Home "sweet" home

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JJs car had come to a stop and I was home.

"Are you gonna be okay alone tonight y/n" JJ said grabbing my arm slightly. "I'll be okay Jay" I said opening the door and getting out but then I turned back to him "I'm sorry Jay I tried" I said at him shutting the door walking inside.

When I got inside my parents were in the living room sitting there, it looked like they were talking to someone but I wasn't bothered to see who all I wanted was to lay in my bed, so I started walking up to my room.

"Y/n can you come here please" my mom said I let out a sigh and walked into the living room but then came to a stop when my eyes greeted with the one and only Rafe Cameron smirking at me.

"What is he doing here" I said backing up well shivers fell down my spin.

"Rafe told us about your fight sweetie but he wants to fix things" my mom said looking at me smiling. I had no idea what to do, I just stood there in shock until Rafe started walking over to me. Where I flinched.

"Y/n can I talk to you in the kitchen please" my mom said well I followed her.

" what is your issue y/n" she said looking at me concerned. I knew I had to tell her it's all I could do to get him away from me "mom" I said particularly whimpering "he hurt me really bad and I broke up with him please get him out of here" I said now going in for a hug, hoping for a hug and some comfort that wasn't just from JJ. But my mom pushed me back off her.

"You have a reputation y/n, our family's reputation" she looked at me angrily.

"But mom he abuses me" I said taking a step back.

"He loves you and you love him" she said at him shaking her head in disappointment.

"That's not love mom" I said starting to tear up.

"You have ups and downs that's love y/n now stop being ridiculous, and Rafe is sleeping over" she said I couldn't believe it I pulled away from my mom sprinting up the stairs and slamming my door shut well jumping on my bed to sob into my pillow.

Moments later I heard my door open and close. I didn't lift my head up from my pillow I just layed there.

"Okay cut whatever bullshit your playing y/n" Rafe said putting his hands on my back well I sobbed into my pillow.

"Please just go home Rafe" I said lifting my head and turning to face him.

"Come on babe you can't be mad at me forever" he said to me "Rafe we are broken up" I said wrapping my arms around my knees "I loved you, I mean really loved you and the way you treated me was so wrong in so many ways"

"Babe I know I messed up but if we love eachother we wouldn't give up on eachother"he said to me now touching my thigh.

"Im tired Rafe I'm going to bed" I said pushing his hands off me and getting up to wash my face in the bathroom.

I got into the bathroom and shut the door, I then sat down and grabbed my phone and called JJ.

"Hey y/n is everything okay" he said after answering the phone when it only rang 2 times.

"No Rafe is here and he is sleeping over" I told him well my voice was shaking from fear.

"Im on my way y/n" JJ said in the phone well I heard his keys being flung around.

"No JJ it's best if you just pick me up in the morning and we can just figure everything out" I told him letting out a sigh.

When me and JJ were done on the phone I walked out into my room where Rafe was still sat in my bed. I crawled into my bed and turned faced away from Rafe.

The next morning I woke up and I felt arms wrapped around my waist like I was a teddy bear and could hear rafes breathing in my ear. Funny this used to make me feel safe and comfortable but now my heart was racing and I was shaking but trying to hide it.

Moments later I heard cop sirens coming closer to my house, I sat up on my bed. It couldn't be. Are they coming for me? Did they believe me? My moms gonna literally hate me.

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