Part 3

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In a jumper. Sheppard is in the pilot seat, Rodney is next to him, Teyla and Ronon are behind.

CALDWELL: (on the radio) Doctor Zelenka will keep monitoring the radiation from the Daedalus, and I hope Doctor Mckay will be careful enough to check the radiation level before entering the Minoria ship. If there's anything suspicious, you are ordered to come back immediately. Is that clear, Colonel?
SHEPP: Loud and clear Colonel Caldwell. We will report to you as soon as Rodney finds a docking bay for us to land. (He looks at Rodney who is working on his computer) Sheppard out. (He still looks at Rodney who is silent)
RONON: What do you think happened to Minoria?
SHEPP: I reckon that they left the city when they realized that they'd lost the war.
TEYLA: Do you think they left for Earth along with the others?
SHEPP: No, I doubt that.
RONON: Maybe they died? (Rodney is about to speak but stops himself. Ronon looks at him. Rodney gives him a quick look from the side then goes back to work. Shepp and Teyla also look at him. They all stay silent) What do you think we're gonna find on that planet? (Rodney looks up, exhausted by all these questions)
TEYLA: Maybe another ship?
SHEPP: What about weapons?
MCKAY: Do you have any more stupid questions like this?
RONON: (Smiles and pauses) I do. (Rodney hesitates, then goes back to work)
TEYLA: It must be something important for them to protect it like they did.
MCKAY: Obviously.
SHEPP: Well, the only way to find out is to find a way to lower that magnetic shield and I really hope we can find it on that ship. Alright kids, we're about to have a visual.

They all look through the window and the ship appears. It's very impressive, very big. Way bigger than any other ships they have encountered before. They all stay silent and in awe for a minute.

SHEPP: Well that surely feels more than twice the size of an Aurora ship.
MCKAY: Yeah, it does.
SHEPP: So, where should I go now? (No response) Mckay?
MCKAY: Right, sorry. (He opens the screen in front of them and shows him a spot) There. The ship should recognize the jumper design and open up a docking bridge.
SHEPP: Alright, here we go.

The jumper lands on a part of the ship that immediately connects itself to the jumper. They all look up and hear the noise of the bridge attaching to the jumper. They wait and get up. Sheppard stops in front of the door; he looks back at Rodney.

SHEPP: Is this safe?
MCKAY: Yes, I told you, there's no radiation inside.
SHEPP: No, I mean... this. (He shows the door) The docking bridge, is it safe?
MCKAY: Well, I don't know, I didn't make it, did I? This is my first time on that ship as much as it is yours.
SHEPP: Because if it isn't, that means we would all be sucked into space and...

Ronon presses the button that opens the door. The door opens and everything seems normal. The lights in the corridor are turning on one by one.

RONON: (Takes his gun and passes in front of them) Let's go. (He leaves and they all follow)
MCKAY: (To Shepp) See? It's safe.


In the infirmary. Keller is arriving with Sam; they are holding bottles of water. They are talking and laughing. Doctor Moore is already in here and another woman is attending to the wounds on his hands. He looks at them arriving in the room.

KELLER: Leylan, what are you... (He shows one of his hands, covered in bandages around each finger) Oh, again? (She comes and has a look) I swear, I'm gonna have to have a word with Rodney when he comes back. (The other woman finishes the last bandage and leaves) Thank you, Laura.
SAM: What happened?
MOORE: Oh, nothing much, just a regular day in my life as Doctor Mckay's employee.
SAM: Because of the inventory? (Moore smiles) How often do you get hurt like that?
KELLER: Every week at least.
SAM: Do you want me to talk to Rodney for you?
MOORE: Oh no, no, please. I don't... I don't want to cause any trouble. Besides, it's part of my job... I guess.
KELLER: Getting hurt is not part of your job Leylan.
MOORE: No, but it's part of the fun. I mean... I don't want to admit it in front of Doctor Mckay but... I actually enjoy doing that inventory. (He smiles) Doctor Mckay was right, cataloguing all of those artifacts should only take me a couple of months but... I like to take my time and... appreciate what I do. (He smiles again, and rubs his nose) All of the items that we found in that lab are a new discovery and I get to be the first one to see it. It's very exciting and rewarding, and I'm learning more about Ancient technology every day. Sure, getting to know every one of those items' use is... not always easy, but it's definitely worth it.
SAM: I like that spirit, Doctor. And you're doing an excellent job too. I've read Rodney's report on it, and although he's the one signing them, I know that you're the one doing the job for him.
MOORE: Oh, to be fair, I only select items that I think could be useful, or at least worth examining and Doctor Mckay does the final selection so... in the end, it's his decision.
KELLER: You're way too nice with him, you know that?
SAM: I can see why Doctor Zelenka insisted on having you here Doctor.
MOORE: Thank you, Colonel. (He smiles) I appreciate that.
KELLER: You should have gone with them.
MOORE: Yeah, about that, do you have any news?
SAM: Yes, Colonel Sheppard and his team just arrived on board the Minoria ship. As we expected, there's been no radiation detected. They're heading to the control room as we speak, so Mckay can turn the cloak back on.
MOORE: Good, that's good. (He pauses) Well, I should get back to it. I've been ordered to finish before their return and I'm slightly behind schedule so... If you'll excuse me.
KELLER: Please be careful. (He nods and leaves)


On the Minoria ship. Sheppard's team arrives in the main control room. There is a chair in the middle, and he goes there immediately. Ronon follows him. Teyla stays at the door and Rodney goes to a control panel.

MCKAY: Alright, let's see how much energy is left before getting that cloak back on. (He connects his computer and beeps) Ok, I was expecting that. (He presses a few buttons)
RONON: (To Shepp) Hey. (He shows the lower panel of the chair that is unscrewed. Shepp looks at it)
MCKAY: (Still on his computer. There is another bip, the tablet shows a message in Ancient language. The others look at him) And overriding... (He presses another button and another beep) Overriding. (A different beep, McKay smiles) Yes, now onto the other one. (A beep) what now?
SHEPP: Is this thing safe? (He shows the chair.)
MCKAY: (Without looking at him) You want to sit in that chair, be my guest. (Another beep)
SHEPP: Nice try Rodney.
MCKAY: Yes, I'm hilarious, now please, let me do my work first. (The computer beeps again) Oh, come on!
SHEPP: (hesitates and looks through the window. On the radio) Colonel Caldwell, this is Sheppard. We've reached the main control room. (No answer. He looks back at Rodney) There's no communication here?
RODNEY: Yes, most of the primary systems are shut down, I'm trying to get them back up again, but it's gonna take a while.
SHEPP: How long is a while, Rodney?
RODNEY: The more questions you ask, the longer it'll take.
SHEPP: I need an estimation!
RODNEY: I don't think you've heard me; I need you to stop talking.
TEYLA: Rodney!
RODNEY: Hey, I'm just one man here, ok?
SHEPP: Fine. (He walks to the door. To Teyla) Me and Ronon are going back to the jumper to contact the Daedalus, you stay with Grumpy here. We'll be back in 20 minutes.
TEYLA: Alright.

They leave. They are walking in the corridors.

RONON: Is he gonna keep doing that?
SHEPP: I think he's under pressure for having uncloaked the ship without telling anyone and making it an easy target for the wraiths... I'm sure he's gonna ease up as soon as Zelenka and his team get on board to fix the problem.
RONON: What happens if the wraiths do find the ship though?
SHEPP: Well then... Rodney will probably be fired.
RONON: I can't wait.
SHEPP: Me neither.

Stargate Atlantis 2 : Zakmus part 1, Lost in memoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin