Part 1

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This episode takes place after episode 1 "The Gladiators" . Please read it first, as it has references from the first episode.
This is episode 2, and it will be in two parts.

In the mess hall. Sam is sitting at a table with Sheppard, Teyla, and Doctor Leylan Moore who has a bandage around his right hand.

TEYLA: And the statues come to life?
SHEPP: Yes, but only at night. (Sam and Dr. Moore are smiling)
MOORE: It's because of an old Egyptian tablet that brings objects back to life every night past sunset.
SHEPP: (He seems offended) What do you mean, why?
SAM: It's a movie, Teyla.

Rodney arrives waving a tablet above his head. Everyone in the mess looks at him, smiling.

MCKAY: I found it! I found the last one! (They all look at him. He stops when he sees Dr. Moore) Doctor Moore? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here. What's he doing here?
TEYLA: Rodney...
MOORE: Doctor Mckay, I...
MCKAY: No no no, you should be in the lab, working. I never said you could take a break. Do you see me taking a break? (Dr. Moore is about to speak but Rodney speaks first) No, then go! (He points at the exit)
MOORE: (He sighs, looks at the others, and gets up) Excuse me, everyone. (He leaves. Rodney sits down, all fierce while the others look at him)
SAM: Rodney, I invited Doctor Moore to have lunch with us.
SHEPP: The man has been working nonstop since he first arrived 6 months ago, you should cut him some slack.
MCKAY: Slack? He's 29, he doesn't need slack. No, what he needs is focus. People nowadays are too easily distracted.
SHEPP: Doctor Moore is not 29. (He smiles, then looks at Sam who seems serious) Wait, he's 29? (They all stay silent) Rodney, that poor man looks 10 years older, you seriously have to ease up on him.
MCKAY: Oh, he was probably born like that.
TEYLA: I don't think this is really appropriate, Rodney. (Rodney looks at her and feels bad)
MCKAY: Well, I...
SAM: (Losing patience) The reason you're here Mckay?
MCKAY: Right. (He opens his tablet and gives it to her) I found the missing file.
SAM: What file?
MCKAY: Zakmus.
SHEPP: Bless you?
MCKAY: Remember that secret lab that we found last year in the west wing?
SHEPP: You mean the abandoned lab?
MCKAY: No, I mean what I just said. It was a secret lab.
SHEPP: It only took Ronon 2 minutes to find it, not so secret of a lab, if you ask me.
MCKAY: Yeah? Well, the whole city has been abandoned, calling it "abandoned" doesn't really describe it the best, does it?
SHEPP: Of course it does. It's calling it what it is, an abandoned lab. You just said it yourself, Rodney.
MCKAY: Yes, but if you just call it "abandoned lab", it might as well mean any other labs from the city, it doesn't really narrow it down.
SHEPP: Because there's no need to. We haven't really found a lot of labs recently.
SAM: I feel like we already had that conversation. Obviously, we all know which lab you're talking about.
MCKAY: And which one would that be then?
SAM: The one... Ronon found. The abandoned lab.
SHEPP: Ah ah!
MCKAY: Seriously?
SAM: Sorry. (Sam looks at Teyla. Sam takes the tablet on the table to pretend like nothing happened)
TEYLA: I think we can all agree that this place was supposed to be a secret but has been abandoned before it could serve its real purpose.
SHEPP: Thank you Teyla.
TEYLA: Now, what is it that you came here to share with us, Rodney? (Rodney points at the tablet Sam is reading)
MCKAY: This is.
SAM: It's your mission report from a year ago?
SHEPP: Hang on, hang on, are you talking about M9G441? The untouchable planet of Pegasus?
MCKAY: It's actually called Zakmus.
TEYLA: But we've been there already.
SHEPP: Yeah, that magnetic shield around it made it impossible for us to land. It was a dead end. Unless...
MCKAY: No, I did not find a way to disable the magnetic shield. Not yet at least. Remember those documents Zelenka and I found that day? It took us way more time than expected to decipher their code.
SAM: I thought you said those were incomplete.
MCKAY: They were, until today. (He points at the tablet that she reads, he taps to open another file) I present to you, the last piece of the puzzle.
SAM: You found it. Where?
MCKAY: In another lab last week. (Looks at Shepp) Abandoned, but not secret this time. See the difference now? (John makes a weird face. Rodney goes back to Sam) It was a pure coincidence; we were sent there for a power malfunction and...
SAM: (Still looking at the tablet) Rodney, these are blueprints.
SHEPP: Blueprints of what? (He looks at the tablet)
SAM: A ship.
MCKAY: (Smiles) I always like that moment.
SHEPP: (Still looking at the tablet) It looks big.
MCKAY: It is.
SHEPP: Bigger than Aurora.
MCKAY: Actually, TWICE as big. (They all look at him)
SHEPP: Where is it?
MCKAY: In orbit around the planet.
TEYLA: We never saw any ship there.
MCKAY: No, we didn't. But that doesn't mean it wasn't there.
SAM: It was clocked.
MCKAY: Bingo. (She looks at him) I know what you're gonna say, and yes. I can uncloak it. (They all look happy) In fact, I already have.

Stargate Atlantis 2 : Zakmus part 1, Lost in memoryWhere stories live. Discover now