The sparks between us ignited a raging fire within me, and the kiss became more intense and heated. My hand slid into Sebastian's soft hair and ruffled what he had previously tried so hard to tame. He groaned as I tugged gently. Our lips moved greedily together, and I pushed myself closer and closer to Sebastian's body. He slowly lowered himself back onto the blanket and pulled me with him so that I was lying on top of him. I was getting warmer, and without thinking, I sat up and took off my sweater. The top I wore underneath didn't cover the traces of my washing. Sebastian sat up in shock as he saw the wounds on my arms and chest. "Shit, Y/N! What is that?" He reached out for my arm but let it fall. "What did you do?" he asked quietly as he examined my battered skin. "I was just trying to wash Leander off of me," I replied meekly and looked away, ashamed. "Was that what just caused you pain? Is that your definition of everything okay? And I shouldn't worry about that?" Sebastian's voice was worried and angry at the same time. "Damn it, Y/N! You practically skinned yourself because that wanker touched you. You should report him! Who knows what he'll do to you the next time he gets the chance?" "And then?" I replied harshly. "Then he gets expelled, and you'll be the next for beating him up on Halloween. He'll definitely report that if we report him." "Do you know how much I don't care?" Sebastian took my face in his hands. "The only thing that matters to me is you. That you're safe and that you're okay." I sobbed. "No. I don't want to be the reason you can't graduate. Reporting Leander is my decision, and I will not do that." A storm was raging in Sebastian's eyes. "And what if he bothers you again? What if he goes one step further next time?" I didn't know the answer to that. Tears quietly rolled down my cheeks, and Sebastian carefully wiped them away. "It breaks my heart to see you like this," he whispered. "I wish there was some way I could make him leave you alone and make you feel better." I buried my face in his shoulder. "For now, it's enough if you just hold me," I mumbled, and Sebastian immediately complied with my request. "Are you at least taking a Wiggenweld potion for your wounds?" he asked worriedly. "You have your reasons for not taking potions, I have mine," I replied, indicating to him that I didn't want to discuss it. I wanted to feel the burn because it meant I might have washed Leander off my skin. Over time, my skin would recover, and hopefully, my soul would too. I snuggled closer to Sebastian and enjoyed his calming closeness. My eyes slowly closed.

When I woke again, I was no longer in the vivarium but the large bed in the Room of Requirement. I looked around in a daze. I was alone, but apparently, Sebastian had put the bouquet of roses in a vase on my bedside table. With a loud growl, I stretched. The wounds on my skin stretched, and the scab on my left shoulder tore open again. "Oh, damn it!" Cursing, I threw the blanket aside and swung myself out of bed. The blood ran warmly down my arm. I stomped into the large room and searched my brewing station for the all too familiar bright green liquid. Last year, I always had at least five on hand. Why not now? I cursed quietly to myself until one of the small bottles finally fell into my hands, and I ripped out the cork. I hesitantly looked at the thick healing potion and debated whether to drink it. My gaze swung back and forth between the bottle in my hand and the bleeding wound on my shoulder. The blood was now running down my elbow. It just didn't stop. Sighing, I put the bottle to my lips and downed the green liquid. The bitter taste made me shiver. I would never get used to that. A few seconds later, I could watch my skin close. When all the wounds had healed, there was not a single scar to indicate the injuries that had just covered my entire body. "Tergeo," I heard Sebastian behind me, and a bunch of soap bubbles washed the blood from my arm. With the empty bottle still in my hand, I turned to him. "It tore open," I told him, putting the bottle on the table. Smiling gently, he approached me and kissed me on the forehead. "I'm glad you took the potion." I just nodded. "Did you carry me to bed?" I asked in return. "Yes," Sebastian breathed. "I thought it might be more comfortable than sitting on me. Even though I see it as a compliment that you fell asleep on me so quickly." He gave me a wry grin, and I chuckled. "You're just my favourite pillow," I flirted and winked at him. "And this favourite pillow may even have found a magic that will keep Leander away from you." Sebastian's eyes lit up with excitement. "While you were snoring so sweetly to yourself..." "I don't snore!" I interrupted him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Yes, you do, Sleeping Beauty." Sebastian poked the tip of my nose with his finger, grinning. "So while you were sno... slumbering..." "Well saved." "...I was in the library looking for protection spells. And I actually found what I was looking for." I raised an eyebrow curiously. "Please don't tell me you were in the restricted section." "What? No." Sebastian shook his head. "It's the middle of the day. I'm not stupid." He pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and his eyes softened. "No, I found a useful spell in the normal books." He dug a piece of parchment out of his pocket and waved it around. "A spell that you place on a personal item that you always carry with you, which then protects you from attackers. If someone supposed to stay away comes too close to you, the object only becomes noticeable to you. Through vibration or glow or something." "And how does the magic know who should stay away from me?" I asked sceptically. "It notices that. How does your wand know that you're its owner, huh? Magic can't be explained, but I don't question it as long as it works." Sebastian's face beamed with excitement. "What do you say?" I shrugged. "It's worth a try." I removed the necklace and placed it on the table so Sebastian could enchant it. "If that's okay with you," I said. "At least it once belonged to your mother. But I never take off the necklace, so it would be perfect." Sebastian didn't think twice and kissed my hair. "You are at least as smart as you are beautiful." Then, he unfolded the parchment and cast the spell. "Serva mea agnosce periculum." Light blue glowing threads emerged from Sebastian's wand and wound around the rose quartz. This flashed blue briefly before it looked as if nothing had happened. "Did it work?" I asked excitedly. "Are you questioning my skills?" Sebastian teased me. "I hope we never have to find out if the spell works," he sighed. I put the necklace back around my neck and kissed him. "Thank you." Sebastian stroked my cheek. "Don't mention it."

In the afternoon, we decided to let Anne and Ominis in on the secret of the Room of Requirement because we wanted to finally start a new attempt at Anne's healing. Sebastian sent his sister an owl with the news. After dinner, they were supposed to meet us in the Astronomy Tower. Sebastian and I had spent the rest of the day eating the picnic and enjoying time together, so we skipped dinner. We waited in front of the tapestry for the two Slytherins. I leaned against the wall so that I wouldn't be too conspicuous and pulled Sebastian close to me. "We can use the time we wait wisely," I said flirtatiously. Sebastian chuckled and supported himself on the wall behind me. Our faces were only millimetres apart. He raised an eyebrow, a wry smile on his lips. "Oh yes? What do you have in mind?" "You know that very well," I breathed before I kissed him. Sebastian didn't hesitate for a second and returned my kiss. I let myself sink deeper and deeper into our touch, and Sebastian gently pushed me against the wall. Suddenly, the scenes from the morning flashed into my head, and I pushed Sebastian away from me. He looked at me worriedly. "I'm sorry, I..." I stammered. "No, I have to apologize." Sebastian stroked my cheek. "I didn't think you might not like this right now." "How are you supposed to know?" I reassured him and placed my hands on his chest. "After all, everything else wasn't a problem with you today, and I don't know what you're allowed to do now and what you're not allowed to do." I stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "The only way to find out is to try it out." Sebastian nodded. Then, his face lit up as if he had an idea. He turned us around, so his back leaned against the wall and pulled me towards him. "Would that be better?" I giggled and nodded. "Unfortunately, I can't lean over you so sexy and lean against the wall. That's what it looks like." I tried to imitate Sebastian's posture and landed with my face at his chest level. He laughed loudly, and I grinned down at him. Chuckling to myself, I wrapped my arms around his body and snuggled up to him. In response, Sebastian hugged me back and kissed my forehead. I could feel his heart racing against my shoulder. "It's crazy how you can make my heart almost burst with a simple hug," he whispered. His words made my heart race, and I looked at him with red cheeks.

I was just about to say something when we were greeted by Anne suddenly coming around the corner with a happy gasp. She grinned ear to ear when she saw Sebastian and me together and stopped abruptly in the middle of the corridor. Ominis, who was walking just behind her, got her arm smacked in the stomach as she excitedly hit him. "Ouch! Anne, be careful!" scolded the blonde Slytherin. Anne ignored his comment. "I'm so happy to see you together again." "So am I," Sebastian whispered to me before we separated. "You wanted to show us something?" Anne asked without going into further detail about our reconciliation. "Yes, and you're standing right in front of it," Sebastian said, pointing to the bare wall opposite us.


What do you all think? Should Leander be reported? And how will Y/N's trauma affect her relationship with Sebastian? Will it ever be as carefree as it was in the beginning?

We will see.

In the Shadows - Sebastian Sallow x reader (English)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu