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As I pulled up to the police station I was filled with nothing but anxiety. I didn't wanna show JJ I was anxious so I just kept smiling.

"Are you sure your ready for this y/n" he asked me still holding my hand.

"I'm okay Jay, John b shouldn't be in there" I told him well giving him a kiss before getting out of the car.

I walked inside fidgeting with my hair, as I walked up to the front desk.

"How can I help you today" a curly headed women said to me smiling at me.

"I need to talk about a murder" I said now looking down at my feet.

"Oh ok just one moment you can take a seat" she said as she walked away and I sat down.

I heard a door close and I looked up to be met with my dad.

"Uh dad what are you doing here" I said standing up "where the hell have you been y/n"? He said now angry and trying to pull me out. "I'll explain everything later dad" I said now following a police officer into a room.

" I need to tell you guys you have the wrong guy"

"What are you taking about" he said turning around after shutting the door.

"Look John B he is locked up for a murder he didn't commit" I said talking very fast in panic.

"John B? Okay then who is the murder" the police officer said well leaning back in his chair. I sat not saying anything looking down at my feel. I just froze.

"Y/n" the police officer said giving me a look.

"It was Rafe" I said lifting my head up for him to see the tears in my eyes.

"Rafe?" The police officer said now dropping his pen." Look y/n I get it, couples fight but blaming someone for a murder" the police officer told me.

I let out a loud sigh "you think I'm lying don't you?" I said wiping a tear from my face.

"It's just you and Rafe are the perfect couple and he is the perfect son" the police officer told me well I looked at him in disbelief how could he say that?
"I get if you want attention y/n" he said.

I couldn't keep it in I started balling, tears streaming down my face "I am not lying, I loved Rafe but he hurt me" I told him "he isn't who everyone thinks he is"

The police officer stood up "it's just a shame y/n I mean you can't give him a second chance" he said pacing the room shaking his head.

"I GAVE HIM SO MANY CHANCES" I screamed at him "y/n ok lower the voice" he said stopping the pacing "NO YOU DONT KNOW HIM LIKE I DO, HE DRUGGED ME" I started to go on "y/n" he said putting his hands up trying to calm me down. "WHAT YOU WANT THE PROOF" I screamed at him with tears flying. I took my shirt off to reveal all the bruises and I wiped the makeup from my neck.

"Omg y/n" he said in shock staring at me.

"I'm scared all the time, and John b is innocent" I said now coming to a seat. I felt so weak and desperate for him to believe me "I truly loved Rafe and he did this to me. Do you have any idea how that feels" I said well grabbing my stuff.

"Y/n where are you going" he said blocking the door.

"I'm not gonna sit in a room with someone who doesn't believe me" I said well walking out the door.

I got outside went into JJs car, he could see that I have been crying "y/n are you okay" he said trying to grab my hand" I flinched away from him turning my head to the window "just drive me home please" I said slightly crying out the window.

My love JJ❤️Where stories live. Discover now