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I heard the words "I need help" from y/n and then I heard as the phone fell to the ground. I started pacing around the room when kiara walked in.

"Jay I know your stressed about John b but we will get him out I promise" she told me well putting her hand on my back to attempt to comfort me.

"It's not John b something is seriously wrong with
Y/n" I told her well my voice started to get raspy.

"Y/n? JJ since when do you care about y/n this much? And I'm sure she's okay, she probably went back to Rafe" she said looking at me confused.

"I don't know kiara that's the scary thing. I just hook up with girls and then dip, but there's something about y/n. After spending the week with her, I think I'm falling for her" I explained to kie she gave me a stunned face "and Rafe he is abusive, she went over there and just called me saying she broke up with him. And then she said help me and fell to the ground" I told her

"Omg JJ well then we need to go right now" she said.

Me and all the pogues jumped into the van and drove over to figure 8.

Rafes Pov

I was screaming in my room after y/n just broke up with me. I was filled with so much anger. That I couldn't control, then I heard a huge bang from downstairs. I ran downstairs to see y/n passed out on the floor and ward standing over her with a needle. What the fuck.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO DAD" I ran up to ward screaming.

He quickly pushed me back to the wall holding my chest against the wall to make sure I couldn't move " I HEARD YOUR WHOLE CONVERSATION, SHE KNOWS I KILLED SOMEBODY SHE CANNOT LEAVE" he yelled at me I was about to beat the living shit out of him. Yes I hurt y/n before but seeing someone lay there hands on her made all my blood inside me boil but that was until he made me realize " SHE DOSEN'T LOVE YOU RAFE, AT LEAST NOT ANYMORE THIS IS YOUR TIME TO GET YOUR REVENGE. BUT WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW" he yelled at me.

I looked at him realizing he was right and nodded "ok now help me get her to the car" he told me I went over to her and picked her up and put her in the trunk, I looked down and didn't feel any love just disgust.

JJs Pov

We arrived at the Cameron's house where I saw my motorcycle which meant she never left. I ran out of the van, and Sarah ran up to the door to unlock it. We all spilt up looking around the house searching for y/n or Rafe. Nothing. Or so I thought..

"GUYS COME HERE" pope yelled to us, we all ran to where pope was. When we saw him pick up a needle off the ground, then he looked at us. I looked over to see my ring I let y/n where on the floor right where the needle was.

I started to panic, I mean yes I suffer from anxiety from how I grew up but nothing like this. I sat down in the step and put my hand over my heart well I tried to focus on my breathing. Sarah was making calls to rose and Wheezie trying to find out where they would have taken y/n.

After about 20 minutes of Sarah and rose fighting on the phone, Sarah turned around and looked at us "they are taking her to the Bahamas where rose and Wheezie are" she told us. After that we all jumped into the van and kie stole money from her parents to buy us all plane tickets.

The Cameron's owned there own jet so they were already on there way. Our fight didn't leave until 7pm which was in 5 hours.


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