"Ew. Those things probably carry some new kind of disease she created." Cameron added, a look of discuss growing on his face.

"Why do you need that thing anyways?" I questioned, taking my last hit of the joint before handing it to Carter to finish.

"Carla got Alfredo a bunch of tickets to the Dodger game. Alfredo, Carla, I, Amber, Aubrey, Carter, Alex, Pauline, Aubrey's brother Danny, and maybe you or Aubrey's boyfriend are going." Nick told me as he began to look at himself in my mirror.

"Aubrey's boyfriend?" I questioned, my buzz completely going away after hearing that.

"That's what I came over here to tell you. Tomorrow we're going to this baseball game and came to invite you, but there's only one more ticket left so it's between you or Nolan, Aubrey's new boyfriend." Alfredo informed me.

Both my stomach and face fell once I heard his words. I gulped back a ball full of tears and clenched my jaw as his words repeated in my head. I clenched my fists at the thought of some other guy with Aubrey, who wasn't me. Fuck. My heart breaks of the thought of her happy without me. Since when did I become such a pussy? I sat blankly in the same place as I stared off in a gaze, thinking of this new punk that was with Aubrey. I remember him from when I bumped into Aubrey the first time I saw her again. I should've known by the way he looked at her he had a thing for her. I suddenly realized the sudden silence in the room and saw that all eyes were on me, the boys staring at me with worried expressions on their faces.

I gulped again, trying my hardest to regain my normal appearance. I didn't want them to worry about me anymore. They had each given up so much for me over these few months that I felt like I was becoming a bother with them always having to worry about me without Aubrey. I quickly changed my appearance and cleared my throat before blinking away my tears and saying, "Why isn't it between me and him? There shouldn't be a choice. I'm your best friend. I should have a ticket reserved for me." I snapped at Alfredo.

Nice, Jason I thought to myself. Change the subject like a coward, like that always works.

"Well, you did. But that was until you got me drunk on my birthday, put me in a dress, and let me walk freely around the pier. Oh and let's not forget the part where I decided to skinny dip at one of the most popular beaches in LA. I ended up on Twitter and Vine dude." Alfredo glared at me.

Wow, I guess it does work.

A tired Alex laughed out loudly and mumbled "That shit was funny." before lazily leaning his head back on my pillow again.

Alfredo stared at him in amazement before shaking his head and asking me, "So you in or not?"

I nodded my head, my head still wrapped around the idea of Aubrey and her new boyfriend. That was when I got an idea. "Yo Alfredo, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah. What you need bro?"

"I need you to arrange for Carla to come over later. I need to speak with her about something important. And don't take no for an answer bro. I don't care if you have to drag her little ass over here while she punches you. Just make sure she gets here."

Carla sat in front of me, a look of anger written all over her face as her arms were crossed over her chest. She looks like she wants to murder me. Hell, she looks even more pissed off than she did when Alfredo dragged her in my home office. She was ready to kill him. If it wasn't for the lock on the downstairs bathroom door, she would've murdered Alfredo. "Why am I here Jason?" Carla snapped, anger filling her voice and eyes.

"Do you always have to be so mad? It's like you need a hug or something."

"You just had my boyfriend drag me here without any choice! If someone steps on your new shoes, you freak out on the poor person and go on a killing spree!" Carla yelled at me.

I chuckled as a smirk of amusement grew on my lips. I enjoyed annoying Carla, she always got too mad too early which made everything more fun. "Okay, calm down tiger." I teased, causing her to huff and pout in her seat. I sighed and rose from my seat walking towards the window that faced towards Aubrey's house. "I need you to tell me everything you know about this Nolan guy Aubrey is seeing."

"Who? I don't know anybody with that name."

I huffed and turned to see Carla staring at me with a blank expression on her face and no hint of emotion in her eyes, which was a talent of hers. She always was a great liar -- sometimes. "Carla, I know about him, okay? There's no need to lie about it, C." I called her by her old nickname, which made her sigh in defeat.

Carla hesitated for a moment, as if she was contemplating on whether or not to reveal anything she knew about this Nolan guy. She then sucked her cheeks and let out another defeated sigh before crossing her arms and legs over each other and asking, "Okay. What do you want to know?"

"How does Aubrey know him?"

"He is the little brother of Carlos's best friend and the son of one her mothers close friends. We also grew up with him because he went to the same schools we did."

"What does he do?"

"He is attending school right now to get his bachelors in business but plans on taking over his family's company in the future."

"How old is he?"

"A year older than Aubrey, nineteen."

"When did Aubrey and Nolan start dating."

"A month ago."

"How serious are they?"

"Pretty serious."

"Does he treat her good?"

"Just as good as you treated her."

"Have they...ya know?"

"Okay, no stop." Carla held her hands up and shook her head before getting up from her seat. "Jason, why are you asking me these questions if this is what you wanted? You wanted her to move on Jase and now she has." Carla pointed out.

"I know, but look..." I said, straightening myself in my chair. "Yes, I did want her to move on, but to know that she doesn't remember me, or our relationship, or what we use to have...hurts me. Plus, I want to make sure that if she does move on, it's with a good guy who treats her right and has his shit together, which this guy sounds like he does." I huffed in disappointment. Carla huffed in annoyance and got up from her seat before walking over to me. "C, what are you doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

She rolled her eyes before grabbing onto my shoulders tightly. "Listen to me, Jase. You're  Jason fucking McCann. The man who people are terrified of, the baddest of the baddest, the king of Los Angeles criminals who doesn't give a damn about what people think about him or the rules. You do what you want and you get what you want, so the fact that you're giving up on fighting for the girl of your life is so disappointing I could cry rn." Carla rambled while looking sternly in my eyes.

"Are you on drugs or something? What's your point?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and yanked her hands off of my shoulders.

"You idiot! I'm telling you to fight for her. Fight for Aubrey."

My eyes bulged and I gulped in shock. "You want me to what?" I asked in whisper.

"You heard me. Fight for her, Jason." Carla crossed her arms across her chest. "I've given up trying to think that you guys are completely done because you're not. You guys are fucking meant to be so I'm gonna step back and let you win my best friend back. You make her happy and that's that, so go for it. I'll even play Cupid for you two. You are going to that baseball game, you're going to get all cozy with Aubrey, and you're gonna get her back. Okay? Good. See you later." Carla smiled and waved before grabbing her purse and marching out of the room.

I sat frozen in my chair as I heard the footsteps of Carla disappear in the distance. My mind ran with a thousand thoughts in my head while I tried to peace together what she just said. I blinked multiple times and shook my head before asking, "What the hell just happened?"

20 comments for an update

sup lol - sammy

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