She, however, simply looks back at you, raises one of her eyebrows, and states, matter of fact, "Yes? Now get dressed and follow me."

Heaving a heavy sigh, you take off the hospital robes and move to put on your clothes, starting with the underwear and socks, which are of course both neon pink. You then pull on a black shirt, followed by a purple suit vest, a black jacket, a red tie, black trousers, knee-high boots, and to finish it off, your mask. However, when you reach to pull your hair out from under the jacket, something nips you, and of course it's the skulls attached to your hair. With a heavy sigh, you say,

"Are you still here? I was hoping they'd have cut you off like the parasites you are."

Of course, like usual, they aren't happy, and one of them wraps around your neck while the other starts hitting you in the face, something that makes you fall over and begin swinging back while rolling on the ground.

The nurse simply leans against a counter and watches the fight, but after a while, we all hear heels on tiles again, and before any of you can react, Jessica returns to the room. Bitch slaps all three of you, grabs your collar, and drags you out of the room.

After being dragged into silence, you've had enough and almost cautiously speak up, "Am I going to have to take the prototype teleporter model?"

"No, it broke after you teleported through it."

You breathe a sigh of relief and say, "Oh, thank God, because it teleported me above the streets of New York last time."

Without missing a beat or looking back, Jessica says, "And unfortunately, it seems you survived."

You put a hand on your chest and give a faux gasp "That hurt my feelings, Jessy."

She, however, pays you no mind as she continues dragging you to the training room.

When you finally arrive, she throws you forward and looks down to meet your gaze.

"Alright, you can teleport from here and try not to cause too much trouble this time; I can't be bothered to handle all that paperwork again."

You puff your cheeks out a little but eventually deflate as you stand up and open the portal to your next location, but before you leave, you turn around and say, "Sorry, I can't do that."

She has a puzzled look and groans quietly, almost looking like she is already considering asking why, but she still does.


You grab the collar of your jacket, straighten the ends and say, "Because I'm too much of a smooth criminal." You say this as you moonwalk through the portal.

While still moonwalking, you're suddenly tripped by something, and you feel a sudden pain in your side.

Looking down at the wound, you see a light sword has perpetrated you.

"Okay, this tripping thing is getting deadly," you say while slowly raising yourselves from the sword. You hold the wound and look around you.

What you see before you is an absolute blood bath. Piles upon piles of corpses lay on a ravished battlefield; no trees are left or grass or anything is leftover; even the sky has turned red from the evaporation of so much blood. Looking down, you notice the ground is solely made up of corpses, and through the spaces between them, you see different levels of decay; the lowest you can see already has maggots crawling in and out of wounds.

While the ones on top are fresh and still bleeding, taking a closer look, you can see that the corpses are a mix of hell's troops and heavens.

This must have been one of heaven and hell's recent squabbles.

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