Chapter 4

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TW: Angst, PTSD

I made my way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with Natty and Poppy. "I'm curious what Professor Hecat has prepared this time." Poppy was shaking with excitement. After having completed our OWLs last year, the classes for the next two years were now sorted by performance. The three of us all passed with top marks of O. When we walked through the classroom door, there were hardly any students around. We were ahead of schedule. Natty and Poppy sat at a free table in one of the middle rows and I took a seat at the table behind them. Since there was still enough time to chat, my two friends turned to face me. "I heard that the advanced subjects are supposed to be very demanding. Let's just hope I don't screw up the NEWTs. I need Defense Against the Dark Arts for my career as a healer." Natty frowned in concern. "Why do you think you can't make it here? I've seen you fight and I really wouldn't want to mess with you", I encouraged the Gryffindor. "Thanks, Y/N, you always find the right words." Natty's worried expression morphed back into the smile that usually graced her face.

"Is this seat taken?" I didn't even have to look to know it was Sebastian. Of course he also passed with an O. I honestly didn't expect anything else from him. "It's not if you tell me where you left Ominis." With that, I turned to the Slytherin. "Well, this is the class for those who got an O's in their OWLs, right? Ominis actually only managed an E. Although E is still a good grade." I tapped the empty seat next to me to signal Sebastian to sit down.

Hopefully his presence doesn't distract me too much.

"Good morning and welcome to Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts." Professor Hecat had emerged from her office and greeted us for the first lesson of our sixth year. "Before we begin, I'd like to hear what you know about boggarts." Amit's hand immediately shot up. "Please, Mr. Thakkar." "A boggart is a bugbear that appears different to everyone. It lurks dark places where no one can see it. When you free a Boggart, it confronts a person with what they fear most." Amit really was a walking encyclopedia. "Very good, Mr Thakkar. Five points to Ravenclaw." Professor Hecat surveyed the class. "And who can tell me how to scare off a boggart?" Amit Hand shot up again. "Not you, Mr. Thakkar. I know you know. Your classmates should also have a chance to share their knowlegde. I don't bite." Slowly, a hand rose next to me. "Ah, Mr Sallow. We're listening." "To exorcise a Boggart, you have to make fun of it. You think of something ridiculous to turn the Boggart into and then cast Riddikulus. It'll burst because it's made fun of by his opponent." "Very good. Five points to Slytherin. Well then, please follow me." Professor Hecat led us out of the classroom and down the stairs of the tower into a room in front of which a gargoyle would not stop babbling. It was quite a small room with a table in the middle, a fireplace on the wall and a closet at the far end of the room. The older witch waved her wand briefly, clearing the small chamber. Standing in front of the closet, she faced the class. "As you can probably guess, there's a boggart in that closet. You will face your worst fears. Get ready. Well, then, who wants to start?" A Ravenclaw girl volunteered. As she positioned herself in front of the closet, the mirrored door swung open to reveal a giant bug. "Eeek! R-riddikulus!" The giant beetle let out a whistle that sounded very much like boiling water escaping out of a kettle. Steam rose from the beetle's back, slowly shrinking it. The class burst out laughing. "And the next one!" Professor Hecat was visibly amused. Next up was a Hufflepuff boy. The boggart turned into a troll. "Riddikulus!" The troll's club turned into a rubber club and hit the troll, squeaking like a dog's toy. Again, roaring laughter emerged. One by one they faced their fears and made the class laugh. Then it was my turn. The boggart, which was just rolling as a marble on the ground, now transformed and it felt like being hit in the stomach: the corpses of my friends lay right before me. I lost the ground beneath my feet. With ringing in my ears and blurry vision, I collapsed on the floor crying. I felt hands that were shaking me, arms wrapped tightly around me. I noticed everything as I fit was far away. A black veil enveloped me and I threatened to faint at any second. "Riddikulus!" I heard Sebastian's voice through the veil. A strange roar and laughter followed. I slowly regained my senses. Natty was the one holding me protectively, Poppy in front of me, looking worried. I heard a loud snore. What used to be a pile of corpses was now a snoring jumble of my sleeping loved ones. If the boggart hadn't upset me so much I would have found it funny, but now I was sitting on the floor and couldn't stop the tears. "Everything is fine, Y/N. We are here. That was just a boggart." Natty was still holding me tightly. In the meantime, Sebastian was also crouching in front of me. "Riddikulus," I heard Professor Hecat call out. This was followed by the slamming of a door. "That should be enough for today!" The professor ended the lesson with concern in her voice. I still couldn't stop the tears when suddenly I felt two warm hands on my cheeks. Natty let go of me, but still had one hand placed on my back and running it down soothing me. "Hey, look at me!" When I opened my eyes, I looked straight into Sebastian Sallow's hazel eyes. "Y/N, that wasn't real. We're here, we're all alive." Sebastian stroked my cheek with his thumb soothingly. There it was again: the urge to hug him and not let go. And this time I surrendered to the desire. Sobbing but relieved, I threw myself into his arms. Sebastian didn't hesitate for a second and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me tightly. "It's fine", he mumbled into my hair. The warmth of his hug and the scent of cedar soothed me almost instantly. We stayed in each other's arms for a little while longer until Sebastian broke away from me. He still held me close and looked at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay?" My friend gently wiped the tears from my face. I nodded hesitantly, forcing a small smile to my lips. "Can you get up?" Again, I nodded yes. Sebastian helped me up. I was still unsteady on my feet at first, but caught myself quickly. Only then did I realize it: I had just thrown myself at Sebastian Sallow in front of my entire class. FUCK! Only a neon sign over my head, proclaiming 'I'm in love with Sebastian Sallow' in flashing neon letters would have been even more obvious to what I felt for him. I could feel my face turning red - it was well used to that by now. "I'm sorry." Embarrassed, my gaze wandered to the floor. "Sorry? For what?" The Slytherin seemed visibly confused. "Well, that I, well, just hugged you," I admitted shyly. "No need to apologize, Y/N. You seem to have needed it and I'm glad I could help you," Sebastian assured me. "Then, thanks. For your help." I turned to Poppy and Natty. "Thank you, too." "That's what friends are for." Natty smiled at me encouragingly. "I need some fresh air," I announced and set off to collect my things from the classroom and take a quick breath in the yard. Although the hug in front of my classmates made me uncomfortable, I couldn't help but smile at it. Sebastian had been warm and incredibly gentle despite his strength. His scent clung to my clothes and I was secretly happy about it. It filled me with a feeling of security. A spark of pride rose in my chest. Proud that I finally dared to get a little closer to Sebastian. I sighed and looked up at the sky, closed my eyes and enjoyed the tingling of the autumn sun on my skin for a moment.

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