«15» late night bonding

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“I don’t know,” he all but pouted, earning another string of laughter from his younger siblings, except for Jawad who silently observed him. “She’s not picking up my calls.”

“Okay,” Hayat rose from the bed, excitement throbbing through her veins, as she clapped her hands together. “Enough about spouses, and significant others. Let’s have one last Farraj siblings’ night before the celebrations turn this house chaotic. Who knows when we’ll gather again like this?”

Jawad perked up in agreement, but otherwise kept his lips shut, as the last remnant of sleep left his eyes.

“And no bickering over movie choices!” Abbad interjected, glad they were choosing to forget about all their issues for the night. “That means Fou’ad and Hayat.”

“Us? Bicker? When have we ever?” Hayat feigned innocence, and they all burst into a fit of laughter, recalling countless similar nights where they ended up spending most of the time debating over what to watch.

“Family or living room?” Abbad questioned as he rose from the ottoman.

“Family room,” Hayat and Fou’ad responded at the same time.

The family room was a cozy room with warm, earthy décor, plush sofas, colorful throw pillows, various awards and family photos adorning the walls, capturing treasured memories.

Just then the door creaked open, and the room was filled with the sweet giggles of Aida, Jawad’s five-year-old daughter as she scampered into the room with her favorite teddy bear, her little feet making a soft pitter-patter against the floor.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she spotted Hayat, her favorite aunt, and she ran straight towards her without a second thought, ignoring her father and uncles’ cheerful greetings.

Jawad chuckled, used to his daughter’s unwavering affection for her aunt. “No greetings today, Aida?”

Aida looked up from Hayat’s embrace, her big brown eyes wide with innocence. “Hi, Daddy. Hello, Uncles.”  She quickly blew a kiss to each of them, but her tiny arms tightened around Hayat again.

“Why aren’t you in bed, Peanut?” Abbad asked softly, his gaze trained on her, as she settled her tiny body comfortably around Hayat’s.

Aida shrugged, her eyes still wide with innocence as she settled comfortably in Hayat’s arms. “I wasn’t sleepy, Uncle A.”

Fou’ad leaned closer and asked with a gentle smile, “Do you want to watch a movie with us?”

Aida turned uncertain eyes at her father, waiting for his approval. When he nodded, her face lit up with excitement as she clasped her hands together. “Can we watch a princess movie?”

Fou’ad couldn’t help but laugh, “That’s settled then, princess movie it is.”

“And you dear Peanut are the queen of the night,” Hayat chuckled as she gave Aida a playful squeeze.

Jawad joined the fun, asking his daughter, “And who’s the king of the night, Aida?”

Aida’s little brow furrowed in thought before she pointed to Abbad. “Uncle A!”

Abbad grinned and took a mock bow, “Your wish is my command, my Queen.”

“That’s because you bribe her with sweets and chocolates,” Fou’ad mock frowned, and the room became filled with laughter once again, as they filed out of the bedroom together.


The next day, Fou’ad was seated in the cozy mini living room, meticulously reviewing wedding decor with Hayat when Jawad casually strolled in, effortlessly interrupting their ruminations.

“Why is there a horse in our driveway?” he asked, as he perched atop an empty sofa.

“A horse?” Fou’ad’s head snapped up, and he began to rise from his seat. However, Hayat’s hand landed on his arm, gently restraining him. “There are supposed to be two.”

“I saw both of them when I went out earlier,” she supplied, before he could start panicking.

Jawad’s curiosity piqued, as he observed his brother. “Why do we have horses in our driveway?”

“They’re mine,” Fou’ad responded without missing a beat.

Jawad’s skepticism showed on his face as he countered, “You don’t like horses.”

“Yaseerah likes horses,” Fou’ad replied nonchalantly, diverting his gaze back to the papers in front of him.

Jawad exchanged an amused glance with Hayat over Fou’ad’s head, and she responded with a subtle shake of her head, signaling him to drop the subject, her lips forming a knowing smile.

Unable to stop teasing his brother about his wedding, Jawad leaned forward, his brow still furrowed, and looked directly at Fou’ad. “But why are you taking care of the wedding decor, Fou’ad? Isn’t that Yaseerah’s job, as the bride?”

If there were moments in her life when she wanted to club her brother upside the head, now was that moment. Hayat glared at Jawad who stared innocently at the two of them, as he awaited Fou’ad’s response.

Fou’ad paused, a thoughtful expression on his face. He looked at the wedding decor sketches spread out before him, tracing the intricate designs with his finger.

Hayat chimed in with a strained smile, still glaring at Jawad over Fou’ad’s head. “He’s just being the romantic he is. He wants everything to be perfect for Yaseerah, and he’s taking care of the decor to surprise her.”

Fou’ad shrugged, trying to downplay his romantic intentions. “Well, it’s her big day. She deserves the best, and I want to make sure she gets it.”

Jawad couldn’t help but smile at his brother’s sincerity, even though it filled him with unease about how Yaseerah would take it when everything came to a head. “Yaseerah is lucky to have you.”

A soft affectionate smile bloomed across his face as he thought about Yaseerah. “I am the lucky one.”

“Don’t forget, it is your day too.”

Abbad, who had been silently observing the conversation, finally spoke up. “And don’t worry, we’ll make sure everything goes smoothly.”

Fou’ad’s smile widened as he looked at his siblings. “Thank you, guys. I appreciate your support.”

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