Well Howdy

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The day has arrived when the VKs Ben choose to come to school in Auradon.

"Welcome to Aruadon Prep, I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress." Fairy Godmother introduced herself.

"The Fairy Godmother as in Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?" Mal asked.

"Bibbidi Bobbidi you know it." She smiled at her.

"Yeah, I always wondered what it was like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand, warm smile.. and sparkly wand."

Fairy Godmother smiled. ''That was a long time ago, and as I always say don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future."

Ben stepped up. "It's so good to finally meet you all, I'm Ben."

"Prince Benjamin, soon to be king." TAudrey stepped over fanning herself with her hand.

"You had me at prince." Evie said sweet and soft. "My mom's a queen which makes me a princess."

"The evil queen has no royal status here... and neither do you." Audrey said rudely.

"This is Audrey." Ben quickly said.

"Princess Audrey, his girlfriend, right Bennyboo?"

"Ben, Harmony and Audrey are going to show you all around and I'll see you tomorrow." Fairy Godmother said to the villain's kids before separating Ben and Audrey's hands. "The doors of wisdom are never shut, but the library hours are from 8 to 11, I have a little thing about curfews."

"Who?" Carlos asked.

"Oh yeah, you haven't met her yet." Ben grinned. "Hey! Harmony!"

The VKs turned to see someone riding horseback towards them and quickly backed away as the horse stood on it's back legs.

"Well howdy." Harmony grinned at the four when the horse finally calmed down. Her hair was hidden under a black cowgirl hat since she didn't want to scare them. "Well looky here." Harmony jumped off the horse to get a better look at them she went to Jay first. "You must be Jay, heard a lot about your athletic talent."

Jay looked surprised at how strong Harmony was when they shook hands.

Harmony then turns to Evie. "Must be hard to be away from your castle huh Evie?"

"Oh well it's not really a castle it's more of a... nevermind." Evie said.

Audrey then turned back to Mal. "Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter aren't you? Yeah you know what, I totally don't blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. My mom's Aurora, Sleeping..."

"Beauty." Mal finished for her. "Yeah, I heard the name, you know what, I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, except my mother to their stupid christening."

"Water under the bridge." Audrey said.


"Maleficent huh?" Harmony thought for a moment before understanding. "Oh so you're the daughter of dragon lady."

"Yeah." Mal said.

"Not many dragons around these days." Harmony said. "That's pretty impressive."

"Oh well, I guess it is isn't it." Mal grinned.

"So your old bag even conned those ditzy blue bloods to give up their kid?" Harmony asked.

"Hey!" Audrey glared.

"Well I don't think that was part of my mom's plan, they did that themselves." Mal admitted.

Harmony then turns to Carlos. "Hey little fella, you look like you're good with animals, wanna give me a hand sometime?"

"Um.. I've never been near a horse before." Carlos admitted.

"No, worries, we'll start off small." Harmony assured him.

Ben grinned at how well Harmony was breaking the ice.

"So how about a tour?" Everyone follows him to a statue of King Adam, AKA The Beast. Ben clapped his hands making the statue change into beast form. Carlos screamed and jumped into Harmony's arms. "Carlos it's ok, my dad wanted it to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible."

"Does it shed much?" Mal asked.

"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Ben replied.

"Wow Benny, didn't think ya had it in ya to joke." Harmony chuckled.

Carlos quickly saw who's arms he was in. "I'm sorry."

"Ya weigh as much as a newborn calf, remind me to help ya get some meat on those bones."

"So do you have a lot of... Magic here in Aruadon? Like wands and stuff?" Mal asked.

Ben replied. "Yeah, it exists of course. But it's pretty much retired, most of us here are just ordinary mortals."

"Who happen to be Kings and Queens." Mal added.

"That's true." Audrey bragged then sighed dreamly. "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." She said as she forced Ben to wrap his arm around her.

Harmony then pretended to gag making the VKs chuckle. They had a feeling they were going to like this girl.

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