Part 8

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The Daedalus jumps out of hyperspace around the planet. Teyla arrives in the control room with Doctor Moore. They look worried.

CALDWELL: Alright, we need to get you to that ship Doctor. You have to warn them... (They get interrupted by the radio, it's Sheppard)
SHEPP: Daedalus, this is Sheppard.
CALDWELL: Colonel. It's good to hear you have communications back.
SHEPP: Yes, sir. Zelenka just fixed it. (He pauses) Unfortunately, we have some bad news... We just discovered that most of our drones are out of service. The wraiths seem to have destroyed the whole storage unit during their last encounter. And, it seems that us getting access to the communication panel created a short-circuit in those levels, scattering the drones in space all around the ship.
MOORE: (To Caldwell) Colonel, the wraiths are gonna see those drones, even with the ship cloaked.
CALDWELL: Is there anything we can do to help?
SHEPP: Not unless you have a giant drone vacuum system on board, sir.
CALDWELL: I don't. And I'm afraid I'm not bearing good news either. (He looks at Doctor Moore and signs him to continue)
MOORE: Colonel, this is Doctor Moore. I finished reading Suski Chan's journal and I think I found out what happened to the Minoria group. (He pauses, nervous) In the last entries of her journal, she mentions a certain Korus. He was one of the other scientists on the project and he has apparently been banished from Atlantis twice... (He takes a deep breath) including once for being a wraith worshipper.

On the ship. They all look at each other when they hear the news.

SHEPP: You're kidding.
MOORE: I wish I was.
RONON: An Ancient worshipping the wraiths?
MOORE: Well, he was already banished so... ascension was not an option.
SHEPP: That's not a reason to turn to your enemy... is it?
CALDWELL: The wraiths do have the secret to eternal life.
SHEPP: Yeah, by keeping you addicted to them.

On the Daedalus.

MOORE: Many of the Minoria group were suspecting Korus of sabotaging the ship. Including planting a distress signal to alert the wraiths of their position.
SHEPP: What?
MOORE: This ship is not the first one of its class, Colonel. This is their 5th attempt. And each time, the wraith showed up and destroyed the project before they could finish it.

On the ship.

SHEPP: Zelenka, do you hear this?

In the jumper.

ZELENKA: Yes, Colonel. We will search the outside of the ship for any wraith device. (He signs to the military piloting to turn around)

On the ship.

RONON: Why did the wraiths wait a week before coming here?
MCKAY: Because we're the ones who activated it. (They look at him) We only had access to the main generator 3 days ago.
RONON: Great...
SHEPP: So... that Korus guy planted a device on the ship, just like he did the other 4 times before. The wraiths showed up. They attacked the ship, but didn't destroy it this time... What went differently?
MOORE: She mentions something about a new program that's been hidden in the main controls of the ship. (Rodney starts to move to another console to search) Apparently, Salima Zakmus herself created it, and only she could have access to it.
SHEPP: Wait, so... now we have to look for both a wraith device and a hidden program on top of getting the chair, and the shield functioning?
MOORE: Yes, but I know...
KELLER: Why would they keep working with that Korus if they knew he was a spy?
MOORE: Because Salima Zakmus believed in his innocence.
KELLER: That's bullshit. (Shepp nods in agreement)

On the Daedalus.

MOORE: There's more that I need to tell you, but...
SHEPP: you can tell us all about it once you're here, Moore.

He is about to leave with Teyla when the wraith cruiser arrives.


On the Minoria ship.

SHEPP: Is that...
MCKAY: The wraith cruiser.
SHEPP: I thought we had 7 more hours!
MCKAY: Me too, but they're here now!
MOORE: They must have altered their ship to be here this fast!
SHEPP: (To the radio) Zelenka, get your ass back here. We've got company.
ZELENKA: Copy that, Colonel.
SHEPP: Can they see us?
MCKAY: No, the cloak is still on.
RONON: But they can see the Daedalus.
SHEPP: How are we doing on that chair, Rodney?
MCKAY: It's not ready yet.
SHEPP: We don't have much time; we need it now.
MCKAY: But I still have tons of diagnostics to run and... and I'm not even talking about the shield and the drones...
SHEPP: Rodney!!

Stargate Atlantis 2 : Zakmus part 1, Lost in memoryWhere stories live. Discover now