ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ɴɪɴᴇ

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"Queen (Y/n)," he says so sharply that I immediately freeze, the ringing sound in my ear growing even louder. "Please, let us discuss this no more. My rage over the loss of my people is directed towards the previous Demon Queen right now, not you. So let's please keep it that way, alright?"

My eyes widen slightly. So he's struggling to keep the blame on my mother. That's perfectly fine.

I still hate you, the words I said to my eldest sister a couple of days ago suddenly echo loudly in my head. I know you've changed. But I don't know how to let go.

A bewildered expression takes over Arthur's face when a genuine smile slowly takes over my lips.

"You are a good king," I tell him. "You're trying to get rid of all that wrath building inside of you, aren't you? It's alright, King Arthur. You don't have to bury it. Please, just let it out if you want."

The King of Chaos is in the exact same position I was in when Elizabeth betrayed me over 3,000 years ago. Except, he has a much kinder heart than me. Even with seven hearts, I didn't have a single ounce of forgiveness in me when faced with the aftermath of my eldest sister's treachery. It took more than 3,000 years for me to finally choose to let go of the past and move forward.

Arthur must be so conflicted. As the King of Chaos, he has to maintain good relations with all of the new rulers of Britannia. Which includes me. But how can he after everything I have done?

Those awful tormenting feelings within him...I know exactly what he's going through right now.

"I hate what I'm feeling," he finally admits quietly to me as he fixes his gaze on me, a faint smile on his pale face. "I want to get rid of this darkness inside me so badly. But...I will deal with these conflicting emotions another day. For now, let's see that wonderful smile of yours, Queen (Y/n)."

I immediately burst out in laughter, surprised, and then grant the King of Chaos his request.

━━🌹 ━━

"Your silence right now is making me rather nervous, little sister," I hear my second eldest sister speak up from beside me, her voice soft. "What's going on in that crazy mind of yours? Hmm?"

I slowly glance over at her, frowning slightly. "Frankly speaking, I'm uncomfortable in this attire."

"What now?" my eldest sister from my other side squeaks. "Why didn't you say anything sooner? So what's wrong with it? Are you not able to walk properly? Is it too tight or loose? Or is it just—"

"You misunderstand me," I quickly cut her off. "I'm unsure whether this is the right dress for me."

"Huh?" both of my older sisters say at the same time, tilting their heads. "What do you mean?"

Despite all that has happened, despite sacrificing so much, there's still a nagging voice in the back of my head that cruelly tells me that I am unworthy of a happy ending, or a peaceful life.

"Do I...really deserve this?" I finally choke out the question as I look down at my shaking hands, my seven hearts pounding against my chest. "To be...happy? After everything I have done—"

You took away everything from us. We lost everything we loved.

Do you really think we'll forgive you for what you've done to us?

ᴍʏ ɢᴜᴀʀᴅɪᴀɴ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ | ᴢᴇʟᴅʀɪꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat