chapter 15 Maul killer and Neopolitons day on the town and a dark crossroad

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Maul killer pov

I walked towards the ice cream shop with Neopoliton by my side we ordered our ice cream and took a seat at the front of the ice cream shop

Maul killer: Neopoliton your Semblance is extraordinary it come in handy in a fight

Neopoliton types on her scroll and shows it to Maul killer it read

Neopoliton: is that all you want to talk about when we could be having a nice day

Maul killer: I guess you're right I do need to relax a little bit

I began eating my ice cream Neopoliton had already eaten her ice cream

Neopoliton began typing on her scroll and shows it to Maul killer it read

Neopoliton: so what do you think of the ice cream here

Maul killer: it is the best thing I've ever tasted but we should get back to your boss before he notices were gone

Neopoliton started typing on her scroll and shows it to Maul killer it read

Neopoliton: let me show you the town and then we can return to my boss you've only seen part of it by doing missions for your master

Maul killer: I guess it couldn't hurt

For the next few hours Neopoliton showed me around the city of vale I felt my heart beginning to fluttered as I looked at Neopoliton

She noticed me staring and blushed red before turning away

We made our way towards the warehouse door and the doorway swung shut behind us I made my way towards my quarters and saw my master Emperor Palpatine awaiting me

Maul killer: what is thy bidding my master

Emperor Palpatine: I've noticed you are troubled by something my young apprentice

Maul killer: no my master

Emperor Palpatine: don't even try to lie to me

Maul killer: it's just if lord Vader is so powerful how are we going to kill him

Emperor Palpatine: you will soon learn that their is worse things than death

Maul killer: what is our first move my master

Emperor Palpatine: we start with the ones who call him father go to beacon academy and sever his children from this world

The last thing we see is Ruby and Yang walking through beacon academy when Maul killer exited a bullhead he ignited his twin crimson red blades and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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