Chapter 11 - Over a wire

Start from the beginning

"Do you need some help?" She offered, anything to break the silence.

No answer yet again.

"You twisted that wire the wrong way, it should go here-" She said as Monty twisted his pliers in an anti-clockwise direction.

"Can you stop critiquing everything I do?! When was the last time you fixed Penny?! It's always me having to fix her around here and you think you know better than me!" Monty snapped. He threw his hands up in the air as his face begun to grow redder with rage and fury.

"Well, sorry for correcting a mistake that could've cost her chip to fry again! Next time you do something wrong, I'll ignore it because 'Monty's perfect, he does nothing wrong!'" She mocked and did the highest voice possible for maximum torment.

"Oh fuck off, like you could do any better!"

"At least I actually admit my mistakes, I don't just cover them up and pretend they never happened!"

Amongst all this arguing, Buggs was so done and out of it he just climbed out and left while the bickering pair didn't even notice. He just needed time to clear his head and he didn't have enough mental strength to block out their arguing anymore.

"Next time, you try fixing Penny instead!" Monty sneered.

"Maybe you should actually look after her instead of sending her off to my house because you're 'too busy with your inventions!'" Carla retorted.

"At least when I care for her, I do it properly." Monty said coldly.

"Maybe you should put that theory to the test then." Carla paused before saying that, slightly taken aback from his argument.

Seconds, minutes, moments passed in deafening silence as the two had concluded their argument for the time being. Eventually, Penny was as good as new and they walked back to Monty's house, for a change.

As all three of them pour into the living room of Monty's home Penny can tell something is obviously wrong, despite not being able to infer human emotions that well.

"Did you two have a fight?" She asked, glancing to both the girl and boy beside her.

"Nothing big." Monty said.

"Something else isn't big either." Carla muttered under her breath, which started round 2 of the endless battle.

"STOP!" Penny screamed, immediately shutting both of them down.

"Please.. please stop fighting." Green liquid welled up in her eyes and began to stream down her face with hysterical sobs accompanying it, "You're the only family I have, I.. I just want us all to be happy and get along."

Both of the teens rush over to comfort their friend and are forced to recognise the guilt they suddenly feel now they see what impact their bickering has on the girl.

"P-please, don't end up like my mommy." She cried before falling asleep in Carla's arms.

Those words broke the pair. How could they be so careless? They had just managed to take her mind off her latest flashback and now they just nearly gave her another! Guilt flooded the both of them, they looked at eachother with sadden expressions before laying Penny down in her bed, triple checking she was okay.

Monty and Carla are sat in Monty's living room in utter silence once again, besides from the TV playing a random horror film to attempt to release some tension.

"I'm... sorry for snapping earlier." Monty said as loud as a whisper, half hoping Carla didn't hear it.

"It's whatever," She said, keeping her gaze on the TV screen despite clearly not being interested in it, "I'm sorry too... though my point still stands."

"I know I should, my house just usually isn't the best for it when my parents are home." He sighed and looked towards the latina sat suddenly a lot closer to him then he last remembered.

"I get that, you could always come to mine though." Carla averted her gaze to meet eyes with the ginger.

"..You'd be fine with that?" Monty widened his eyes in excitement yet also a bit of apprehension.

"Yeah, my dad won't mind as long as you help out with my brothers." She smiled slightly.

"Sounds like a deal to me." He agreed and smiled, he was so glad he got an excuse to see Carla more often and he was happy the argument was over and done with.

Carla didn't show it through her face, but her thoughts said it loud and clear. She was ecstatic for Monty to meet her family and to see him more often. She was so lost in thought she didn't even feel their hands brush underneath the blanket until she felt Monty's jitter suddenly. They both pulled away and mumbled sorry as they turned their heads to hide their blushing expressions.

If this is how all their arguments would end, maybe they should argue more often?


these lovebirds 🤭🤭 rip buggs for being a third wheel for a minute though bless him but hi the book is back??? i say thst everytime then ghost it but SOMEONE not naming names has made my kg fixation come back 😔😔 so here we are!

also trash i wonder where i got the hand brushing idea from 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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