A week with JJ maybank 😍

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Me and JJ got to his house where he grabbed my hand and quietly snuck thru his bedroom window helping me up.

"So this is your place" I said to him smiling well looking around his room.

"It's it not rich enough for you" he said to me jumping on his bed.

"No it's perfect" I said sitting on the edge of his bed "thank you for letting me crash here".

"Anytime y/n" he said laying his head back on his pillow.

"So tell me about your friends I'm dying to know " I said smiling down at him.

JJ let out a sigh to himself "What friends" then the room went quiet.

"Did you guys get in a fight" I asked now curious.

He looked at me "I needed money for my dad, if  I didn't get it to him I don't know what would happen" he said looking at the roof now.

"How did you get the money" I said

"I stole it" he seemed upset "I don't wanna be like my dad but I couldn't take another beating tonight and they didn't understand" JJ said

" Well if it helps I get it" I said to him trying to let him know he wasn't alone " I would do anything to avoid a beating, even if that means only being used for my body" I said and looked down at the ground.

"Y/n you are beautiful inside and out" JJ said trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah and how would you know Maybank" I said looking up at him.

"I mean look at you y/n" he said smiling at me "you are so pretty and your not stuck up like the rest of the kooks"

"Thanks JJ, I guess your not as bad as I thought" I told him

"I mean I would hope so " JJ said and giggled to himself.

I layed down next to JJ and layed my head on his chest until I fell asleep.

The rest of the week I spent with JJ and didn't go  home once I borrowed JJs t shirts and wore the same shorts, I didn't want to see Rafe. I just wanted to disappear away from my dumb kook life, even if it only was for a little. JJs friends were still mad at him so it was just me and him for the week.

We spent it fishing, going on boat rides, watching the sunrise and sunset, we surfed all day. And I know it's bad but me and JJ did hook up and we did a lot of kissing. It was the best week of my life. He made me feel alive and loved, we weren't dating we were just fooling around.

JJ missed his friends a lot though and decided that we were gonna show up at John bs. They had been showing up to JJs house like crazy for the week trying to apologize but he made us hide.

We rode his motorcycle to John bs, we finally arrived at his house.

"Let see if there mad" JJ left out a awkward laugh before grabbing my hand as we walked onto the porch. When we walked onto the porch there heads turned to our direction.

" What the fuck JJ where have you been" pope said as he stood up.

"Yeah and since when did you and y/n have something going on" Sarah said pointing to me confused.

"Wait omg did you do that to her JJ" kiara touched my bruises that were still there from Rafe.

"What no, I would never hurt y/n" he looked at me and smiled " look y/n has been having problems with Rafe so I helped her" he said grabbing my hand back into his.

"Well that's amazing JJ well you have been fooling around with the kook princess John b is in jail" pope said irritated.

"JAIL" JJ said and let go of my hand bringing his hands to his head "but how the fuck is he in jail" JJ said now worried.

"My dad, he killed sherif peterkin" Sarah said as her eyes started to water.

"Omg Sarah" I said now panicked " is wheezie and Rafe okay" I said sitting next to her.

"Rose took wheezie to the Bahamas, so she's safe" she said but then looked up at me "but y/n Rafe is really angry, I would stay clear of him" she said now starting to cry well kie held her.

"I can't believe this omg what are we gonna do" JJ said pacing around " why the fuck would John b be in prison if ward killed her" he said now stopped and confused.

"The Cameron's framed him" pope said annoyed " Sarah tried to convince ward to tell the truth but it didn't go well" he said.

JJ stormed inside and started throwing things around. I followed him inside.

"Hey JJ calm down" I said to him putting my hands on his back. He turned around and sobbed into my arms well I played with his hair.

"I can't never see my bestfriend again because of that stupid family" he said I looked at him and wiped a tear from his face "he is one of the only things I have" he said walking away.

After he walked away I knew what I had to do. I grabbed JJs keys for his motorcycle and drove over to the Cameron's to knock some sense into Rafe.

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