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[Mingyu pov]

It was the day I will go to Wonwoos house, I'm honestly very excited. I put on a perfume with a really fragrant smell so I can look and smell fancy in front of his mom. I didn't ate breakfast but I bought a chocolate bread from the bakery Wonwoo usually go to. I dont know where Wonwoo live so I asked him to send me a sherlock to his house.

I was planning to get a taxi but the taxi I ordered was so slow so I just decided to walk to his house. I keep thinking of why Wonwoos mom wants to meet me.

I almost forgot about the chocolate bread I bought, I opened it and ate it while walking.

"Damn this taste good"

I happily eat the bread. Until it started raining I somehow still have the umbrella Wonwoo gave me in my bag for a few weeks. I decided to stop walking and sat at a bus stop with heated seats. I finished my chocolate bread and open the umbrella.

Whenever I use the umbrella Wonwoo gave me I feel like he was standing right next to me holding my hands with love.

Even the rain made me think of Wonwoo, I cant stop thinking of him, I am deeply in love with him. I may sound weird after being deeply in love with someone I just met a few weeks ago but who cares? This is my life.

While walking I see a flower stand owner trying to close the stand because of the rain. I walked up to the middle aged owner and pats her shoulders.

"Excuse me ma'am are you still selling the flowers by any chance?"

"Yes I am still selling these flowers but there's a huge rain so I need to close this stand up"

"Is it possible if I buy a bouquet of flowers right now?"

"Yaah, why don't you come sooner it's raining so hard"

"I'm sorry"

"Fine, what flowers do you want"

I remembered Wonwoo favourite flower was wild roses.

"Wild roses"

"No other flowers? Just plain wild roses? "


"Wow your date must be a simple person"


"Hehe, uh yeahh.."

I paid for the flower bouquet and said thank you to the middle age lady.

I continued walking with a bouquet of flowers in my hand until I reached Wonwoos house complex. I was kinda lost and I walked to a different street.

[Wonwoo's pov]

I was worried about Mingyu, it was raining so hard and he said he is walking here not taking a transportation. I am worried he's gonna come here with soaking wet clothe, just as soon as I was wondering about him I got a phone call by someone, it was Mingyu.

"Hey Wonwoo"


"Uhmm I don't know, I think I'm kinda lost"

"What street are you on"

"Uhhh Mansae st"

"Oh you just need to take a u-turn and turn left, just keep walking and you will find my house"

"Ok thank you Wonwoo"

"Your welcome byee"


[Mingyu pov]

I did the same thing Wonwoo tell me to do. I just walked straight and I saw Wonwoos house it was a 2 story house, kinda have an expensive vibe to it.

I knocked on the door and Wonwoo opened it immediately, he hold me into a tight hug.

"I thought your gonna be here sooner"

"Sorry hehe."

I gave Wonwoo the bouquest full of wild roses and I can see a tint of pink colour on his cheeks.

"Thank you Mingyu"

"No problem"

"Come in, my mom made some delicious food we can eat"


I walked into the house, my eyes lit up the house was decorated like an expensive house. There was a spiral staircase in the middle of the room, a lot of vases with flowers in it and many pictures of the Jeon family.

We sat at the dining table waiting for Wonwoos mom to come out of her room.

[689 words]



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