Part 7

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Aboard the Minoria ship.

Sheppard arrives in a room where Keller and another doctor are. He is with 2 other marines, a man and a woman.

SHEPP: Hey doc. Are you finished?
KELLER: Not really. There's so much stuff in here. I can't choose which one to bring back to Atlantis first.
SHEPP: Well, you're gonna have to choose, Daedalus is gonna be here any minute now.
MARINE: Come on doc, we're gonna come back for the rest.
SHEPP: But first, we need you to get to safety.
KELLER: I know... (She looks at the woman and the boxes next to her) Alright, those 2.
SHEPP: Good choice. (He signs the marines to help her and they take the boxes. Suddenly they hear a big explosion and the ship trembles. They look at each other)
KELLER: What was that? The wraiths?
SHEPP: (To the radio) Ronon, did you hear that?
RONON: (On the radio) No, what happened?
SHEPP: Looked like some kind of explosion. You seriously didn't feel it? (He tries to look through the window)
RONON: (Looks through the window) There's nothing here Sheppard.
SHEPP: What about the radar? Anything?
RONON: (Goes to a console) Negative.
SHEPP: Alright, we're coming back. (To the others) Let's go.


Shepp arrives in the control room with the others.

Rodney is still working on the chair while 2 other scientists are working on another console and Ronon is supervising.

SHEPP: Alright, it's just us now.
MCKAY: Where's Teyla?
SHEPP: She went with the Daedalus; she should be here with Doctor Moore any minute now.
RONON: What about the explosion that you heard?
SHEPP: That's what I wanna know. (To the radio) Kapp, do you copy?
KAPP: Yes sir.
SHEPP: Any news on Zelenka?
KAPP: No sir, they're still outside.
SHEPP: We heard some kind of explosion back at the infirmary, did you hear anything at all from your position?
KAPP: No, sir. It has been quiet all along. (Shepp is about to speak but a voice comes on the ship's speaker, it's Zelenka)
ZELENKA: Colonel Sheppard, do you read?
SHEPP: (Turns back, surprised. They all look up, and smile) Hey doc, good job with that radio.


Zelenka is in a jumper around the ship with 2 other marines. He is in a space suit without his helmet on. He is looking out the window.

ZELENKA: The communication console was damaged but I managed to fix it. (He sighs) That being said... I think we have another problem, Colonel.
SHEPP: Yeah, something happened 10 minutes ago.
ZELENKA: How do you know?
SHEPP: We heard an explosion from the infirmary.
ZELENKA: Oh. (He puts his glasses back) Well, it wasn't really an explosion. Hum... I think that when I activated the communication console it caused some kind of short-circuit.
MCKAY: Pretty much the definition of an explosion to me.
ZELENKA: Anyway, we... We took a detour to inspect the other side of the ship, where the short-circuit seemed to have come from.

Image of the other side of the ship. It is half destroyed, and several levels of the ship are completely open, including one with some drones left. There are also hundreds and hundreds of drones out in space all around.

ZELENKA: I think I know why we couldn't access the east wing now. (He pauses) It's completely destroyed.


On the ship.

RONON: Was it the explosion?
ZELENKA: No, you would have heard this one, trust me.
MCKAY: An explosion capable of destroying an entire wing, I hope so, yes.
RONON: Then where was it from?
ZELENKA: I'd say between levels 4 and 5?
SHEPP: Hang on... I thought most of the drones were supposed to be on those levels.
MCKAY: They are.
ZELENKA: Well, they're not anymore. They're all scattered in space, it's like a minefield here.
MCKAY: That's not good.
MCKAY: Well, first of all, when the wraiths show up, even if we're still cloaked, they're still gonna see the drones floating into space. And second, well... if they decide to fire at the drones then...
SHEPP: Then the whole ship explodes. (He sighs)
RONON: Can't you just control them with the chair?
SHEPP: No, they could be damaged, and I can't take that risk. Besides... (He looks at Rodney) I don't have access to the chair yet. (Rodney goes back to work. To the radio) Alright Zelenka, you can head back to the ship, the Daedalus should arrive any minute now.
RONON: Unless the wraiths show up first.
SHEPP: Yeah, well, we're not there yet. (He leaves the room)

Stargate Atlantis 2 : Zakmus part 1, Lost in memoryWhere stories live. Discover now