Episode 3- "Wildfire"

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"B, relax," you say softly. Your head was spinning and you couldn't see clearly but you had to make it back to the camp. You didn't know how far into the woods you were and was dark out but you refused to let yourself die. The wind blew sharply around you. You couldn't focus on anything but the waves of pain coming from your head and arm. A sudden stinging feeling shot through your chest.

You stop walking and let out a cry of pain. The overwhelming and sudden shock caused you to fall to the ground. You felt as if you were internally being burnt alive. You couldn't move but you stood up. It wasn't you controlling your movements. It was B. It had taken over your body making you the back-seat driver. You could see clearly incredibly clearly. You could see farther. You could hear every noise in those woods, every walker, every squirrel. All your senses were enhanced. Though you couldn't control your body you could feel the enormous amount of power B had and it hurt like hell.

The pain was becoming unbearable but there was nothing you could do but wait and watch. B picked up one of your knives from off the ground. It hurriedly pierced the knife right through the arm you got bitten on. It then began to move the knife from left to right in your arm until it was decapitated. No blood emerged from the injury instead your arm began to grow back. You would've been in complete shock at the sight but you couldn't even think. You felt as if you were going to die you wanted to die the agonizing feeling was becoming intolerable.

Your arm grew back in seconds. You could feel yourself gaining more control over your body as the burning feeling faded. Just like that, you were no longer infected and you felt like complete shit. Blood suddenly began to spew out of your mouth. You rested a hand on your stomach tightly gripping your shirt. Your body hit the ground once again before you lost consciousness.

You woke up to the distinctive smell of cake mix. You were laid down on the small couch in Dales's RV covered in blankets. Though your whole body ached and screamed at you to lie down you slowly sat up. "Nuh-uh lay back" you were lightly pushed back down by Daryl who sat in a chair beside you. He suddenly placed a plate with a singular pancake on it in your lap "you need to eat something" he states his tone softer than usual. You take a bite of the soft substance a sweet vanilla flavor filled your mouth unexpectedly. The last time pancakes tasted this good to you was back when you lived with your mother. And that was forever ago. "Who made these?" you ask "ya mama" he responds before chuckling at his own joke. You lightly slap his arm letting out a soft laugh of your own.
A comforting silence filled the room while you finished your pancake. Distracted by the food in front of you you hadn't noticed Daryl staring at you with nothing but love in his eyes "Thought I was gonna have to bury you" Daryl says moving his gaze away from you as you turned to look at him."I'm not dying without you, Dixon" "you don't know that" he says.

"You make it sound so depressing," you say while sitting up. Daryl moves his chair closer to you "tell me what happened" he orders. "I forgot," you say to your boyfriend. That was a lie you vividly remembered what happened. Now that you think about it. How the fuck did that happen? B had entered your body, cut your arm off, and grew you a new one. You had underestimated the entity's power. "Don't lie to me, woman" Daryl says with a stern expression this man knew you too well, and you wanted to fight him for it. "I'm not lying to you, man" you respond. Daryl rolls his eyes before standing "get some rest we're leaving tomorrow".

Your eyebrows raise "we're leaving?".

Being passed out for two days sucked saying you missed a lot. Jim got bit in the attack a man you had no idea existed until Daryl informed you on who he was. And Rick wanted to give the C.D.C. a chance which seemed safer than being in the middle of the woods therefore you and Daryl agreed to join the group in this suicide mission.

You sigh gazing out the window of Daryl's truck as he drove following the trial of cars and an RV in front of him. "Being in an apocalypse is so boring" you say observing the gray skies "Nah, you're just boring" Daryl states. You scoff turning your head to look at the man "says the guy that's only shot at squirrels for fun in his many years of living". Daryl chuckles "you calling me old?" he asks in his gruff tone "Nah I'm calling you ancient," you say earning a laugh from Daryl the sound bringing a smile to your face. "Ya know what? I think I'm a little too old for you, kid," he says glancing at you with a smug smile before looking back to the road. Before you could respond the truck comes to an abrupt halt.

The car in front had stopped forcing Daryl to stop with it. You watch Rick exit the car in front seeming to be just as confused as you two. Both you and Daryl get out of the car. "What happened?" you ask Dale watching smoke emit from the RV. "It's fried. I told you we'd never get far on the hose. I said I needed the one from the cube van" he says to Rick as the others exit their cars "y'all Jim- it's bad. I don't think he can take it anymore" Jackie suddenly says from inside the RV. Shane and Rick dragged the half-dead man out of the RV. His appearance sickened you. His hair had been falling off his head, he was pale, some of his skin just slid off like nothing.

That could've been you.

Shane and Rick put Jim up against a tree "hey, another damn tree" he chuckles as Rick brings his pistol to his head. Even in the face of death, he laughs. The group says their goodbyes to Jim and Rick ends it quick. That was some tough shit to watch.

It took another day to make it there but you guys made it. The C.D.C. didn't look as fancy as it used to. Dead and bloodied bodies were everywhere and it smelled like rotten eggs and piss. "All right, everybody. Keep moving. Go on" Shane says lowly. Daryl handed you his revolver observing the area closely "you remember how to shoot that?" he whispers to you. "Like a pistol right?" you ask glancing up at him before covering your nose the horrid smell had suddenly gotten stronger. Daryl nods at your previous question lightly pushing you behind him.

The group approaches the main building at the C.D.C. A large gate blocked you guys from the large double doors. The many windows of the building had always been blocked by gates. You watch Rick and Shane attempt to push the gate up to no avail. "There's nobody here," T-dog says annoyed "then why are the shutters down?" Rick asks. "Walkers" Daryl calls out as walkers became visible staggering towards you guys. "You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl shouts "he made a call," Shane says "it was the wrong damn call". "So we gonna just stand here and get ate?" you say while more walkers appear. Shane looks at you as the kids start to cry.

He looks back to Rick "Rick this is a dead end" he says. "Where are we gonna go?" Carol cries out holding onto Sophia. Panic began to spread throughout the group. "She's right. We can't be here, this close to the city after dark" Lori says "Fort Benning, Rick still an option" Shane states to Rick. "On what? No food, no fuel. That's 100 miles" Andrea says "125 I checked the map" Glenn corrects "forget Fort Benning we need answers tonight, now".

"We'll think of something," Rick says "come on let's go," Shane says to everyone. While everyone else follow Shane back to the vehicles you and Rick gaze back at the building to see the camera on it move. You look to him as he looks to you "you see that?" he nods.

"The camera- it moved," Rick says to the others. Everyone turns to the two of you "you imagined it" Shane states "no it moved" you say. Shane's eyes move to you then to the walkers moving closer. "Guys, it's dead. It's an automated device. It's gears, okay? They're just winding down. Now come one" he says grabbing the two of you. "No someones there I know it," Rick says pulling away from Shane. You do the same but was immediately grabbed by Daryl after. Rick began kicking at the gate "we know you're in there. We know you can hear us. Please, we're desperate" he says looking up to the camera

"Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left" Rick pleads "you're killing us, please" he continues before being pulled away by Shane.

"We'll die if we go back to the road" you call out to the stranger behind the camera but there was no response. Going back to the road was dumb begging a camera to let you in a building was dumb too but. It worked.

The gate suddenly opened.

The Walking Dead (Daryl x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें