The final goodbye

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I turned my head to see Rafe. "Rafe what are you doing out here" I asked pulling away from the hug with pope and standing up.

"You said you were going to the bathroom y/n what is this" he asked coming towards me as I backed away.

"I was but I saw Pope and wanted to say hi" I told him then I took a deep breath and grabbed his arm
" let's just go inside babe" I said.

He pushed me off him and went up to pope "stay the fuck away from her" he said

"Rafe come on it's not a big deal he is my friend" I said practically begging him to come inside.

"Oh yeah y/n just one button and everyone knows kiaras secret" he told me I stopped talking and looked down "that's what I thought y/n" he said smirking to himself.

"Stop being such an ass to her bro" pope said

Rafe turned around and gave me a look " maybe we should just keep are distance pope" I told him, knowing that was a lie.

"Come on y/n don't listen to this prick" pope said pointing at Rafe.

"Pope please" I gave him a look then grabbed onto rafes arm "he is right we should just stay away from eachother" I told him well pope looked at me in disbelief.

Rafes started walking back inside with me holding onto his arm, I looked back at pope and mouthed to him "pouges for life" then turned back around.

Rafe leaned down and whispered in my ear "that's my girl" before we sat down at the table.

"What took so long" my mom asked when we sat down.

Rafe started to tell her I was with pope before I cut him off.

"My stomach is really upset" I looked at Rafe then away "must have ate something bad" I said picking up the menu.

"Oh no do you need to go home" my grandma asked me.

"I don't know maybe I should my stomach is just really upset" I said putting my hand on my stomach, I could feel Rafe glaring at me.

"I'll take her home" Rafe said going to stand up.

"No Rafe I want you to stay" rose told him well giving me a smile, well Rafe sat back down

"Okay I'll take her home and I'll make her some soup" my grandma said grabbing her wallet. When we got to the car I wasn't expecting what my grandma was gonna say.

"Okay so spill about Rafe" she told me driving away from the restaurant.

"Um im sorry what" I ask confused.

"Come on I saw you talking to that boy outside and Rafe had a really aggressive look on his face" she said looking over at me.

I looked down "it's nothing don't worry" I said starting to fidget with my fingers.

"Did you know your grandpa was a pouge" she said and looked at me and smirked.

I looked up "what, how is that possible all my parents care about is reputation" I said.

"Listen I don't agree with your parents opinions" she said "and the fact you have to date that asshole" she said and let out a laugh.

"What I thought you loved Rafe" i said confused.

"I don't like people who hurt my grand baby" she said, when we got home she grabbed her wallet and pulled out 200 dollars. "Take this y/n and pack your bags" I looked at her confused " I know who you hangout with, go stay with one of them" she told me

"Are you sure grandma" I asked

"I'll be waiting" she smiled,

I went inside and packed 2 suitcases of stuff, this time I was never coming back, even if I was homeless.

Just like that I was leaving my childhood home forever.

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