Ch. 19: Calling for Help

Start from the beginning

"No, because Amity probably enjoys it." Hunter said.

Amity's arm became a sharp blade of abomination goo. That shut him up.

"Didn't you guys make enough jokes about me melting in the Human Realm?" Amity asked.

"Don't you learn to NOT melt from your girlfriend being awesome after dating her for several months?" Gus retorted.

"He's got you there, Amity. You should've adapted by now." Willow said.

"My girlfriend turned into a GOD!" Amity said, gesturing to Luz.

"And you turn into a purple puddle, the highest level of abomination magic. What's your point?" Willow asked.

"How am I not supposed to melt when she began to change over night!?" Amity shouted.

"You would melt either way. So....." Hunter said with a shrug.

"It's alright, Amity. I'm kind of glad you melt when you're around me." Luz said, smiling.

"WHY?!" Amity demanded to know.

"Cuz it proves I've still got my devilish charms." Luz said, posing with her hand cupping her chin and winking at Amity.

'Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together.' Amity thought.

She did NOT keep it together, leading to Gus pulling out the bucket labelled Amity's Gay Panic Bucket(tm), and scooping her up.

"See?" Willow said with a grin.

"SHUT UP!" Amity shouted as Luz took the bucket, holding her lovingly.

It was then Eberwolf called Hunter, making him raise his scroll again.

"Hello?" Hunter answered it.

"Ruff ruff ruff!" Eberwolf barked.

Hunter nodded to them... before he handed the scroll to Luz.

"Translate, please. You're the only one that can understand him." Hunter said, admitting he never FULLY understood Eberwolf.

Another thing Luz discovered about being a Titan, she could instantly learn and use any language in the demon realm. Which came in handy because when she fully became a Titan, she could finally understand people like Barcus and Eileen!

"Yello?" Luz asked into the scroll.

"Ruff! Ruff ruff ruff! RRRRROOOOOO!" Eberwolf said as Luz nodded.

"Uh huh. Okay, thanks." Luz said before looking to her friends, smiling. "He says he's on his way."

That's great. How long will it take him to get here?" Gus asked.

"I'll ask." Luz said before.... "Ruh! Ruff ruff ruff! Grrrrr, woof!"

After a couple of growls, Luz smiled as she turned to her friends.

"Within the next ten minutes." Luz said, handing Hunter his scroll and the bucket to Willow, "Fix her, please."

"Got it." Willow said, drawing a spell circle as she poured Amity onto the ground.

Just as she did before, Willow made a giant flower grow from the purple puddle and open to show Amity fully reformed.

(First book, chapter 8)

"I will never get used to that." Amity said.

"And I won't keep doing it, so next time, stay together or I'm putting the bucket into the freezer." Willow said.

"You know that won't work, abomination mud takes two days to freeze." Amity said, rolling her arms.

"I know." Willow said, grinning.

"You will NOT be putting me in the freezer for 2 days!" Amity shouted at her.

"Seeing as I'm in charge of you when that happens, I think I can." Willow said.

"Oh snap." Gus said, covering his mouth.

"Oh, okay! So when you somehow turn into a plant, I'll be sure to put you in a nice shady spot with dry dirt and no water." Amity said, sarcastic and smirking.

"Jokes on you, I can already do that." Willow said, smirking herself. "And I can control myself."

Well, aren't you a young Terra Snapdragon?" Amity asked.

"Do NOT call me that. She's not the standard of a good plant witch!" Willow said as Hunter got between her and Amity.

"Okay, ladies. Let's not forget why we're here." Hunter said.

"Yeah, exactly." Luz said as she was engulfed again and returned to her hybrid form, "We have someone to bring in for justice."

She put her hat back on, it naturally having to opening in it that let it go on over her horns, which are already a solid 6 inches longer than a month ago.

That meant Luz was still growing as a Titan and still growing in power as well.

Soon, Eberwolf arrived.

"ROOOOOOOOW!" Eberwolf howled, making everyone look up to see he was flying on the back of a bat like beast.

He then jumped off with a flip, landing in front of the group and waved his friend farewell. He then went over and nuzzled against Hunter's leg, similar to a cat when they see you.

"Hey, Eber, good to see you too." Hunter said as he petted the beast man. "Sorry to call you on short notice but we need your nose."

"Ruff!" Eberwolf barked as he backs away, nodding to Hunter.

"He says he'll help. Now, it was about this general spot that I felt the magic." Luz said, pointing to the spot where the teleported spell was cast.

Eber moved to the spot and began to sniff.

"Hmmm." Eberwolf hummed, picking up hints of magic and small traces of cheap perfume. "ROOOOOOOOOOOH!"

And he took off into the woods.

"He's got them! Let's go!" Luz shouted as they all ran after Eberwolf.

The hunt for the criminal is ON!

The Forbidden Drink II: Return of the TitansWhere stories live. Discover now