01: Umbrella

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Word Count: 3200

The rain, how it poured!

And there I was, strolling down the street, sheltered under my trusty umbrella. It had gotten quite late, and to be honest, I couldn't quite remember why I had ventured out in the first place. After some time of wandering, I decided it was probably best to call it a night. Darkness was settling in, and it seemed like a fierce storm was on its way.

There wasn't a soul in sight. And even if there were, I highly doubted they would be too concerned about the weather. But just as I was about to reach an intersection, something caught my eye, like a spark in the night.

Across the street, at the playground, sat a girl with flowing blonde hair, perched on the swing set. She gently swayed back and forth, causing the swing to tremble. Her face, though drenched by the rain, showed no emotion. She remained motionless, lost in her own world.

What on earth was she doing out here?

The rain made it difficult to be certain, but it seemed as though tears were streaming down her face. They mingled with the raindrops, creating a poignant sight. The way her long, blonde tresses and pale complexion blended into the night sky, you might mistake her for an angel or even a ghost. And there she sat, all alone in the middle of nowhere.

Surely, she must be freezing. And yet...

Without a second thought, I crossed the street and approached her, my curiosity piqued. In that moment, it felt as though she possessed an ethereal quality, like she was a vision in pure white light. The only thing that seemed tangible about her was her apparent coldness.

When I finally reached her, she lifted her head, her eyes sparkling in the faint glow of the streetlamps above. The raindrops seemed to dance upon her gaze, captivating and enchanting. I fought the urge to touch them.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked, my voice soft amidst the stillness of the air. At my words, the blonde girl's lip quivered, her expression growing even more vulnerable. "Why are you alone in the rain?"

"Y/N..." Her voice cracked, and she hesitated for a moment before speaking in a barely audible whisper.

That was the moment our paths first intertwined.

Park Chaeyoung.

"Nothing, really. I just saw you sitting here, drenched in the rain, all by yourself," I replied, my voice filled with concern.

She nodded slowly, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. Then, she turned away from me, fixing her gaze upon the passing clouds. A few seconds passed before she spoke again. "I see... thank you for worrying about me."

As she turned to face me once more, I couldn't help but notice the vulnerability in her eyes. "But I choose to sit here. Please, don't mind me."

"You'll catch a cold. Take my umbrella and go home. Keep it," I insisted, extending my umbrella towards her, my eyes fixed on her every move.

"But that umbrella belongs to you-"

"I don't care," I interjected, determined to ensure her safety. "It's pouring outside, so please, take it."

I handed her the umbrella and quickly turned my back before she could protest. I heard her say something, but it was barely audible.

It sounded like a faint, "thank... you..."

I didn't dare turn around, and as a result, I found myself completely soaked from head to toe, standing in the pouring rain. Yet, strangely, I felt lighter, as though a weight had been lifted. Perhaps it wasn't the wisest decision, but it felt right. It felt good to provide another person with what they needed.

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