Season 2- Episode 1- "What Lies Ahead"

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Fort Benning, you guys were gonna try to make it to Fort Benning. A 125-mile trip seemed impossible now but y'all were doing it. You figured being on the road all day wouldn't be unbearable. You were wrong. You rode in the RV with T-dog, Dale, Andrea, and Glenn, and your days consisted of playing Uno with T-dog and Glenn, reading, and sleeping. You could've ridden with Daryl but his truck broke down and you definitely weren't riding on no motorcycle. The RV wasn't completely shit though. The windows were clean and so was the view.

"Nah, nah you cheated!" you shout with a grin gazing upon the plus 2 cards placed in the deck. "Don't get tight 'cause you lost" T-dog says before snickering. "This is the third round you've won" Glenn states throwing the rest of his cards down onto the small table "Because y'all suck" T-dog responds. You chuckle "No, 'cause you got half the deck shoved up your ass" Glenn laughs "Yeah, stand up" "What? Y'all gonna pat me down?" T-dog questions crossing his arms as he chuckles. "Oh jeez," Dale complains from the diver seat catching everyone's attention. "What's wrong?" Andrea asks before standing to get a closer look. "Roads blocked" Dale Responds. You stand peering over Andreas' shoulder to see the road was indeed blocked by multiple cars.

"Is it bad?" T-dog asks "No, we could push through it" You reply, "I think". Daryl pulls up to the driver's window "See a way through?" Dale asks him. Daryl nods before driving through the gaps between the cars. "Uh, maybe we should just go back, there's an interstate bypass-" "We can't spare the fuel" Dale interrupts Glenn attempting to drive through the cars as Daryl had previously done. You sit back down on the brown-colored couch watching T-dog collect the Uno cards. A sudden sputtering erupting from the R.V. causes everyone to pause.

"I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times dead In the water." Dale says to Rick observing the front of the R.V. as smoke rushes out from the hood. You stood beside Daryl as the rest of the group exited their vehicles. "Problem, Dale?" Shane questions approaching the R.V. "Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-" "Stop talking like that, Dale" you interrupt leaning against one of the many abandoned cars. Dale sighs placing his hands on his hips before speaking again "If we can't find the radiator hose here..." "There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," Daryl says while searching the trunk of one of the cars.

"I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start," T-dog says "Maybe some water" Carol states "Or food" you add, rubbing your stomach. "This is a graveyard," Lori says as she places a hand on her hip and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. Lori's words caused silence to spread throughout the group until T-dog sighed. "Come on, y'all just look around, gather what you can," he says. Everyone begins moving in response to T-dogs words. You reload your pistol while walking ahead and observing each car. The heat had bodies laying around smelling like hot ass and you were already fed up. Sudden hands on your waist cause you to flinch and quickly turn to see Daryl. "You're jumpy," he says retracting his hands as he walks along with you. You don't respond instead sigh and gaze down at your tattered sneakers.

Your eyes travel to the barely loose jeans Daryl had on. You always loved the way they fit him. The way they fit his ass more specifically. "Quit starin'" he grumbles glancing back at you. You snicker as the sun hits your skin. You grab Daryl's hand a large grin plastered onto your face. "Guess what I made," you say digging into your pockets "Wha'?". Daryl watches you pull a blue and orange beaded bracelet from your pocket before opening his palm and gently placing it into his hand. Daryl hated bracelets. They were childish to him and make too much noise but with the way, you looked up into his eyes, gaze filled with warmth. He couldn't reject the small gift. You smile watching him push the bracelet onto his wrist. "You love it," you say wrapping your arms around his shoulders with a bright beam. "No I don't" he responds instinctively placing his hands on your hips.

You suck your teeth "You a liar". Daryl hums as he leans in pulling you closer to him. You put your hand on his chest lightly pushing him back "We're supposed to be looking for supplies remebe-" A hard kiss interrupts your words. His sudden movements took you by surprise and for a moment you had no idea how to react. You cup his cheeks before deeply kissing him back. A smack on your butt causes you to pull away from your boyfriend and let out a cackle. "Wha's funny?" he questions watching you die from laughter with a grin. You shake your head laughing into your hand and holding your stomach.

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