Ch. 11: Friendly Breaking amd Entering

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Luz and Amity were walking out of Amelia's home, waving goodbye to the plant witch and her parents.

"So, ready to deal with Skara?" Luz asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Amity said with a nod. "Even if we have to get physical, we need to help her."

"Remember the plan, we wait for Amelia and Boscha's signal. Without Boscha's potion, we won't be able to get passed her, because I'm not going Titan on a friend, especially one that needs help." Luz said.

"I know, you don't want to crush her house. Your hybrid form is enough." Amity said.

'And cuter.' Amity thought.

The two summoned their staffs, and began to fly towards Skara's house. Amity looked over at Luz.

"So... your mom has wings, are you going to get wings?" Amity asked.

"I spoke to the Titan about it a week ago." Luz said, "Apparently, when a Titan turns 15, their wings come in, it's like a puberty thing I guess."

"Okay, so when's your birthday?" Amity asked, mainly to know when to get Luz a gift.

"It's in December, so there's still about a month." Luz said, "Ironically enough, and I'll tell you why it's ironic at another time when we aren't busy, I was born on the 25 of December."

"December 25, got it." Amity said with a nod. "But what's so ironic about it?"

"Again, I'll tell you later." Luz said with a tiny grin.

'Yep... I'm magic Jesus.' Luz thought.

Luz had to stop herself from giggling since she now had a few things in common with the religious figure, including now being a religious figure herself since she most likely had a church dedicated to herself being made without her knowing. It...was weird to think about.

'Don't think about, just don't think about it. Just focus on helping Skara.' Luz thought.

The two arrived at the mansion, just as Amity received a message from Amelia.

"Okay, let's sneak in." Amity said.

"Leave that to me." Luz said, holding her hand out to form an invisibility glyph.

She then draw a black spell circle to spread it around her, Amity, and their staffs.

'Wow, she's gotten better.' Amity thought.

"Alright, let's get in there." Luz said, holding Amity's hand so they don't get separated.

Inside, Skara was standing in front of the door, staff in hand. Amelia getting close earlier made her a lot more vigilant. She didn't even hesitate to blast the rat that tried to get past.

"You're not eating anything inside of this room." Skara said, glaring at the rat as she put her staff back at her side.

Amity and Luz waited, while Amelia made a vine to carry her and Boscha up to the upperfloor, open a window, and drop Boscha's potion inside. It distracted Skara.

"What was that?!"

Skara rushed towards noise, leaving the doors unguarded as there were intruders in her house!

it was too easy, with Skara on edge, the three witches and Titan were able to lead her away from it, which gave Boscha and Amelia the chance to rush to the front and meet with Amity and Luz.

"Where are they?" Amelia asked, looking around to Luz and Amity.

"Right here." Luz said as Boscha and Amelia jumped. "We're invisible and I'm going to make you invisible too."

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