3 | Echoes of Temptation

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"Al! Girl, I'm so proud of you!" Zane screamed at me and hugged the life out of me. I felt so loved and celebrated and even though I couldn't breathe, I let him squeeze all the air out of my lungs.

"Okay Zane, loosen up- quickly loosing consciousness," I joked while trying to finally squeeze out of his embrace.

"Alethea, this is a big deal. I mean we already knew you were on your way to big things with the jobs you've been offered from the smaller artists but freaking- HALLE BAILEY! I mean we are talking the little mermaid and award winning singing sister duo level of famous! And she asked YOU to do her first solo breakout performance! How are you not losing it right now?"

I giggled, he was right. I think a part of me felt like the opportunity was surreal, I hadn't even had time to truly digest the realness of it. Then another part of me knew that I deserved it. Me and Zane came from nothing, I didn't have any of the opportunities that children with loving parents that could afford to put them into private dance schools had. For most people to make it to where I am right now, they started training at a young age, auditioning and participating in big dance tryouts and competitions. I had to do everything the hard way. Years of studying and teaching myself all the different styles of dance. I was barely making ends meet because of the money I needed for the few competitions and classes I entered to excel in my skills. It was a miracle that I made it this far without any solid support system other than Zane. But I knew I deserved it and I was going to revel in it, in my own way.

"Zane, I hear you, I hear you. I think I just need to wait for it to truly hit me. But thank you so much Z, I would've given up a long time ago if I didn't have you in my ear harassing me to keep going at every second and all the nights you stayed up with me when I was being OCD about a routine and just being literally the best brother I could have ever asked for. So thank you, really." I gave him another hug, I had so many different emotions running through me now. He was right, this was huge- and I know I wouldn't be here without him.

"I got you sis, I've always believed in you and I knew you had the skills- you just needed someone to push you and I will always be thankful that I did that for you because look at you now." He hugged me back even tighter, "How about we go celebrate?? I need a good night out after all this school work and you need to turn up sis, you been working way too hard."

I smirked, "I know just the place."


A few hours later after the sun went down, we arrived at a queer bar I used to patronize when I was feeling lonely. Between teaching classes at the studio, working at the club, doing hair, choreographing routines, and running my social media- my love life was suffering. I knew I didn't have time for anything serious but I always enjoyed having the company of a woman to fill that hole in my heart. It wasn't the healthiest coping mechanism for needing relief from my stress and work, but it felt so good in the moments. I ended up here a lot of late nights after I finished a shift at the club. When my eroticism was at an all time high and I felt like I could talk to anyone and do anything, this was the perfect place to come to pick up a sexy girl to take home.

Zane and I went straight for the bar, looking to get regrettably drunk. Tonight was about letting loose and having fun, we agreed we wouldn't let school, work, or whatever else get in the way of us having a good time. I really needed a night of chaos and partying with my brother, it had been so long since we'd been able to let loose together especially with both of our hectic schedules. I knew that my new job working for Halle was going to take a lot of time traveling and working so I was prepared to fully let go tonight before I had to dive back into work. 

One of the best things about Zane is that he is bisexual. I started realizing that I liked girls at a very young age but I kept it to myself because our foster parents at the current time were extremely homophobic. Once I got into my teens and really wanted to start exploring my sexuality, I decided that I was going to tell Zane. I knew that I could tell him anything and he would accept me no matter what but before I could come out of the closet to him, he came out to me. I felt so relieved and understood and I was so happy for him to be so brave in embracing his sexuality. I told him how much I was attracted to girls and how I wished I could date them. He inspired me to live my life in the way that I felt was right, no matter what anyone else thought. 

In the Arms of An Angel- Halle Bailey Fanfiction (girlxgirl) 18+Where stories live. Discover now