Dinner was the same as always, lots of laughter and small convos but I noticed Leah looking at me more then usual. At one moment we had eye contact, she tried to quickly looked away and hide her blush but I saw it and chuckle to myself.

After dinner we went into the the relaxation room, Bethany and I started a FIFA competetion and 2 hours later we won. Everyone is now sitting on the beanbags and couches in a cirkle having a chat with the people next to them. I am talking to Lucy about Lego when Rachel says 'Who is in for a round of Never have I ever?' Almost everyone agrees.
Rachel starts 'Never have I ever.. forgot to pay the bills' Lots of people take a sip from their water because we are at camp and aren't allowed to drink.
Millie follows 'Never have I ever.. sent a dirty text to the wrong person' some people drink and a few of them are to my suprise. I don't drink, I have sent dirty texts but always to the right person.
Some other people come up with some  'Never have I ever's but they were all pretty normal until its Beth her turn
Beth says 'Never have I ever.. had sex with a teammate' Beth drinks, Keira and Lucy also, Rachel too, I drink too. We all get some shocked faces but nobody asks.
Tooney says 'Never have I ever cheated on someone' Shit I have but it seems like I am the only one. I take a quick sip hoping it goes unnoticed but it doesn't, fuck I have some explaining to do
'Y/n y/l/n, you better explain this' Lucy says sternly, i look to the floor 'Fine.. I was in a relationship but I am not good at that stuff so I went out with some friends, got drunk and went home with a girl. It happend once' I say and add the last part quickly 'Well, have you learnt from it?' Rachel asks with a smirk 'Sort of, I just don't do relationships anymore but I do go out and go home with a girl' I say laughing at my own smartass reaction, some of the girls laugh too but Leah doesn't, she looks disappointed.
The game continues until its 11, a few had already left so it's just me, G, Beth, Leah, Lucy, Jess, Rach and Millie. I am doing rock, paper, scissors with Jess and the loser get a punishment, its 14 - 12 for Jess. Next round 'Rock, paper, scissors shoot!' Both Jess and I shout. 'Yes!' I shout, I had stone and she had scissors. 14 - 13, come on y/l/n, you still have a change. 'Rock, paper, scissors shoot!' We say again, Jess jumps up and starts running through the room 'I WON, I WON, LOSER Y/N' She shouts. Fuck, I should have chosen paper over scissors. 'Fine fine, you win Jess. Whats my punishment?' I ask with grudge. 'You need to..' Jess starts thinking and Rachel whispers something in her ear, a grin appears on both their faces, this can't be good.

I get blindfolded, I trust this team I do but not right now. I feel someone taking my hand and opening the door 'Guys were are we going?' I ask afraid 'No worries y/n, its going to be okey' Millie says but she can't hold back her laugh 'Thanks Mill That's really reassuring'. We walk through the hotel, we have been walking for a few minutes until we stop, no this can't be, I smell, I smell chlorine 'We are at the swimming pool!?' I ask and shout at the same time. My blindfolded is taken off and I was right, where at the swimming pool of the hotel. I look around and see all 7 of them with a smile from ear to ear, fuck it, I lost this is my punishment. I take my shoes and clothes off, now im standing in the hotel swimming pool at 11:30 in only my underwear, not what I thought would happen at my first camp. 'See you later' I yell when running to the pool and doing a bomb. When I get to the surface I see Jess, Lucy and G getting out of their clothes and ready to jump in, not long after Rachel, Millie and Beth follow too. We are all in the pool expect Leah, she is sitting on a chair laughing at us. Jess is on sitting on my schoulders as we are having a chicken fight against Lucy and G and Millie and Rachel, Beth is the referee. Millie and Rachel won, because Lucy gave me a knee under water, which definitly is illegal and Rachel went full in on G. Leah is still sitting on the chair, I decided to swim over to her. 'Hey Leah, everything alright?' I ask pushing myself out of the water 'Yeah, i'm fine. I like watching all of you have fun' she responds with a smile 'But you could also join the fun' I say now standing infront of her, she gets what I mean 'Hell no y/n, im staying dry' she quickly replies but I don't listen 'Dont be the mom Williamson' I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder 'Y/N Y/L/N I SWEAR TO GOD PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!' 'No' I giggle while walking towards the pool, the girls in the pool are shouting 'Leah, Leah, Leah!' Leah self is still saying 'no, no, no' but I just say 'yes, yes, yes' and jump in the pool with Leah.
The girls clap when I get above water and Leah looks at me with a serious face until it turns into a smile and I smile to, we both start laughing. Gosh, she really is beautiful. Her eyes reflect the water and her hair is slightly in her face. I am fighting the urge to put it behind her ear, ugh fuck it were are having our moment. We keep eye contact while I step closer, my eyes travel to her lip and up to her eyes again. I put her hair behind her ear and give her a soft smile before winking. 'Get a room!' G shouts which breaks our moment, I laugh and splash water in her face, which turns into a waterfight. The clock shows 00:30, bed time.
We all get out of the water, the girls are putting their clothes back on. Because I jumped in the pool with Leah, she didn't have time to take her clothes off and she was cold and wet right now. Something in my heart happend when seeing her like this, it cared? I don't want her to be cold so I gave her my clothes 'Here put this on' I say handing her my clothes 'No, its okey. Then you have nothing to wear' She replies shaking her head 'Leah, just please take it. I threw you in the water' I say sternly. She takes off her wet clothes, I can't help but look at here body. She is beautiful. She puts my clothes on and we start walking out of the pool, I walk besides Leah. 'You look good in my clothes' I gave her a flirty wink. We step inside the lift and all go back to our rooms, luckily we didn't meet anybody otherwise we had a lot of explaining to do.
Leah goes into the bathroom first to prepare for the night, I go outside to the balcony and look out over the sea. I keep replaying that moment in my head, how her eyes had sparks and how soft her skin was when I touched it, it makes me think about the morning I woke up in her bed. God, I want that again. Am I having feelings?
'Y/n, you can go i'm done' Leah says. I walk back inside, she is already laying in her bed but she still has my hoodie on. I brush my teeth, do my skin care and put on dry underwear and my shorts. I lock the door of our room and jump in my own bed 'Good night Leah' I say 'Sleep well' Leah replys.

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