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Harmony looked around the place Striker sent her to, it was not Hell. There was a blue sky, and grass, nothing was dead and there were healthy-looking trees everywhere. Harmony noticed she was standing on a road and decided to follow it. Hopefully, Striker will come back for her.

Harmony didn't know how far she was walking but soon she heard the loud wail of a horse. Harmony saw a gray horse was charging right at her. Harmony got out of the way but she appeared on the back of the horse and was able to control it.


Harmony looked to see a stranger her age ride a bike over.

Harmony remembered that these are called humans. Luckily Harmony put her hair out in time.

"Thank you so much." The girl gets off her bike and starts petting the horse.

"No problem miss." Said as she patted the horse's head. "Have a rowdy one at home myself."

"I don't see you at school. Do you go to a different school?" The girl asked.

"I'm not in school. Actually, I'm lost." Harmony admitted. "I don't know where I am."

"You're in Auradon. My name is Lonnie." Lonnie held out her hand.

"Harmony." Harmony shook her hand. "Clearly I'm a long way from home."

"We can go to the king. I'm sure he can help." Lonnie suggested. "You can ride on Mazu, I'll ride my bike back." Harmony followed Lonnie who gave her a smile. "You're really good on a horse."


Lonnie found Harmony to be a good listener as they rode back.

"So your ma had to dress like a man to go to war?" Harmony asked.


Harmony scoffed. "I really am far from home then. Where I'm from men and women are all encouraged to fight and go to war. Show off our skills, doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, or gender."

"Wow, I wish I could go there." Lonnie smiled.

Harmony widened her eyes not wanting to tell this girl she was talking about Hell, but luckily they arrived.

Harmony saw Lonnie wasn't kidding when she said the king. "Whole castle here huh? Though the werewolf is a nice touch."

"That's the king before he turned human." Lonnie explained. "Don't you know the story of Beauty and the Beast?"

"Don't think I want to." Harmony answered.

Lonnie brought Harmony inside. "Ben, is it possible we can talk to your dad? This is Harmony, she's lost."

"Lost?" Ben asked and took in Harmony's appearance, she wasn't like anyone Ben has ever seen before. She was wearing all black, even her make-up and her hair were beautiful shades of blue.

"Pardon my sudden visit, your highness." Harmony nodded her head at him. "I was sent here by my foster parent for safety reasons, I didn't get all the details but I think he's gone hiding and I've been looking for my birth father for years. We got separated."

"Well I know everyone in the kingdoms around here, what are their names?" Ben asked her.

"My foster parent is called Striker." Harmony told him. "Doubt you know him."

"I'm afraid that name doesn't ring a bell." Ben admitted. "What about your birth one?"

"I don't remember his name." Harmony sighed sadly. "I was only two when I lost him, but Striker drew me this picture of him." Harmony pulled out the picture from her jacket and gave it to him.

Ben stared at the picture but couldn't hide his shock.

"Do you know him?" Harmony asked hopefully.

Ben quickly shook his head. "Ah no, it's just this is a great drawing, almost looks like a photo."

"Oh." Harmony's face fell back to sadness. "Guess I really am back to being alone." Harmony took the picture back. "I might not remember him well but I know he loved me, I just want him back and to know Striker is ok."

Ben felt bad for lying. Of course, he knew that was a picture of Hades but he also saw this as an opportunity. "You're not alone anymore, come on, I'll help you."

Meanwhile, Audrey overheard Lonnie talking to a crowd of less popular girls.

"I hope she stays, she's very beautiful but she's nice about it. I don't even think she knows how beautiful she is and she must have really cool parents to let her dye her hair like that." Lonnie told them.

"Excuse me, what now?" Audrey asked.

"Lonnie's horse was saved by a mystery girl." Jane explained. "She's talking to Ben right now."

"Yeah, she's like the coolest girl ever." Lonnie added.

"Really?" Audrey gave a tight smile. "Well, then I guess I need to meet her." 

Daughter of Hades Descendants AU Raised In WrathWhere stories live. Discover now