Ch.9 One Hand's Hand

Start from the beginning


Izuku coughed as he caught his breath while standing up, he fired 10 more shots through the smoke killing ten more guards, however 7 bangs echoed through the warehouse followed by 7 thuds as more shots connected on Izuku. This time 4 in the chest, and 3 in his left leg making him fall to one knee. The smoke dissipated revealing a panting Izuku on one knee with Jack Stern looking down at him with a disappointed look, at his side were the remaining guards which were about 5 in total.

Stern: Damn Hood. You really have lost your touch, everything about you just seems so....dull. Where's the killer who was the first person to actually dodge my shot? Now it's just a pathetic man trying to stop what is natural in this fucked up world! All for what? A retarded child?

Izuku growled trying to lift his gun at Stern but Stern fired 6 times in the air making a bullet strike Izuku's gun knocking it out of his hand and the rest of the 5 richoted off his armor in his chest then piercing each of the remaining guards in the head killing them. Izuku fell on his back from the pain trying to breathe with heavy gasps, he could taste the iron from his blood in his mouth. The wetness from his back he felt the pool of his own blood beginning to form underneath him. Stern frowned as he stared down at this pathetic being, and slowly began to reload his revolver one bullet at a time.

Stern: I thought you would be different compared to the last one to carry that name, but just like him you let something as foolish as love weaken you. And just like before someone strong will take out the weak man that couldn't keep up. Don't get me wrong your ideal is....admirable, but it could never be possible. Especially for a quirkless. It was an enjoyable time to call you an ally...Izuku, but you of all people would understand. Orders are orders.

Stern finished reloading and fired a singular shot knocking Izuku's helmet off revealing his bloodied face. Stern aimed down at Izuku and smiled a bittersweet smile.

Stern: So long friend. If it makes you feel better, apparently Ms. Fang wants to give her daughter another shot. She'll take care of her once your gone.

Izuku's eyes shot fully opened and his body began to shake with fury. The veins in his eyes began to turn a bright green along with the veins in his skin invisible to Stern due to his armor. Stern shot a singular shot that rocketed towards Izuku's head but missed instead piercing the floor. Stern's eyes widened as in a blink Izuku was no longer on the floor but instead mere inches from Stern with his face about to connect with Izuku's fist. Then a loud crack resemblent to a roar of thunder echoed in the warehouse as Izuku's fist connected with Stern's face.

Stern got rag-dolled back before sliding to a stop on the floor face up with his jaw barely hanging on. Izuku puffed out his breath making the steam flow from between his teeth, the bullet wounds from his chest slowly began to close as the green glow in his veins pulsed. In another shadow step, Izuku appeared over the downed Stern and straddled him. Izuku began to wail on him with strong punches that cracked the air like whips followed by the ground beginning to crack like a spider web from around Stern's head. Izuku stopped and pulled his hands over his head and clasped them preparing for the final blow. Stern just looked up with awe as he tried to form a bloody smile.

Stern: 'There he is.'

Izuku slammed his hammer strike down finishing the job.


Izuku Midoriya, Special Trait: Lazarus Altered

Due to all the Lazarus healing serums injected into his body during his torture session and than his eventual revival due to Eri's outburst. Izuku's body was genetically changed with the Lazarus serum merging with him, giving him a small healing factor that increases dramatically when enraged similar to a Lazarus Rage. Speculated it became hereditary.


*The Next Day*

A bandaged-up Izuku could be seen lying on his couch snoring until his alarm rang loudly making him groan as he stood up. He picked up his phone and turned off the alarm, staring at the time with drowsy eyes. His eyes exploded open with shock as he shot up with a groan and began putting on his second hood armor which was the classic black jacket and white compression shirt underneath along with jeans. Izuku was out the door in a second on his way to his date with Fuyumi.

Izuku put on his red helmet ignoring the possibility of getting caught, he knew if he got in a real fight he most likely would lose due to his wounds but he didn't know why but he felt like risking it. Hence he was speeding through traffic on his bike at insanely illegal speeds. Izuku however slammed on his brakes as a large glacier cut him off on the street easily avoiding the civilians and their cars, showing years of quirk control and mastery.

Izuku: Shit. 'Good thing I brought Polymer grenades.'

Shoto: Red Hood!

Izuku glanced to the top of the glacier seeing Shoto glaring down on him with hate. Izuku scoffed as he checked his watch making sure he wasn't running late. 

Shoto: Turn yourself in, so no one else has to die at your hands!

Izuku: Hey! Can we like do this another time? I have a date today and I don't want to be late.

Shoto growled in anger as he launched a barrage of ice spikes at Izuku, who leaped off his bike in time as the spikes stabbed into it making it explode. Izuku sighed in disappointment as he threw three capsules at Shoto who scoffed in confusion as he released a wave of fire at them. However, as the flames made contact with the capsules, they expanded releasing a plaster-like material that consumed Shoto from the neck down. Shoto cursed at the sticky plaster and tried to cool it down with his ice but the plaster instead began to constrict around Shoto making him have trouble breathing. Izuku sighed as he stood up and dusted off his clothes.

Izuku: Hyper Polyemer. A plaster-like gel that expands when introduced to heat and contracts when introduced to cold. Created to deal with fire or ice-based quirks, the perfect counter to Shoto the Number Three hero of Japan. Well, see you later.

Izuku made his escape as Shoto tried to escape the material with little progress. Izuku made it in time ditching his outfit into a backpack and was now in normal clothes. He walked into the small Italian restaurant and waved as he saw Fuyumi already at a table. He quickly walked over and gave her a friendly hug which she returned and he sat down with her. 

Izuku: Sorry about that. Hope I didn't make you wait long.

Fuyumi: No, you're good I just got sat down.

Izuku: So, how was your day?

Fuyumi: Well-

The rest of the dinner was nice and pleasant, something Izuku hadn't been able to truly experience in a long time. He was used to his life being fast-paced and him having to always be on guard or ready for the next attack or mission. Yet, he couldn't help but wish for this date to go by a little slower. He didn't know why he felt so comfortable around her but for some reason, it just felt right, maybe it was because he was romantically starved but at the moment that didn't matter. He just didn't want this night to end, and then it did.

Izuku found himself hand in hand with Fuyumi walking her home both laughing at some joke. Was this what he was missing? What he missed out on for so many years due to the Heads? Sure he had physical relations before especially with clients or Zumi's mother, but that always just felt like business. This...This felt so real, like a missing piece that was lost in a puzzle for so long. They both stopped as they reached her front door and smiled gently at each other with Fuyumi then looking down fiddling with his scarred hand, a memento from a life he truly didn't live.

Fuyumi: Tonight was fun.

Izuku: That it was.

Fuyumi: Well I look forward to more.

Fuyumi went on her tiptoes and gave Izuku a kiss on the cheek before backing away from him with a teasing smile. Izuku just smirked as he rubbed the back of his neck in slight embarrassment. 

Izuku: Of course.

Fuyumi went inside leaving Izuku out in the night before he turned around and began hi walk home. He touched his cheek while boarding the train and couldn't help it when a small smile crossed his face.

Izuku: 'Maybe this isn't so bad.'

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.10 Rat Hunting

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