Episode 3- "Save the last one"

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You chug a canteen of water as you stroll down the lifeless road. You were regretting your decision to be the hero and go to find Shane and the shithead. You could feel yourself getting weaker with each step you took. B kept brushing cold air past your skin to keep you awake and aware. A soft groan escapes your lips as another wave of dizziness hits you. The shit was getting annoying but you were too far out to turn back now and B was adamant on making sure you continued on the dark path. You rub your eyes "Can you stop pushing me?" you say to the entity only to be ignored causing you to sigh deeply.

Being bossed around by something you can't even see has to be the most degrading thing you have ever gone through.

You gasp softly at the sight of the large building in the distance. "Oh man," you mumble to yourself while gazing at the hoard of walkers surrounding the building. "This is some fucking bullshit" You shake your head and quicken your pace. The building looked like anything but a high school. The dead grass and gray color of the school combined with the flesh-eating monsters everywhere made it look like you were walking into literal death. You exhale before climbing the tall gate that blocked the school from the rest of the world. You jump down into the courtyard of the school. Staying down to avoid being seen you approached the front of the building slowly. The front gate had been broken down with what you assume was a car but there was no car in sight.

You curse to yourself and pull your pistol out of its holster. You wrap your finger around the trigger, ready to fire if needed. You peek into the school through a small window before pushing the window open with a grunt. Inside the school looked no better than outside. You could tell you were climbing into the cafeteria by the large lunch tables pushed up against the double doors. It was dark, dark enough for you to stumble over your foot. You groan and place a hand on the wall to guide you through the large room. The struggle to reach the double doors was unnecessary but once you did you began pushing the lunch tables away from the door to no prevail. Your shoulders slump and you let out a deep sigh "B?". In an instant, the tables were shoved across the room. The loud clash of the tables against the wall causes you to wince "Anyone hear that?" you mumble as you tug the door open just enough for you to observe the halls.

You are met with a walker crouched down beside a corpse, eating it. You grimace before pulling the door open just enough for you to exit the cafeteria. A duffle bag lay right in front of the doors and you gaze inside cautiously. The medical supplies Hershal asked for sat inside. Your eyebrows furrow and you glance at the Walker before slowly picking the bad up. You look to the left of the hallway to see the emergency exit. Moving hastily you walk towards the door but once you push it open you're immediately met with a hoard of walkers. Your eyes widen and you tumble to the ground in the process of avoiding the walkers lunge for you. "Shit!" you quickly jump up to your feet and sprint down the hallway. The Walker from earlier springs towards you but you shove it back to the ground and stomp its head in. Blood splatters all over your sneakers and you almost slip attempting to continue running. You make a quick right down a different hallway and drive into the only room you see and the snarling behind you grows closer. Heavy pants escape your lips and you slam the door closed locking it before anything can get in.

You're in a classroom and you can't breathe. "Damn I need to work out more," you say to yourself while grabbing a chair and dragging it toward the large windows in the room. With a grunt, you hurl the chair straight into the window and cover your face from the shattered glass flying toward you. You hold on to the duffle bag on your shoulder tightly before running towards the empty window only for you to stop when you were about to jump. "Hell no, fuck that shit" you shake your head while gazing down at the far ground. The walkers outside the door bang and slam, snarling loudly to be let in. You glance at the door before groaning and rubbing your face "Stop bein' a bitch, C'mon". You clutch onto the duffle bag tightly and sprint straight out the open window with a fearful scream. You land on your feet almost falling to the ground before you catch your balance. Suddenly you're grabbed from behind and pushed into a car. "Get the fuck!-" "Shut up, shh!" you look up to see Shane. He gets from on top of you and climbs into the driver's seat "The door, Y/n". You pull the duffel bag off your shoulder set it beside you and shut the car door with urgency just as walkers surround the vehicle.

Shane presses on the gasses and speeds onto the road, away from the school. You let out a breath and sit back "Otis?" you question and Shane shakes his head in response. You hop into the passenger seat and Shane glances back at the duffel bag "You found it, thank God" "What happened?" you gaze at him with concern just for him to look at you with the same expression. He shakes his head "Otis he- the reason I got out was cause of him..." "Damn, Shane you're head". You frown at the deep cut on his forehead "Lemme drive" you insist "I'm good" "You're not" "I am" he replies sharply. You side-eye him "If you pass out and have this car crashin' into a tree I'm gon slap the shit outta you". Shane chuckles at your words "I said I'm good".

It was only a few minutes that passed till Hershel's house was in sight. When Shane stopped the car the two of you immediately grabbed the two bags filled with medical supplies and got out. Hershal, Rick, Glenn, and T-dog exit the house at the sound of the car. "Carl?" Shane asks as the two of you hand Hershal the bags. Hershal nods "There's still a chance. Otis?". Shane shakes his head, a grim expression plastered on his face. Hershal sighs "We- we say nothing to Patricia. Not till after. I need her" he stuttered before rushing back inside along with Glenn.

You sit down on the porch floor as everyone else except T-dog strolls back inside. T-dog takes a seat next to you with a grunt "Fuck, my feet hurt" he complains. "My whole body hurt" T-dog chuckles "Shoulda stayed yo ass in this house" he jokes and the two of you laugh together "Nah, you right... Daryl okay?" "Seemed fine to me". You nod and sigh "What about Sophia?" T-dog shakes his head "Nothin". You rub your arms "I ain't havin' kids" T-dog Snickers "been knew that" he teases. You roll your eyes and stand "C'mon, I'm tired". T-dog stands and follows you back into the house where the others sat in the living room.

Everyone seemed exhausted, worried, and stressed the fuck out. You took a seat beside Glenn "You alright?" he questions with concern but before you could answer Hershal comes out of the room he was operating on Carl in. "He seems to have stabilized," he says.

Relief spread across the room and Rick pulls Hershal into a tight hug. Lori stands, her eyes watery "I don't have words" she trembled. Hershal sighs "I don't either. Wish I did. How do I tell Patricia about Otis?" he asks with genuine concern in his tone, his eyebrows pushed together. Rick turns to Lori "You go to Carl. I'll go with Hershal" he states before walking with Hershal upstairs while Lori sniffles and strolls into Carls's room.

You look back to Glenn "Soooo, the farmer's girl?". He immediately rolls his eyes and turns his head away from you "Shut up". You laugh and nudge him "Aw, T, Glenns in love". T-dog gazes at Glenn's flustered expression in amusement "Finally, Lil nerd". You laugh harder at his words as Glenn flips T-dog off.


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