitting up. T-dog chuckles "C'mon, man we havin a ceremony for Otis." He says before standing "Damn, can I fully wake up first?" "Get yo ass up".

You rub your eyes as you step outside along with T-dog. The far right of the house is where Hershel and Shane are digging Otis's grave while his wife, Patrica, sits back and watches. You felt like such a burden to these people. You are using up their materials, getting one of their men killed, and taking up their space. Your eyebrows furrow at the sight of Dale's RV in the distance along with Rick's car and Daryl's motorcycle. "What you makin' that face for?" T-dog asks observing your features "They should be at the highway... if Sophia finds her way back to the highway and they're not there..." you shake your head "Yeah, but we can't be split up. We safer here" T-dog says.

You sigh softly "Yeah, I guess" you mumble in reply. They all pull up stopping in front of the house and you instinctively move to Daryl. He rushes off his motorcycle and grabs your shoulders, holding you tightly. "Dammit, woman. You don't know how worried I was" he says somewhat harshly before pulling you into a tight hug. You roll your eyes but hug him back "I'm not a baby-" "Hush up" he interrupts. "How is he?" Dale asks as the rest of the group exits the RV. "He'll pull through, thanks to Hershel, Y/n and Hershel's people " Lori replies, a weak smile displayed on her face. Daryl glances at you, a stern look on his face as Rick clears his throat "And Shane. We'd have lost Carl if not for him" he adds. "Thank God," Carol says sweetly before pulling Lori into a tight embrace. "We were so worried" she mumbles once the two pull away. "How'd it happen" Dale questions. Rick runs a hand over his face "Hunting accident. That's all just a stupid accident".

Everyone gathers around a pile of rocks set for Otis's grave. "Blessed be God" Hershel begins his prayer with Patricia weeping in her hands beside him. Maggie rubs her back soothingly as Hershel continues "Shane, will you speak for Otis?" he asks. Shane blinks "Uh, I'm not good at it. I'm sorry" he shakes his head. He seemed zoned out like he wasn't here. You couldn't help but watch him—that blank expression on his face. "You shared his final moments. Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning" Patricia's voice quivers as she speaks.

Shane clenches his fist as he takes a deep breath in "Okay... we were about done. Almost cut off ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping, it was bad, ankle all swollen up...". Shane sighs "We've got to save the boy. See, that's what he said. He gave me his backpack. He shoved me ahead. 'Run' he said. He said 'I'll take take the rear. I'll cover you'... when I looked back..." He gets quiet. Shane limps towards the pile of rocks "If not for Otis, I'd have never made it out alive. And that goes for Carl too. It was Otis. He saved us both. If any death ever had meaning, it was his" He says, his tone soft as he places a rock onto the pile.

After the funeral the main focus was Sofia. Having explained everything to Hershel you guys began to create a plan to find her. "How long has this girl been lost?" Hershel questions. You, Shane, Daryl, Andrea, Hershel, Maggie, and Rick stood around one of Hershel's cars with a map on the hood. "This'll be day three" Rick responds with his hands on his hips. Maggie taps the map lightly "County survey map. Shows terrain and elevations" she explains. "This is perfect. We can finally get this thing organized. We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams" Rick suggests naturally becoming the leader of the search. Hershel immediately shakes his head "Not you not today. You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out" Hershel looks to Shane "And your ankle- push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody".

Your eyes flick from Shane to Hershel "I could-" "Don't even. You're lucky you ain't in a coma right now" Hershel interrupts. Your shoulders slump and you sigh deeply "Guess it's just me. I'm gonna head back to the creek, work my way from there". You gaze at him with a frown "Alone?" you ask and he nods in response softly rubbing your back. "I'll be fine," he says his voice husky as he gazes down at you. Shane leans forward, observing the map intently "I can still be useful. I'll drive up the interstate, see if Sophia wandered back".

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