Training Run

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On the morning of 14th April, the pilots of 588th squadron marched down to the training grounds after their breakfast as they began training for their upcoming mission.

All of the 26 pilots of 588th were already quite experienced in aerial combat, having flown as bomber escorts and interceptors in the American theater. This time their training was more focused around working as a fighter bomber to do precision bombing over their targets, and also to work alongside the 456th squadron.

The 456th RAF squadron was 24 pilots strong and flew the P-47 Thunderbolt. With the amount of ordinance these planes can carry, they were to serve as the backbone of the raid, diving down at the targets and dropping their bombs on the enemy structures.

Most of the P-51 Mustangs of the 588th are mainly meant to provide protection from the defenses, taking out the AA guns, and taking on the German interceptors which are sure to come at once when they strike the targets, while the rest of them were assigned to help out the P-47s with the bombing.

While the Mustangs couldn't carry as much ordinance as the Thunderbolts, an 1000 pound ordinance per plane would still give them an edge in the fight.

The pilots of both squadrons worked together, flying their respective aircrafts over the skies, complimenting each other's capabilities as they prepared for their upcoming mission.

One the noon of the next day, the pilots were once again up in the air, going through drills for one more time before they finally left for mission the next day.

"Okay, let's do this one more time boys." Hiccup said through the comms.

They were flying over some mountains in Europe, practicing how they will operate on the day of the mission. The planes flew in a 'V' formation, with the Mustangs assigned as escorts flying in the front while the Thunderbolts and Mustangs assigned as bombers flew behind them. On the wings of the bombers, dummy explosives were fitted. Hiccup's mustang was in the front of the formation, leading them ahead.

The planes flew close to the surface of the mountains, taking sharp turns as they made their way through the zigzag canyon formed between the mountains as they approached the area selected as target.

"Remember boys, always stay close to the surface!" Hiccup announced through the comms,"There's a high chance that the Germans have radars placed! Staying low will help you avoid detection! Rise up only once you have spotted the target and are preparing to engage!"

The pilots kept their eyes focused ahead, fighting against the G force as they took the sharp turns. The pilots of the Thunderbolts struggled a bit since the Thunderbolt wasn't as effective in such low altitudes, making them less maneuverable, but they still managed to keep up.

After another few minutes of flight, Hiccup suddenly announced,"We're about to reach the target! Get ready!" 

The pilots stared ahead, in front of them, at the distance, they could see the area. On the side of the mountain, a large bullseye was drawn by sprinkling a mix of chalk and limestone on the ground. Around it, several big wooden box-like structures, which are meant to pose like AA guns.

"You heard the captain. Get ready." Toothless said through the comms.

The planes pitched up, rising up in altitude as they were about to engage their targets. The Mustangs in the front of the formation only climbed up a few thousand feet while the Thunderbolts and bomber Mustangs climbed up higher. The Mustangs only needed to do a shallow dive since their objective was to take out the anti-aircraft guns. The Thunderbolts and bomber Mustangs on the other hand were going to do a steep dive in order to more accurately drop their bombs.

Climbing up to a desirable altitude, the escort Mustangs dove down, flying in a perfect symphony as they took aim for the wooden boxes. Hiccup was the first to attack, riddling one the boxes with bullets as the rest of the escort followed his example, some firing the dud missiles on their wings, which hit the boxes and the area surrounding them, blowing up gusts of dust and dirt in the process.

"Drop the bombs!" Hiccup commanded through the comms as they flew away from the target.

Following up after the escort Mustangs, the Thunderbolts and bomber Mustangs dove down, dropping from the altitude as they awaited for the right moment. And as they dropped down to a desirable altitude, some of the planes dropped their bombs.

"Bombs away!" The pilots informed through their comms.

All the bomber Mustangs had dropped their bombs, freeing them from their role as a bomber and they joined the escorts, while only a few of the Thunderbolts dropped their ordinance as the rest would be needed to take out the second target.

The bombs soared through the air and dropped on the target area, blowing a pillar of dust and dirt in the process.

The Thunderbolts soon followed after the Mustangs as they moved over to their next target area. Flying behind the mountain, where their next target awaited them. A large field marked with the same chalk and limestone blend sprinkled along its borders.

"Bombers, do your thing." came Hiccup's command.

The Thunderbolts pilots got ready. They kept flying horizontally over the target area, and as they reached close enough, they dove down, dropping a few thousand feet in altitude before dropping their ordinance one by one, scattering the dummy explosives around the entire field before rejoining their escorts as they all turned back for their base.

"Hell yeah! That was a smooth bombing!" Toothless exclaimed through the comms, and the other pilots cheered too as they successfully finished their drill.

"Yeah, yeah it was." Hiccup said and looked at the horizon.

They were ready to strike now.

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