Chapter 1

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It all happened on a normal day. I stopped at Starbucks to get the usual drink that I got every day; a 24 oz. Carmel frappe with whipped cream and extra Carmel drizzled on top. After ordering the drink, paying the lady at the first window, and picking up my drink from the very handsome man at the second window did I continue on my way.

I drove the rest of the way in my cute little red Beatle to the local Los Angeles, California high school that I student teach at.

I Helped teach three classes of Algebra I, went to lunch, came back and taught three more classes of Algebra I, graded test papers and went on my merry way home from work.

Coming home to my cute apartment and my husky, chance, I threw my bag on the ground by the door, my keys in the bowl on the counter, and my shoes in my room somewhere on the floor.

Going and sitting on my ugly puke green colored couch I turned on the TV an flipped through channels until I came upon spongebob squarepants the movie. I absolutely love this movie! This right here is my normal boring daily routine.

Except today wouldn't end up as normal and routine as I thought it'd be. I had no clue that when I would answer a phone call from my sister, Kassie, that would end up at a party so drunk that I slept with someone.

Jc Caylen to be precise.

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