I escaped that hell hole to not let history repats itself. I escaped so I could finally be free. So I would no longer have to endure the pain. Even after everything I had done, why is he here? Why am I not free yet? Why am I still begin haunted by them? Will everything that I had done been for nothing?

Than the hands that were pressing down against my throat multiped. Finding themselves around my body. a pair on my shoulders. Another holding my ankles. My calves. Thighs. Waist. They were all over me. Caressing me in that familiarly sickening way. The way that elicited this unexplainable fear from deep within. As a response my body freezes, turning numb. I'm paralysed and trapped in my own body. Unable to do nothing. I was powerless. Weak. Hopeless. Just like back then, I couldn't do anything. Not. A. Single. Damn. Fucking. Thing.

And I loathed every single second. The whole point of everything was so I would never feel those damned things again. Never feel as though I was weak, as I powerless beneath another person. I swore to never be that person again. To never have to pray to a God for help cause I was weak to help my own case. So why? Why am I like this now?

Falling back on my ass, I scoot backwards. Wishful thinking that if I moved away the black hands wouldn't be able to reach me. But the hope of the thought was killed as quick as it came, as my back collided roughly against the large wooden doors behind me. A small grunt of pain is heard but is quickly replaced by a gasp of horror as I see the hands still leeching onto me. If anything their grip become deadlier than before.

Growing frustrated with myself, and wanting these damn hands off of me. I clawed at them on my ankles. Nails digging deep into my skin, as I dragged them down. The black hands -that wrapped around them in a vice- hadn't moved a single bit. So I clawed at my ankles harder. Desperate to want to them off of me. My frenzied mind and erratic emotions making me loose whatever little sense of rationality that I held.

Instead of the hands finally letting me go, I was only met with painful sting. But oddly enough it calmed me. I welcomed the pain, letting it distract me from the sickening touch all over me. Liking how I had something else to focus on. Digging my nails further into the flash of my ankles, I screw my eyes hut and let out a hiss of pain.

With my attention now solely on the pain pulsating at my feet, the black hands began to disappear. Vanishing in to nothingness one by one. Allowing me to take in a massive breath of air once I noticed the one at my throat had finally freed me. The previous light-headedness fading away as the much needed oxygen began to circulate my body.

Oblivious to how much time had passed, I remain there on the floor. Hugging my knees up to my chest, as I lean my head back against the door. Eyes closed as I focus on deep breathing. Straightening my thoughts and mind, before I force myself up. To only be met with a jolt of pain, as I apply the slightest of pressure on my ankles.

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip , as to not let out any more sounds of weakness, I bunch the fabric of the skirt. Lifting it slightly to reveal deep scratch marks on both my ankles. Travelling from the tip of my ankle all the way down to the tops of my heels. Blood trickling out of the scratches, and on to the floors. I look at it quietly for a second, my mind blank as I watch the crimson liquid falls down to the marble beneath me.

I limp myself towards the bathroom. Not really wanting to see anyone at the current moment I ran my own bath. As the warm water filled the tub, I undo the braid that was in my hair. Taking off my now blood stained shoes, and stripping myself of the dress . Remaining in my undergarments that was a simple, thin silk dress with thin straps.

My eyes not gazing away from my reflection in the polished mirror. My face motionless as the purple in my hair fade into it's original pin straight blonde. The magenta colour of my eyes being replaced by the jewelled blue. Hands trembling slightly as they reach up, running my fingers through the blonde strands falling over my shoulder. Though I was more focused on the dull blue in my eyes. Noticing how despite my eyes being jewelled they didn't glimmer. Not even a single reflection of the lights in the bathroom. They were dull, and I couldn't find a single thing to like about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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