Chapter 24

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Sebastian bravely bit off my toast and then put the slice far into my mouth. "I owe you a toast, right?" "Mpf!" The toast filled my mouth completely and I had trouble chewing. "Y/N, say pug", giggled Imelda. "Fuck!", I spat and the three Slytherins started laughing. Sebastian put his hand on my thigh again and squeezed gently. With his other hand, he put a fork of pancakes in his mouth and the molasses ran down the corner of his mouth. He awkwardly tried to catch the drop with his tongue, but only got half of it. I couldn't sit back and watch the tragedy, so I wiped the syrup off his chin with my thumb. Sebastian grabbed my hand and put my thumb in his mouth to lick the syrup off. The look he gave me was intense and I didn't know whether to find it strange or sexy. "Whoa, you're worse than two Erumpents in the rut. Seriously, get a room!" Imelda rolled her eyes and continued eating, shaking her head. "Then don't look if it bothers you", Sebastian snorted, winking at me while still holding my hand. Not breaking eye contact, he planted a kiss on the back of my hand. My face felt like it was about to burst into flames. "Y/N? What's that on your neck?" Imelda's eyes almost popped out when she saw the hickey on my neck. Reflexively, I grabbed the spot and blushed even more, while Sebastian next to me had a mischievous, proud grin on his face. "What? What is it?", Ominis asked curiously. "Sallow, you didn't really give Y/N a hickey, did you?" Imelda shook her head in disbelief again, causing her ponytail to bounce. "You did what?" Ominis' mouth opened and Sebastian laughed quietly to himself. "Is he really that conspicuous?" I asked shyly, my hand still on the bruise. "Apart from the fact that you have two of the kind and you're just covering the less conspicuous one, yes", Imelda explained, pointing her fork at my neck. "Two?" My eyes widened. "What do you mean by two?" "I mean you have two hickeys on your neck", Imelda sneered in her familiar smart-ass voice, and I gave Sebastian a shocked look. He just shrugged his shoulders in reply and continued eating happily. "You liked that, didn't you?" I nudged the Slytherin with my elbow. "Maybe", he replied, grinning widely, and then leaned in to whisper in my ear. "The noises you make while I do this are driving me crazy." His words and his breath on my skin sent a pleasant shiver down my spine. "And you seem to like it, too. I also like to mark my territory." "Are you a dog that lifts its leg?", I retorted, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, I'm not an object, Sebastian." "I didn't mean it like that!" The brunette tried to placate me by stroking my thigh. "I just don't want anyone else to get any stupid ideas." "And what would those stupid ideas be?" My eyebrow rose and I crossed my arms over my chest. "Well... that you're still available." I laughed briefly. "Oh, am I in safe hands now? I don't remember marrying you, Sebastian." I always took pleasure in teasing him. "What? You got married and I wasn't invited?", Ominis joined in. "Me, as your best friend?" "Y/N wasn't invited herself." Imelda said that in such a dry tone that I couldn't suppress a loud laugh. Sebastian seemed overwhelmed and looked helplessly back and forth between the three of us. "Fuck thu cuideachd!" Pouting, the brunette continued to chew on his pancakes. Again and again, his gaze wandered to me and when I put my hand on his free left hand, the all too familiar grin spread on his face again. We ate well and then made our way to Hogsmeade.

We threw on warm jackets and left the Great Hall. As Sebastian and I walked out the door hand in hand, he pulled me towards him again. The snowy yard was deserted, so he took the opportunity. He brushed a loose strand of hair out of my face with one hand and at the same time leaned in for a sweet kiss. He tasted like molasses and apples. I put my hands on his chest and happily kissed him back. A jubilant whistle made us flinch. A group of seventh graders cheered us on. "Respect, Sallow! I didn't think you could do it!", a brunette Slytherin exclaimed, making an obscene hand gesture. My face got hot again and Sebastian called after the Slytherin. "What do you mean, you didn't think I could do that?" The seventh-year turned to us and slowly walked towards us. "Oh, did that scratch your puny ego? I just didn't think you'd manage to wrap a girl around your finger again and then apparently claw her too." The seventh year gave me a hungry look. "And then such a pretty one." Disgusting. He clicked his tongue. "Darling, you deserve much better. How can you stoop to such a low level?" He reached out for me and when his hand hovered just in front of my face, I slapped it away. "And what do you think would be better?", I hissed at him. "Honey, an example is right in front of you." The seventh year pointed both hands at himself. "No thank you. I'm not that into arrogant assholes who have to compensate..." I wandered my eyes clearly to his wrapped privates and nodded once. "Something by putting others down." Hair flying, I turned to Sebastian, who just looked at me with pride and surprise at the same time. Smiling, I took his hand and pulled him behind me in the direction of the school garden so that we could finally leave the school grounds.

In the Shadows - Sebastian Sallow x reader (English)Where stories live. Discover now