Chapter 14

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"Y/N, would go to the party with me?" My heart leaped and the butterflies in my stomach began to dance. "Yes", I breathed just loud enough for Sebastian to hear my reply. A big smile made his freckles push closer together. Exuberantly, he pulled me into a tight hug, which I was only too happy to return. I'd like to bottle up this moment in a mason jar. The scent of cedar wrapped me like a cosy blanket and I felt right at home. We broke apart a bit, but only enough to be able to look into each other's eyes and still be hugging. Sebastian's hazel eyes sparkled, allowing me to see every little nuance in them. It was a perfect moment to finally kiss him. We were alone, happy and the string quartet played a dreamlike melody. Sebastian released his right hand from my body and gently stroked a strand of hair behind my ear. His thumb caressed my cheek lovingly, causing my knees to buckle. Sebastian slowly approached me. My heart was about to burst out of my chest, and my stomach was about to explode with excitement. Our lips were only a few millimetres apart. Sebastian's breath tickled my skin. I closed my eyes in anticipation. Not much was missing. I felt his lips hover over mine. Just a little more and then... "There you are, Y/N!" Nellie's voice made us wince and we pulled away. The Gryffindor on the stairs to the courtyard seemed to have realized that she had disturbed us at the most inconvenient time, as her eyes widened and her mouth formed an oh shit. She raised her hands apologetically. "I'm sorry. I'm already gone. Feel free to continue where you left off. Y/N, I'll wait for you in the library. Have fun. I don't mean have fun. I mean... never mind! Don't do anything I wouldn't do." With a wink in my direction, Nellie turned and headed back down the stairs. There was an awkward silence between Sebastian and me. I nervously played with my fingers and shyly looked up at the Slytherin in front of me. He returned my gaze just as shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. After a while, I broke the silence: "I, um... I think I should..." I nervously pointed to the stairs where Nellie had been standing a short while ago. Sebastian just nodded. Slowly and uncertainly, I turned to said stairs and was about to start walking when Sebastian grabbed my forearm and pulled me close again. "I'm looking forward to next week." "Yes, me t..." I stopped my sentence when I felt Sebastian's lips on my cheek. With a shy but proud grin, he pulled away from me. I was speechless. My heart was pounding, my stomach was tingling non-stop, my face was on fire and my knees were jelly. If that was my reaction to a kiss on the cheek, I'm sure I'd pass out if we kissed properly. "Now I'll let you go if you want." Now I really don't want to go! I nodded. "Yes" No! With a last smile at Sebastian, I turned around again. Why am I doing this? Why did I say yes? Why am I leaving now? I would like to drag Sebastian into the undercroft and kiss him all day and night. Nevertheless, I continued on my way to the library.

"There's the heartthrob from Hogwarts!" Nellie greeted me on the second floor of the library. I rolled my eyes and sat across from her at the large table. "So?" The brunette grinned broadly at me and waggled her eyebrows. "How good is Sebastian Sallow at kissing?" Exasperated, I shot a death glare in her direction. "No idea. I might know if you hadn't disturbed us." "WHAT?" Nellie cried in horror. "Shut up over there, that's a damn library!" Called a voice from a corridor further back. Nellie lowered her head and with it her voice. "He didn't kiss you after that?" "Bloody hell, no! At least not in the way I would have preferred." "So there was a kiss after all? Spit it out!" Curious, she rested her head on her hands and looked at me with big, shining eyes. "Well, at least he kissed me on the cheek." I could still feel Sebastian's kiss tingling on my cheek and just the thought of it made butterflies dance in my stomach. "Hallelujah! That's something. And then what did you do?" I was angry with myself and wanted to slap myself for being such a damn prat. "I came here." Nellie's jaw dropped. "Oh no! You're really telling me you just left him there?" I puffed out my cheeks in response and shrugged. "Y/N! That would have been your chance to get your long-awaited first kiss from Sebastian and you're running away?" I slammed my fist on the table in irritation. "Damnit, Nellie! I don't know why either. I got cold feet, okay?" With a deep sigh, I ran a hand through my hair. "At least we're going to the celebration together next week." The Gryffindor gave a short laugh. "How many times did he ask you before you finally said yes?" "Many times", I laughed. "And do you still think he's not in love with you? A friend would never be that insistent." At Nellie's words, my face flushed bright red and I played with my fingers nervously. "Now I think there might be something", I admitted. Nellie leaned her upper body on the table and grinned mischievously at me. "There you go! Then why are you sitting here with me instead of making out with him in some storage room?" "Because we have homework to do that will be collected tomorrow", I retorted cheekily. The brunette exhaled dismissively. "Fuck your homework! You're missing out on a hot make-out session with an equally hot Slytherin. You really need to rearrange your priorities." I stared at her in disbelief. "Did you just call Sebastian hot?" Nellie shrugged. "Yes, I did. So what? Just because I'm not into him doesn't mean I can find him attractive?" I blinked at the Gryffindor, perplexed. "N-no. It's just weird hearing that coming out of your mouth." "Honestly, Y/N." Nellie reached across the table for my hand. "You and I aren't the only ones who know that Sebastian Sallow is a real head-turner. A lot of girls here dig him. So you should hurry up and finally tell him how you feel." With a reassuring smile, she gave my hand a firm squeeze and then leaned back in her chair. I sighed once. "If only this were as easy as it sounds." "It is easy! You are in love with him, he is in love with you. You go up to him and say" Nellie shifted her voice a third higher "Oh, Sebastian, I've got a crush on you by the way." "I don't sound like that at all!" I giggled. "And then he says", Now she lowered her voice a fifth, "Oh, Y/N, I've got a crush on you too. Shall we make out? And then there's wild snogging and Merlin knows what else you're up to. And then you get married and have at least five children." "FIVE? Are you out of your mind? Imagine if they all turn out to be like him. Poor Mrs. Scribner." I couldn't hold back a loud laugh and Nellie joined in the laughter. "Bloody hell! Quiet over there! There are also people here who want to concentrate!" The voice from the corridor at the back of the library yelled again. "So, Potions," I grinned at Nellie and we got down to our essays on Felix Felicis.

Sebastian's POV

"And why didn't you kiss her properly, you idiot?" Ominis grimaced in disbelief. After Y/N disappeared towards the library, I told my best friend in the Slytherin common room everything. I was excited like a little schoolgirl. "I'm glad I even dared to pull her close again and kiss her on the cheek." I leaned forward on the black leather sofa in front of the fireplace and rested my elbows on my knees. I sighed in desperation and ran my hand through my hair. "I should have kissed her. Damn, I should have just done it. But what if she doesn't want it? Then I ruin our friendship. I don't want to lose her, Ominis." "For fuck's sake, Sebastian!" Ominis shook his head. "You're more likely to lose her by taking so much time to tell her how you feel and by always acting like the biggest arse the world has ever seen." Ouch. "What am I supposed to do if that bastard Prewett just asks her out?" Ominis' voice rose. "Maybe don't interfere! You've had enough opportunities to ask her out. And if she had accepted Leander's invitation, you would have been unlucky. You are lucky that she agreed with you. I wouldn't have done it if I were her. But I'm not in love with you either." The last sentence made my stomach tingle. Is she really in love with me? I laughed playfully. "That's only because you can't see me, dear." The blonde snorted derisively. "No, that's more because, firstly, I don't like men and secondly, you're an asshole." Grinning, I leaned back and put an arm around Omini's shoulders. "And despite everything, I'm your best friend." "And sometimes I don't know why", Ominis countered, pinching my thigh. "Stop it, it might turn me on", I whispered in his ear in a mock excited tone, which made my friend jump up abruptly. "Urgh, Sebastian! You can do that with Y/N but not with me!" I laughed out loud. "Disgusting! Despicable!" Ominis fled the common room, cursing. I thought long and hard about my missed opportunity and the feel of Y/N's skin on my lips. The way blush had crept up her cheeks after realizing what had happened was a sight for sore eyes. I daydreamed a little more on the sofa. I couldn't wait for the party.


So, who won the bet? :D

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