Part 6

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On the Daedalus. Caldwell is in a room with Sheppard and his team, as well as Zelenka and Doctor Novak. Carter is on a screen from Atlantis.

CALDWELL: We've only detected one wraith cruiser so far.
SHEPP: There could be more coming.
NOVAK: How do we know they're coming for the ship? They could just be passing by.
SAM: We can't take that risk.
ZELENKA: They could have picked up the signal when we first uncloaked it.
MCKAY: They wouldn't have waited one week to react.
CALDWELL: I agree with Doctor Mckay, but I don't think the wraiths coming here is a coincidence.
SHEPP: There's something we're missing here.
NOVAK: The ship is cloaked anyway, they're not gonna find nothing, right? (Silence)
SAM: We can't know that for sure. If they did indeed pick up the last signal, then they should know the exact current location of the ship.
SHEPP: One more reason to fly this thing. And we need the chair for that. (He looks at Rodney and Zelenka)
RODNEY: (Hesitates) We're still working on it.
SHEPP: You had a whole week for that. When we first arrived, you told me to take my chances and sit on it. Now, I think it's time I actually do.
SAM: We don't even know if the ship can fly, Colonel.
SHEPP: We won't know if we don't try.
ZELENKA: I don't think the Minoria ship is in any state of flying, Colonel. (They look at him) I don't think it has even flown once actually. (Rodney sighs as if he knew he was going to say this)
MCKAY: (To himself) Here we go.
CALDWELL: How did it end up here then?
ZELENKA: Everything seems to indicate that they built it on-site.
SAM: How?
MCKAY: It's just a guess.
ZELENKA: We found scraps of Ancient technology all around the planet, I think they come from another ship and probably a whole other structure that the Ancient used to build the Minoria.
SHEPP: Zelenka is right. We did find some scraps the first time we came here.
TEYLA: There were also pieces of wraith ship.
CALDWELL: You think the Ancients have already fought the wraiths here, around the planet?
MCKAY: That doesn't prove anything.
SAM: We don't have time to argue about what happened here thousands of years ago, everyone.
CALDWELL: We have to evacuate the ship.
SHEPP: We can't leave it to the wraiths. We have to fight.
SAM: Does the Minoria ship even have weapons?
SHEPP: It does! We saw it with Teyla.
TEYLA: We found a hangar with hundreds of drones inside.
SHEPP: That's why we need the chair!
SAM: What about shield?
MCKAY: (Looks at his computer) There is one, but activating it will require us to remove the cloak. But, I'm not sure the ship will have enough power to generate both the shield and the chair. It wasn't meant for battle.
SHEPP: Then why are there drones in it?
ZELENKA: Doctor Mckay is right. This is still a prototype, far from being complete. We can try to defend it but... we can't guarantee a win on this one.
CALDWELL: The Daedalus will stay to defend it. It's just one cruiser after all.
SAM: I can't ask you all to risk your life for this.
SHEPP: You won't have to. There's no way in hell I'm gonna leave this ship to the enemy. It's too valuable.
MCKAY: I agree.
SAM: Rodney, you have to be sure that you can have the chair ready by the time the wraiths arrive.
NOVAK: Which is in less than 24 hours.
MCKAY: Right. No pressure then.
SAM: What about the radio?
ZELENKA: We've located the control panel, but we need to activate it manually.
SHEPP: Good, it was about time. Where is it?
MCKAY: Outside of the ship?
CALDWELL: We'll have a spacesuit ready (He signs to Novak who types something on her computer) Which one of you is going Doctor?
ZELENKA: (Looks at Rodney) I am.
SHEPP: Of course...
SAM: Colonel Caldwell, do you have enough time to evacuate all non-essential personnel and bring them back here to Atlantis?
CALDWELL: If we leave now then yes, we should have enough time for one trip.
SHEPP: I'm on it. Ronon, Teyla. (They get up and leave the room in a hurry)
SAM: I can come back with the Daedalus and give you a hand.
MCKAY: No. Atlantis needs you. (He pauses. He sighs) You can send Doctor Moore instead.
SAM: Sorry?
MCKAY: Doctor Moore...
ZELENKA: (He sees Rodney struggling to make a sentence) Doctor Moore worked on the Minoria project with me, Colonel. He knows all about their technology, and his help on the chair would be highly appreciated.
SAM: Very well, I'll let him know of the situation. Carter out. (They get up)
ZELENKA: (To Rodney) You're welcome, Rodney. (Rodney looks at him leaving the room)


Sam arrives in the room where Doctor Moore is working. She is about to open the door but the door opens before. Doctor Moore is getting out of the room and stops when he sees her.

SAM: Doctor. I was about to come to see you.
MOORE: Me too, actually.
SAM: Oh. (They enter his lab and sit around a table) You first.
MOORE: Oh no, please. You came all this way already.
SAM: (She smiles) I need you to join the team aboard the Minoria ship.
MOORE: (He pauses, surprised) Me? No, Doctor Mckay said...
SAM: Doctor Mckay specifically asked for you, Leylan. They need you.
MOORE: He asked for me?
SAM: Well... not directly. Doctor Zelenka is the one who actually asked for you but it was Rodney's idea. (He stays silent) The Daedalus has detected a wraith ship coming their way. We're not sure if it is really coming for the ship but we can't really afford to wait and find out. We need to fly the ship back here to Atlantis. Or, at least have it ready to fight. And for that, we need the chair ready and functioning. And that's where you come in.
SAM: You know Minoria technology more than anyone on that base, you've been working on it for the past 6 months. You also assisted Doctor Zelenka in his translation of the journal they found.
MOORE: About that.
SAM: Yes?
MOORE: I... I took the liberty of finishing the translation.
SAM: Does it say what happened to the crew?
MOORE: Not directly. (He hands her a document) But it gives a pretty good idea about it. (She reads it)

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