21: Trees and Butterflies

Start from the beginning

I had been about to play it off like a joke when Rosé suddenly nodded.

"…I do."


A shrill, strangled sound spilled out from my throat.

"But if you don't want me to...," Rosé muttered, "that's fine, too, I guess."

"I-it's not that I don't want you to... It's just... How can I put this? If someone sees us together, the rumors will start up again. Aren't you worried?"

"Rumors are rumors. People are free to think whatever they want."

"G-got it," I replied, caught off guard by Rosé's sudden boldness. "Well, you probably want to go get ready, so how about we leave in an hour?"

Rosé was wearing her normal, casual clothes. She looked great just like that, but I figured that, being a girl, she would probably want time to change. Plus, I decided I ought to go make myself look presentable if I was going to be walking beside her. Otherwise, I would end up causing her double the trouble.

I'd better do something about my hair, I thought as I touched my bangs.

Rosé frowned, maybe because she had realized the real reason I wanted to delay our departure. "Sorry to make you go through all that trouble for my sake…"

"Eh, don't worry about it. Besides, it'll be a good change of pace to take a walk. And I think the scenery will look nicer if you're walking with me."

It wouldn't really take too much effort to clean myself up, and it was worth it to spend time with Rosé. I thought that she would look even more lovely than the cherry blossoms. Having a beauty like that beside me would make it all worth it, so I didn't begrudge her the extra effort.

"All right then, so I'll see you in a bit?"


Rosé seemed quite reticent, but I just gave her a pat on the head and then ducked back into my apartment to change and work on my hairdo.

Both of us were finished getting ready after about an hour, so Rosé and I set off on a leisurely walk.

Rosé was dressed for spring. Her white dress was adorned with lace, and she wore a light-pink cardigan on top. The dress came to just above her knees, which was a little short for Rosé, but she had on stockings, so her legs were still covered. She had even gone to the trouble of braiding her hair into a half-up style. For such a simple outing, she had certainly taken the time to compose herself, and I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty walking beside me.

"Is something the matter?"

"Oh, you just look very stylish today, as usual."

"…Thank you."

Rosé's cheeks flushed slightly, and she turned away, looking every bit the innocent young damsel.

Owing to her striking appearance, I could feel eyes on us as we walked down the road. Rosé didn't seem bothered by the attention, but when she looked up at me, I noticed that she was still slightly flustered. "S-so, did you have a destination in mind?"

"Well, I thought we might go down to the river and check out the cherry blossoms. I heard they've bloomed earlier than usual this year, and right now is the best time to see them."

"…Oh really?"

"So I thought I'd go take a look. Does that sound okay?"

"O-of course. I'm following you."

I felt sort of awkward, but when she gripped my sleeve tightly, all trivial thoughts vanished from my mind.

Her innocent gesture and endearing gaze made my heart leap suddenly in my chest and my breath catch in my throat.

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