Chapter 12

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The next morning I woke up well-rested. The first rays of sunshine peeped through a window between the beds. So it had to be about eight o'clock. I hadn't slept so peacefully in a long time. As I slowly came to my senses, I realized that Sebastian was still lying next to me. In fact, I was lying halfway on top of him. Sebastian was on his back and I had my head resting on his chest. His heart was beating slowly but strongly and his breathing was regular. So he was still asleep. My left leg was across his pelvis and he had his hand on my thigh, making my face heat up. My right leg was intertwined with his. As I moved a little, I felt his other arm wrap around me, pulling me closer to him again. "Ten more minutes", mumbled Sebastian. Merlin, how could he be so cute? I giggled and looked up at him. "Ten? Isn't that five minutes?" Sebastian opened one eye and blinked at me. "You're right, let's make it twenty. It's so cosy and peaceful right now." With that, he closed his eye again and pulled me close once more. I didn't want to get up either, but we still had a mission ahead of us. But I allowed ourselves a few minutes.

For breakfast, Sebastian fried us eggs. He really had thought of everything. While he threw the eggs into the pan, I changed and washed myself. Sebastian had changed beforehand, without any prying eyes from me. Even if I would have liked to take a look at his bare bottom. Or anything else about him. But even if it was hard to believe: I could also behave.

The eggs and I were ready at the same time and I sat down at the small table with a growling stomach. Sebastian put a couple of eggs on both of our plates and sat across from me. "Did you sleep well, Sleeping Beauty?" Sebastian grinned at me mischievously. Shit, what have I done now? He seemed to read my question on my face because he explained, "You talk in your sleep, you know?" I buried my face in my hands, embarrassed. "What did I say this time?" The brunette chuckled. "Not much. Just..." He paused. I blinked bright red at him through my fingers. "Just what?" Now he was blushing, too. "Just... mynam", he mumbled. I took my hands off my face and looked straight at him. "I'm sorry, what? You were mumbling." Sebastian avoided my gaze. "My... my name. You said Sebastian." Fuck. How do I talk my way out of this now? "Hm... It would have been weird if I'd said a different name since I'm already lying next to you, wouldn't it?" The Slytherin laughed. "That's right. I would have taken that as an insult." I nodded in agreement and finished my fried egg when the devil on my shoulder whispered something in my ear, which made me grin. "And to answer your question from before, Christian: I slept well. And you?" Sebastian looked at me as if I had lost the last spark of my mind. "Now you're aiming for it, aren't you?" Cocky, I wanted to screw Sebastien a little more. "Oh, sorry, I meant Michael. Or was it Leander after all?" "LEANDER? OK, that hurt. That one was personal!" A malicious laugh escaped my lips and Sebastian sat across from me pouting. I just had too much fun teasing him. "You'll get double that back." "Is that a threat, Sallow?" I laughed even more viciously. "More like a promise, Y/LN." Now a wicked grin spread across his face that would have scared any small child and his hazel eyes darkened. Grinning and still teasing each other, we happily continued to eat breakfast until we made our way to the Rookwood estate and reached our destination in the early afternoon.

The mansion was in the middle of the North Highlands. It was an impressive villa built of anthracite-coloured stone. A lavish garden of symmetrically draped box trees, presumably once pruned to perfection, wrapped the villa like a green, lush cloak. An impressive fountain in the middle of the gravel path completed the picture in front of us. If this hadn't been Victor Rookwood's mansion, I'd want to move right in.

We landed on the white pebbles, which began to crunch under our feet. To make sure we didn't have any surprise encounters, I cast Revelio and took a good look around. We were actually alone. I took a deep breath. "Let's go then." With Sebastian at my side, I walked briskly towards the large, ornate front door. I was about to pick the lock when the Slytherin pushed the heavy door open with ease. "I told you I was in here before", he grinned. I shrugged defiantly. "It could have been that you were good for once and locked up again. But I seem to have forgotten who I'm talking to here," I scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?" Sebastian asked indignantly. "I'm always nice and kind." I laughed briefly ironically. "Yeah, you can tell your grandma, king of detention. Shouldn't you be getting a cup in the trophy room for that?" "You get one at 100. I need a few more. But I'm working on it." Laughing, I shook my head and entered the grand entrance hall of the mansion. The floor was white marble and the walls were panelled in light-coloured wood. A curved staircase led to the first floor. Light stains on the walls indicated that paintings had once added some colour to the room. The furniture had been overturned and smashed across the floor so one could only guess what it had once been about. "What was that person looking for here?" I wondered aloud. "They were probably fences looking for valuable things to turn into some galleons at the nearest black market. Come on, the library is this way!"

In the Shadows - Sebastian Sallow x reader (English)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن